Robby Roadsteamer to Release Acoustic The Most Pretentious Album Since Axl’s

I’m sure that the title of this article has befuddled the regulars. Maybe you did a double take to make sure you’re at the CWF Game Cast where we discuss gaming…not music. Yep, the URL is so you must be in the right place. Then, why are we talking about Robby Roadsteamer and a CD release?

Ever since our podcast in 2006 we promoted anything local. We promoted local game stores, local gaming groups, local gamers, and local musicians. We’ve promoted Chester French, which started in Cambridge and have since been featured in the HBO hit series Entourage and are now signed by a major label. We’ve promoted Matthew Ebel who has created original compositions for Ikea, Bud Light, Crayola and local podcasts like the Manic Mommies. We are now happy to promote Robby Roadsteamer who is a regular on WBCN at night with Hardy.

Robby hit the Boston music scene running and received wide coverage on VH1 for his hit single I Put a Baby in You, which is one of my favorite songs he’s done. He is now stunning everyone by releasing yet another album, his 3rd in 9 months, and his 2nd acoustic project. The album is titled The Most Pretentious Album Since Axl’s, alluding to Axl Rose.

This album will be shared at Great Scott’s in Allston on February 25th at a CD listening party. If you’re at least 18, available 8pm on the 25th, and have $8 you must head to Great Scott’s and hear Robby’s new album. To commemorate the occassion we are proud to share his official trailer with you. Additionally, Robby will be featured, with his permission, in our Music to Game By segment on Thursday’s podcast. We will play a song from his previous acoustic album LRP for you.


Robby has a unique style blending his love of 8-bit video game systems, aka the NES, mini-golf, Boston, and music. I dare you to find another musician like Robby who loves doing what he does as much as he does. You can always get more information by going to Robby’s official website at Plus, you can hear Robby co-host WBCN with Hardy on Wednesdays and Fridays starting at 7pm. Be sure to send him some great Instant Feedback. Last but not least you can buy Robby’s albums at Newbury Comics, on iTunes, or his online store.

By way of disclaimer I must state that I am a member of Robby’s official Streamsteamer team that helps to spread awareness of his musical talent. I have not received any compensation for writing this article and my involvement with his street team has not influenced me to write this article.

War @ Sea Set 2 Confirmed Releases

News for WotC’s War at Sea mini game, part of the Axis & Allies Minis, has been sparse for many months. We last discussed the game on August 22, 2007 in our article War @ Sea: A History According to Game Designer Richard Baker. Fast forward roughly 6 months to now and we’re happy to share news of confirmed releases for Set 2.

The releases are confirmed by WotC game designer for WAS Richard Baker and have been posted at Axis & Allies foruMINI. You can read and participate in the discussion at WAS Set II. With bated breath I am proud to share the unfinished list of confirmed War at Sea Set II Releases. Set 2 is officially named Task Force and has a release date of July 25, 2008.

  • Graf Zeppelin
  • BF109E (which we are allowed to land on carriers as if it were the 109T)
  • Admiral Hipper – class
  • Zara (Italian Heavy Cruiser)
  • SM.79 (Italian torpedo bomber)
  • HMCS Haida (Tribal-class destroyer, Canadian ship woohoo!!)
  • HMAS Arunta (Tribal-class destroyer, again! huh?)
  • HMS Kent (reprint of Canberra, with higher Armor value)
  • USS San Francisco
  • Tirpitz (higher cost, range and AA than Bismarck)
  • De Ruyter CA (Dutch ship)
  • Iowa sister ship
  • Akizuki-class destroyer
  • F6F Hellcat (!!! The wildcat is so overpowered I wonder how much better stats they’ll allow the immensely better Hellcat to have!)
  • Kongo sister ship (most probable)
  • USS Yorktown
  • New Japanese battleship (possibly the Fuso)
  • HMS Fencer (reprint of St. Lo)

Also, night-fighting and Kamikaze rules in set II.

I must reiterate thanks to Axis & Allies foruMINI, UNC_SAMURAI, Richard Baker, and all the WAS fans who have gathered this information and made it available on Axis & Allies foruMINI. All credit for this list goes to them.

