February 2008 Newsletter Available

We are proud to announce that the newest issue of the CWF Game Cast Newsletter is now available.

All subscribed CWF Game Cast fans have received a copy of the newsletter in their e-mail.

To subscribe all you have to do is e-mail cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com (Titled Subscribe). Sign-up now and keep informed about the happenings in the world of gaming!

For everyone else please go to February 2008 Newsletter. We also look forward to all constructive feedback. You can find all newsletters in our Newsletter Archive. Please send feedback to cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com.

Remember, you can unsubscribe at any time. Please send an e-mail to cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com (Titled UnSubscribe). We honor all requests submitted that way.

WordPress 2.3.3 Update Complete & WordPress Release Roadmap

The CWF Game Cast has completed its update from its 2.3.2 version of WordPress to 2.3.3. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all to you, the WordPress people did a great job of it already.

Please read WordPress 2.3.3 at the official WordPress blog. That explains all the reasons why we updated.

The upgrade went through without a hitch and was quicker than expected. Version 2.3.3 is an urgent security release that is part of the official Roadmap charting the course up to WordPress 2.6. With each release new features are added and old bugs are fixed. This mirrors the CWF Game Cast too because when we upgrade to a new version of WordPress we try to add better features to enhance your experience. We are also working to time big events, such as special podcasts, with the WordPress releases.

This method allows us to maximize the power of every incarnation of WordPress into a better CWF Game Cast.

WordPress 2.3.3 Update

The CWF Game Cast will be updating from its 2.3.2 version of WordPress to 2.3.3 today. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all to you, the WordPress people did a great job of it already.

Please read WordPress 2.3.3 at the official WordPress blog. That explains all the reasons why we are updating.

During the upgrade the blog will be unavailable. We expect this to last 30 minutes. But, check back at the blog for further updates. We’ll have the usual Site Unavailable for Maintenance Mode message up during this process.

The Pats Lose Superbowl 42 = 10 Steps to Turn Your Loss Into SUCCESS

The Patriots let the game slip from their grasp when the Giants played a superior game to win today’s Superbowl putting an end to the Patriots’ perfect season. Before everyone in New England calls me a traitor let me say that although I thought the Pats would lose the game, after I saw how the Giants were playing, I hoped I would be wrong. Everyone loves the local team to win and winning the Superbowl on top of a perfect season and combined with the Red Sox winning the World Series would be a great way for this sports season to go in Boston. Sadly that was not to be.
By now reader, you are thinking “this is a gaming blog why the heck are we talking sports?” It is true that most gamers don’t care about sports. If they did they would spend more time outdoors being physically healthy. But that is a topic for another day. The reason I mention the Superbowl and the Patriots losing it will become apparent momentarily.

There comes a time in every gamer’s life when they see the unhappy truth approaching of losing the game. Maybe the Repeater Bolt Thrower didn’t take out enough Chaos Warriors. Perhaps those Cygnarian Warjacks couldn’t kill the Butcher. Possibly you couldn’t get Power 9 out in time. Or maybe your level 70 Tauren Hunter has no friends to heal him as he ventures into Onyxia’s Lair in World of Warcraft. Whatever the case is you suddenly lose that elated feeling and realize that victory is slipping out of reach. Call it an inability to adapt to changing circumstances. Call it fate. Call it luck. No matter what you call it you’re losing.

Do you cry? Do you get throw your models across the table? Do you cede the win and give up? Or, do you throw yourself into it with a greater fervor providing the most fun your opponent and you have ever had? I’m sure you may feel like doing the first three, from time to time. However I hope that you choose the road less traveled and give it your all with a renewed source of energy.

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CWF’s 1st Podcast Promo

Finally we have succeeded in making our first promo that doesn’t suck…completely. Using GarageBand ’08 and my new iMac, yay Mac, we have recorded a 39 second promo. We tried to keep it to 30 seconds but what’s an extra 9 seconds?

Please use this promo to show your friends how much we rock and why they, like you, should listen to the CWF Game Cast. We’ll be working on other promos down the road. This first one is strictly informational but the others will touch on other genres like comedy and sci-fi.

Listen to the promo below and you can share the promo with others by right clicking CWF Game Cast Promo #1 and saving it to your computer. Then you can e-mail it to everyone. You can share this post on Digg, /., Facebook, Technorati using the icons at the bottom of this post.