Inside White Dwarf #337 Feb. 2008

Wondering if the new WD is worth purchasing? The table of contents below tells you what issue #337 covers. There’s plenty of Lord of the Rings coverage along with a vampiric sneak peek.

This month has 119 pages of Games Workshop goodness to feast your eyes on. Use the below table of contents and Quick Picks, in an upcoming post, to guide your visual appetite.

White Dwarf 337 Title: White Dwarf 337 Date: Feb. 2008 Cost: $6

  • The Serpent Kingdom: Design Notes p. 18 “Mat Ward chats to Andy Hall about the new Harad book, miniatures and army lists.'”
  • The Serpent Kingdom: Battle Report: Strike of the Serpent p. 36 “Suladan gathers a huge alliance of Haradrim and Corsairs – can Gondor check this mighty threat?”
  • New Releases p. 2 “New stuff from the Citadel forges.”
  • News p. 12 “This April is Warhammer month!”
  • Black Library: Horus Heresy p. 56 “Dan Abnett speaks about his latest novel.”
  • Conquest of Empires p. 60 “The Studio staff battle it out in a campaign.”
  • Standard Bearer p. 66 “Jervis talks about archetypes in our games.”
  • Toolbox p. 69 “Purity Seal and ‘Ardcoat.”
  • Painting Masterclass: Shokk Attack Gun p. 70 “Joe Tomaszewski shows us how it’s done.”
  • Warhammer Tactica: Empire p. 80 “Cunning tips and tricks for Empire players.”
  • Modelling Workshop: Baneblades p. 88 “It’s time to go to town on the Baneblade kit!”
  • ‘Eavy Metal Showcase: Dwarfs p. 96 “A look at the stunning Studio Dwarf army.”
  • Frontline p. 100 “The latest events and activities near you!”
  • Ordering Direct p. 114 “Fast, secure mail orders straight to your door.”

Hordes Skorne New Releases

Privateer Press has just released two items for Hordes. These flesh out the Skorne army.

The first new release is the Skorne Immortals Box Set. The second is the Skorne Immortals Bister.

You can purchase them at your friendly local gaming store or direct from Privateer Press. Be sure to have the PIP number for each item you wish to order if purchasing directly from Privateer Press.

If your FLGS doesn’t stock Warmachine be sure to have them special order these models for you. You can also ask them what you can do to help them stock Warmachine.

Hordes Skorne Immortals box setSkorne Immortals Box Set – $36.99

Those skorne warriors preserved from oblivion by ancestral guardians sometimes receive bodies carved from stone and hardened clay, take up weapons heavier than any mortal could swing, and go forth to fight again as Immortals. They may die a hundred deaths only to have a new body crafted each time and rise again to stand alongside the living and wage war eternal.

The Immortals come in a unit box of six (PIP 74027), and players may add two additional blisters (PIP 74028) to create a unit of up to ten models. A player may field up to two units of Immortals for each warlock in his army.

Hordes Skorne Immortals blisterSkorne Immortals Bister – $12.99

Those skorne warriors preserved from oblivion by ancestral guardians sometimes receive bodies carved from stone and hardened clay, take up weapons heavier than any mortal could swing, and go forth to fight again as Immortals. They may die a hundred deaths only to have a new body crafted each time and rise again to stand alongside the living and wage war eternal.

Players may add two additional blisters (PIP 74028) to their box set to create a unit of up to ten models. A player may field up to two units of Immortals for each warlock in his army.

CWF-2008-1-24 Black Gobbo 107 and New Releases 4 GW’s LotR & Vampire Counts

Solocast with ^Raven^ as your host discussing Black Hobbo 107 and New Releases 4 GW’s LotR & Vampire Counts.

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1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Thursday January 24, 2008, CWF GameCast features Black Hobbo 107 and New Releases 4 GW’s LotR & Vampire Counts

3) Our Website =

4) Black Gobbo 107

Black Gobbo 107 Musings

Black Gobbo e-zine 107

5) Music to Game By Check Out “Civilization And Its Discontent” by Massachusetts’ own Matt Searles.

6) LotR New Releases

Pics of the Harad Releases

A History of Harad

7) Vampire Counts New Releases

Blood Knights Releases

Von Carstein Releases

8 ) Closing comments, next cast will be Thursday January 31, 2008.

9) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

10) Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates

Next cast will be Thursday January 31, 2008.

Black Gobbo 107 Available

The new Black Gobbo issue 107 is now available. It has a plethora of greenskin goodness for the new Space Orks. Plus, it has a nice article on Harad for LotR. The e-zine is usually a blast and this issue follows through. Check it out at Black Gobbo E-zine 107.

Unfortunately I’m usually less than enthused with the depth of the e-zine. What they do is often good but they don’t provide much beyond the surface. Take the Harad Background article in the new issue. It is some shiny pics and a couple paragraphs of background. This is the sort of thing that used to be on the GW site as regular content. Now it is “special” and deserving of VIP treatment in their e-zine. The background is good and fun to read but I don’t think it qualifies as e-zine material.

On another front there’s a technical point I take issue with. The Space Ork reference sheet is prominently displayed at the top right of the e-zine. Clicking on the image, or the link, takes us not to the pdf reference sheet nor a Space Ork page. It instead takes us to the general entry page for all 40k Quick Reference Sheets. I realize that the other sheets are helpful but if I click on a Space Ork reference sheet link (image or link) I expect to go directly to a Space Ork reference sheet or a page dedicated to the Space Ork reference sheet.

When I link people to articles on the blog I don’t link them to the main page and tell them to search or click a link for the article. I give them the URL directly to the article so they can dig in and enjoy. GW should use this as an example for them to emulate.

The Von Carsteins are coming! The Von Carsteins are coming!

Back on my birthday I was excited by pics of the new Blood Knight models for the new version of Vampire Counts in Warhammer Fantasy.  Today I’m ecstatic to share photos of my favorite vampires in the entire Warhammer world.  They’re the family we love the most…the Von Carsteins!

Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I have and use them as inspiration for next month when the new Vampire Counts are released.

Winged Vampire Lord

Konrad Von Carstein

Mannfred Von Carstein

VC Grave Guard