Looking at the list we can see that it is composed of 19 models. There are 4 German, 3 IJN, 3 US, 3 UK, 2 Italian, 1 Australian, 1 French, 1 Canadian model. The composition of this is pretty fair although I would have preferred to see some more planes and fewer US vessels. This list does leave out at least 1 IJN kamikaze model, which I know must be in Set 2 because special rules for kamikazes are due to be released in conjunction with the new models.

As previously stated by Richard Baker a lot of the vessels will be repaints of existing ships and he has recently said

We saw the second round of paint masters for War at Sea II last week, and they’re making good progress. Some of the paint jobs are quite good—for example, the HMS Kent has its fantastic wartime dazzle camo. You won’t mix it up with the HMAS Canberra from set 1, trust me! I think it might be my favorite paint job in either set, just because the colors are so striking (although the Duca d’Aosta from Set 1 is quite good, too). Another good one is the HMS Fencer, which is another “reprint.&rdq uo; It looks enough like the St. Lo that we re-used the sculpt for a British CVE. With the flight deck painted wood-tone and the dazzle camo on its hull, it’s a completely different ship… you just can’t believe it’s the same model with a new paint scheme. The Fencer is a vicious ASW ship, by the way; if subs still trouble you even after the rules update, a Fencer and a Swordfish will work wonders.

I’m quite excited about all the models including the reprints. Several WAS gamers were already converting ships and repainting ships to be used in the game. The Graf Zeppelin was popular in that regard and now the rest of us can have that vessel with ease. Unfortunately I do not have pics of the new models but when they become available I will share them here for your viewing pleasure.

Until then let’s get the discussion rolling on this set. Be thankful for what got in, commiserate what didn’t make the cut, and contemplate what the kamikaze rules could be.

Black Gobbo 109 Available

The new Black Gobbo issue 109 is now available. It has enough LotR goodness to make your head spin and a dabbling of Space Orks to boot.  This issue is a must read for LotR enthusiasts. Check it out at Black Gobbo E-zine 109.

I wasn’t too happy with #107 but #109 is quite good.  All the LotR content is a nice change and it is well done.  I won’t claim that my comments here and in the January 24, 2008 episode of the podcast resulted in this changes.  But, I’m sure that GW at least partly agrees with those remarks and their internal review of the e-zine has recommended a change of the methodology.

The Harad as Allies article, and the Harad Army Lists article, both have lots of great content.  The Allies one shows a small and larger point size version of each list for most of the lists.  Plus, it gives sufficient reasoning behind the choices.  The Painting Harad Details article is fun to look at and fits in with what one finds in an army book or codex.  The pic of the Corsairs of Umbar sprue was nice but not overly useful or necessary.  All GW had to do with that was post it in the LotR Harad section of the site.  It didn’t really deserve special inclusion in Black Gobbo.  Same goes for the Haradrim Raiders sprue.  Lastly, the Ork Terrain was fun to look at.  But, it could have been more useful and significant if the article was a walk through for making each of the pieces.  I know Space Orks, and greenskins in general, cobble their structures together from disparate components forming a solid and useful product.  Naturally a lot of that occurs when you, the terrain maker, dig through your bitz and join parts together resulting in terrain that is unique.  But, even a rough guide would have been helpful.

All in all Black Gobbo 109 is a vast improvement over #107 and even an improvement on #108.  I think it is worth 4 stars and a pat on the back of the Black Gobbo team for the improvements.  Many thanks and please keep it up.

CWF-2008-2-14 News, What The?! Miniatures, and Babylon 5 A Call to Arms Stops Production

Episode 31 with Jonathan as your host discussing News, What The?! Miniatures, and Babylon 5 A Call to Arms Stops Production.

Show Length: 53:33

Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer)

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00:00 Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

02:23 News

02:32 Event Countdowns @ CWF

Magic City Champs @ Battleground Feb. 16

Vampire Counts Released March ’08

05:46 Halo 3 Tournaments @ Battleground Games in Abington Every Thursday

Thursday Night Halo 3 Tournaments

08:25 CWF’s New Banner Logo

CWF’s New Banner Logo

See Our New Logo

10:52 No Quarter #17 Pre-Order

Inside No Quarter #17

12:28 Music to Game By Check Out “Title And Registration” by Death Cab for Cutie.

