Enhanced Podcast? What’s That?

“While trolling your blog I saw mention of an Enhanced Podcast. What the heck is that? It looks like it is the same thing as your regular podcast.” Those words from a friend echo the statements of the average podcast listener out there not to mention a few podcasters. Enhanced podcast as a term have been recently bantered about as a step between vidcast and podcast. Cue the record screeching. “Vidcast? Podcast? Enhanced Podcast? A gamer know not these things.” Sorry I can’t help myself when it comes to butchering a famous Yoda quote. Let’s back up a little for a brief definition of vidcast and podcast.

A podcast is an audio file composed of speech and/or music that is shared across the net. It may be in iTunes or independently on a website. It usually is joined to a blog and usually has episodes. The host or hosts discuss a topic and share their knowledge, or lack thereof, with listeners. People listen to the podcast by subscribing in iTunes or putting the RSS Feed (web address for the podcast that automatically updates with a new episode) into a program that reads it. Most commonly this is iTunes.

A vidcast is a video file composed of speech, music, and video that is shared across the net. The best example is Diggnation where two guys are seen on camera talking about the most recently popular happenings on the Digg website. A vidcast allows people to show instead of tell. You can see someone paint a model or repair a car or build a computer or cook. A podcast only lets you hear them do those activities.

An enhanced podcast is the gray area between those two. It is a special audio file that also has pictures and links to webpages in it. These pictures break the podcast up into chapters much like a book. You can click on the picture to see a larger version or click on the link to go to the associated website. This is very popular with podcasts wanting to show you pictures or give walk throughs. If I wanted to show you how to assemble a plastic tactical marine I can take pictures of each step of the way. As I describe the steps to you in the podcast you would see the corresponding picture and a link to detailed instructions for that step. Or, I can show you pictures of each new release as I talk about it along with a clickable link to buy that item.

Enough of the technical what is an enhanced podcast. Now we need to move on to why. Or, more precisely why is the CWF Game Cast doing enhanced podcasts. Each Thursday we are releasing a new podcast. That isn’t changing but from time to time we’ll turn the regular podcast into an enhanced podcast. So there will be the regular podcast and the enhanced one. The enhanced one will have those pictures and links I mentioned. Doing this lets us put more in the podcast for listeners who don’t come to our blog.

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Enhanced CWF-2008-1-31 News, Music to Game By Featuring Matthew Ebel, Vampire Counts, and DoW Soulstorm

Episode 27 Enhanced with ^Raven^ as your host discussing News, Music to Game By Featuring Matthew Ebel, Vampire Counts, and DoW Soulstorm.

Show Length: 37:12

Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

00:00 Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

01:50 Our Website = www.wargamingforums.com

01:56 News

01:56 Warhammer Fantasy Tournament @ Game Haven in North Dartmouth February 9th.

Fantasy Tournament @ Game Haven

Game Haven Official Website

04:07 White Dwarf 337 now available. Mention the glaring error.

Inside White Dwarf #337 Feb. 2008

White Dwarf #337 Quick Picks

07:25 Black Gobbo 108 now available. Mention VC stuff in VC section.

Black Gobbo 108

08:22 Warmachine Sneak Peeks. Withershadow Combine 4 Cryx. Yuri the Axe 4 Khador. Vassal of Menoth for Protectorate. Capt. Arlan Strangeways 4 Cygnar.

Withershadow Combine Pic

Yuri the Axe Pic

Vassal of Menoth Pic

Capt. Arlan Strangeways Pic

09:20 Signs & Portents #52 Available.

Signs & Portents #52 Roleplayer (Need Acrobat Reader)

Signs & Portents #52 Wargamer (Need Acrobat Reader)

10:30 CWF Game Cast Newsletter February 2008 coming out less than 48 hours.

CWF Game Cast Newsletter

12:09 Music to Game By Check Out new release “Downtown” by Massachusetts’ newest resident Matthew Ebel.

17:58 Dawn of War Soulstorm Demo

FREE Dawn of War Soulstorm Demo via Steam

26:39 Vampire Counts New Releases

Vampire Counts Range

VC Preview

35:34 Next cast will be Thursday February 7, 200835:46 Please send us feedback. E-mail it to cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com. Use the Contact Us Page. Go to iTunes and leave a comment. Send an IM to cwforums on AIM.
36:47 Our Website = www.wargamingforums.com and it has all the shownotes and updates.

Next cast will be Thursday February 7, 2008.

CWF-2008-1-31 News, Music to Game By Featuring Matthew Ebel, Vampire Counts, and DoW Soulstorm

Episode 27 with ^Raven^ as your host discussing News, Music to Game By Featuring Matthew Ebel, Vampire Counts, and DoW Soulstorm.

Show Length: 37:12

Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

00:00 Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

01:50 Our Website = www.wargamingforums.com

01:56 News

01:56 Warhammer Fantasy Tournament @ Game Haven in North Dartmouth February 9th.

Fantasy Tournament @ Game Haven

Game Haven Official Website

04:07 White Dwarf 337 now available.