17:15 What The?! Miniatures

What The?! Miniatures to Sell First Custom Figs

Battleground Weird War 2 Official Website

29:05 comedy4cast Promo

32:56 Babylon 5 A Call to Arms Ceases Production

Mongoose To Halt Babylon 5 Minis Production = 20% Off

45:55 Please send us feedback. E-mail it to cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com. Use the Contact Us Page. Go to iTunes and leave a comment. Send an IM to cwforums on AIM.

48:19 Next cast will be Thursday February 21, 2008

48:35 Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates.

Next cast will be Thursday February 21, 2008.

Mongoose To Halt Babylon 5 Minis Production = 20% Off

In a move to drastically cut expenses Mongoose Publishing is halting all production of their Babylon 5 A Call to Arms miniatures on March 31, 2008.  A Call to Arms was the 2004 Gamer’s Choice Winner at Origins designed by Matthew Sprange but even that couldn’t prevent the ax from falling.  Mongoose released this information on their website citing the increasing costs with the extensive range as the cause.

From the time Mongoose began production on the range they expanded it constantly with models for the Vree, Dilgar, and ISA to name a few.  Sadly, this will have a major negative influence on new gamers playing the game with real models.  The core rules of the game do come with punch out cardboard chits of most, if not all, ships from the game.  That will hopefully allow the game a continued existence.  To further nurture  the game Mongoose has pledged to support it through their online magazine Signs & Portents along with continued book releases.

I’m not much of a glass half full kind of guy but there is good news with the bad.  Mongoose has implemented a sweeping 20% discount off MSRP of all Babylon 5 A Call to Arms miniatures.  That makes this the perfect time to get into the game, add a new fleet, or snatch the ship you always wanted before they are gone forever.  You will be able to buy models, while supplies last, from the Mongoose website and your Friendly Local Gaming Store.  In fact I know that Battleground Games in Abington will be immediately pricing their B5 stock at 20% off.  How do I have such great information?  I heard this news and told Derek, the owner, who promptly stated his intent to reprice for all Battleground customers.

Origins Award Winner SealB5 A Call to Arms Logo

Naturally there has been discussion of this on the well read B5 A Call to Arms Yahoo group.  Jason Coffey who is the SW US Advisor for the Mongoose Demo Teams had this to say.

1) Many retailers have retailiated at Mongoose for the way AOG had B5
Wars, and Fleet Action.

2) Many Distributors would ship AOG product from the backhouse,
before ordering from Mongoose. Later Distributors refused to
Distribute B5:ACTA without having the entire range “on consignment”.

3) B5:ACTA is a gamer friendly game, and not a fundraising game at $2
to $4 a basic Infantryman. They have tried to stay away from the
crazy over-priced stuff as much as possible, and keep fleet sizes low.

4) Space Combat games are hard to keep “popular” and on the shelf.

5) Lisencing costs fit in there too.

6) Mongoose is producing a new “generic” space combat game. It is my
understanding that in addition to those factions, it will also
provide continued support for B5:ACTA. Same rule mechanics, etc.

7) Mongoose is in the UK, with production facilities in the old AOG
plant in Ohio. Part of this has to do with re-evaluating that
process. Much like how Mongoose quit producing RPG books for a while
till a in-house printer came online. While QC issues have
significantly gone down… the control is still not acceptable for a
company of under a dozen people

So anyhow… there are a few things for now.

In the meantime, if you enjoy the theme or designs as much as I do,
it is time to stock up on the miniatures. I am sure that John
Coviello can also get some via The Little Shop of Magic pending a
discussion with Mongoose.

We will still be running our Tournament at ConQuest, regardless.
Likewise we will be continuing all of our slated events for this game
in Las Vegas, NV. I am pending some conversations before we look at
the Dilgar Campaign for this fall though.