Inside White Dwarf #337 Feb. 2008

White Dwarf #337 Quick Picks

07:25 Black Gobbo 108 now available.

Black Gobbo 108

08:22 Warmachine Sneak Peeks. Withershadow Combine 4 Cryx. Yuri the Axe 4 Khador. Vassal of Menoth for Protectorate. Capt. Arlan Strangeways 4 Cygnar.

Withershadow Combine Pic

Yuri the Axe Pic

Vassal of Menoth Pic

Capt. Arlan Strangeways Pic

09:20 Signs & Portents #52 Available.

Signs & Portents #52 Roleplayer (Need Acrobat Reader)

Signs & Portents #52 Wargamer (Need Acrobat Reader)

10:30 CWF Game Cast Newsletter February 2008 coming out less than 48 hours.

CWF Game Cast Newsletter

12:09 Music to Game By Check Out new release “Downtown” by Massachusetts’ newest resident Matthew Ebel.

17:58 Dawn of War Soulstorm Demo

FREE Dawn of War Soulstorm Demo via Steam

26:39 Vampire Counts New Releases

Vampire Counts Range

VC Preview

35:34 Next cast will be Thursday February 7, 200835:46 Please send us feedback. E-mail it to cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com. Use the Contact Us Page. Go to iTunes and leave a comment. Send an IM to cwforums on AIM.
36:47 Our Website = www.wargamingforums.com and it has all the shownotes and updates.

Next cast will be Thursday February 7, 2008.

Fantasy Longbeards Tourney @ Game Haven North Dartmouth Feb. 9

Game Haven Banner

We are pleased to share an upcoming Warhammer Fantasy event from you for the first time from a store in North Dartmouth. The store, Game Haven Hobbies, is hosting this fantastic event on Saturday, February 9, 2008.

This is our first time sharing any news from this store but we’re highly impressed by their website. It has a strong character and fits in very nicely with the games they support.

Their online forums are a very basic phpbb setup but they seem to do the job. The only downside is that due to an abundance of spambots new registrations must e-mail the store to have their account activated. We’re waiting on that as this article is typed in fact.

The Longbeards Tournament Information

Date: Saturday, February , 2008

Location: Game Haven, North Dartmouth, MA

Directions: Visit their website or call them at 508-961-0007.

Requirements: $10 entry fee, 2,500pt army, 3 copies of your legal army book list, special alternate lists are illegal, show up no later than 10:50am EST, have all materials you need to play (i.e dice, measuring devices, counters, templates, movement trays, army books, etc.)

Details: The tournament will be 3 rounds of play and a lunch break after the first round. The store opens at 10am and all players must show up no later than 10:50am. You need to sign up in advance for one of the 20 guaranteed spots. There will be alternate spots available in case players don’t show up on time. All rules and restrictions are available from the store or their forums.

Prizes: Grand Prize of 1,500pt WFB Army (winner’s choice). Various other prizes for other players.

White Dwarf #337 Quick Picks

We scoured the new WD and have chosen 5 Quick Picks for your perusal. If you hate reading the entire mag, have a short attention span, or just want the best here’s 5 sections you can’t miss. Our top pick is the Conquest of Empires article despite the gigantic error on p. 62 with the incorrect web link. The correct URL is http://us.games-workshop.com/news/whitedwarf/WD337/WD337.htm. Shame on you GW for this huge gaffe.

Don’t forget to read the complete table of contents for WD #337 from our article Inside White Dwarf #337 Feb. 2008.

White Dwarf 337 Title: White Dwarf 337 Date: Feb. 2008 Cost: $6

  1. The Serpent Kingdom: Battle Report: Strike of the Serpent! p. 36-55. Nice batrep to showcase the Harad releases. It is nice to see GW bring the focus back to LoTR after all these months of 40k and Apocalypse. Makes me want to see Return of the King again.
  2. The Horus Heresy/Interview: Dan Abnett p. 56-59. This at a glance of all the Horus Heresy novels is worth the peek. The informational blurbs help to encapsulate each novel. Dan Abnett’s interview provides some wonderful insight into the Black Library and all this fluff.
  3. Conquest of Empires p. 60-65. I’m a sucker for campaign coverage. I used to love reading the old articles about people’s fantasy campaigns and I also love the Mighty Empires kit. This snapshot of the GW studio campaign ends too soon. I wish they could have spent more time with a monthly installment. But, this is quality. Only downside, and its a big one, is the huge gaffe with the wrong URL.
  4. Modelling Workshop: Imperial Baneblades p. 88-95. When Apocalypse first came out Baneblade variants were shown across the net. This article shows how treadheads can convert their baneblades to fill the perfect niche. There’s something for everyone regardless of skill. The behind the scenes on Yarrick’s Fortress of Arrogance makes this worth reading all its own.
  5. Advance Orders p. 118-119. Shiny new product always leaves us with some drool on our mouths. But, this month it is very close to home. In case you couldn’t tell by my last podcast I am a Vampire Counts fanatic! The peeks of the upcoming Vampire Counts releases makes me very happy.