Babylon 5 Drakh Mothership New Release

Mongoose Publishing has just released the Drakh Mothership for its Babylon 5: A Call to Arms miniatures game. The game is a blast and the new model looks incredible. It is the perfect addition to a Drakh fleet. It retails for $49.95.

From the publisher:

Generally recognised as the largest ship in space since the disappearance of the Shadow and Vorlon planet-killing craft, the Drakh mothership is capable of being used as a frontline battleship, advanced carrier or a forward base of operations in hostile space. Able to withstand incredible amounts of damage and with the most advanced gravitic energy grid array found on any Drakh vessel, only the most powerful weapons will have an appreciable effect on the mothership.

Babylon 5 A Call to Arms Drakh Mothership

Make Lizardmen More Realistic

In Warhammer Fantasy the Lizardmen army was re-released with a new army book and models not too long ago. As part of the flavor of the month approach, I know that many gamers picked up the Lizardmen and may even still play them. This new incarnation has expanded the army into more than just dinosaurs for Warhammer Fantasy. It has spread into all types of lizards and lizard-like animals. However, dinosaurs remain an important aspect of the army.

In the December 2007 issue of National Geographic Magazine a great article covering odd dinosaurs is printed on pages 32-57. Accompanying this is a great online quiz entitled “Test Your Dino IQ: How much did you learn in school about dinosaurs that was all wrong?” Those who play Lizardmen will find this quiz interesting as a way to learn about dinosaurs and simultaneously improve their Lizardmen armies.

The artistic renderings, and photos of fossils, will inspire players to better convert their models. The quiz will help players create army lists that are more fluffy. Plus, it creates loads of opportunities for players to create their own dinosaur themed units for house play.

It is unusual for me to share content from a non-gaming source on this blog. However, this is proof that inspiration for gaming can be found everywhere. When you’re done taking the quiz why not head to your local library and borrow the December 2007 issue of National Geographic Magazine (link to the Minuteman Library Network covering 41 cities and towns in eastern Mass) and see what other dino books they have that will help you with re-craft your Lizardmen army?

Warmachine Pirates and Mercenary New Releases

Privateer Press has just released two new models for Warmachine. These flesh out the mercenary line including the new Pirates army.

The first new release is Lady Aiyana & Master Holt. The second is the Sea Dog Gun Crew. Both are great additions to your pirate themed army.

You can purchase them at your friendly local gaming store or direct from Privateer Press. Be sure to have the PIP number for each item you wish to order if purchasing directly from Privateer Press.

If your FLGS doesn’t stock Warmachine be sure to have them special order these models for you. You can also ask them what you can do to help them stock Warmachine.

Warmachine Lady Aiyana & Master HoltLady Aiyana & Master Holt – $15.99

Consummate professionals, the Iosan spell-caster Lady Aiyana and her gunslinging bodyguard Master Holt add an air of mystery to the Talion. All that is known about them is that she deftly manipulates powerful magic unknown beyond her native land and that he wields his pistols with skill and cool dispassion that unnerves even hardened soldiers.

Lady Aiyana and Master Holt come in a blister (PIP 41055) and will not work for Cryx.

Warmachine Pirates Sea Dog Deck Gun CrewSea Dog Gun Crew – $16.99

No less devastating on land than at sea, Deck Gun Crews add a deadly punch to Privateer armies. Whether obliterating tightly packed formations or singling lone targets, Deck Guns provide Sea Dogs with the firepower to breach heavy defenses or sweep aside waves of enemies in the field.

The Sea Dog Deck Gun Crew comes in a blister (PIP 41056). A player may field two Deck Gun Crews for each warcaster in his army. The Sea Dog Deck Gun Crew will work for any faction.

Runequest Blood of Orlanth & Conan Players Guide to the Hyborian Age New Releases

It has been said that we do not spend much time on RPGs. This is sadly true. RPGs are a major area of gaming that take up a big piece of the pie. There are people far more knowledgeable on them than I who do a great job discussing them. However, we found out about a couple new releases you RPG fans will like.

Mongoose Publishing is well known for the roleplaying games it makes and two of its most popular are Runequest and Conan. I know several gamers who only step foot in Battleground Games to pick up the new Runequest and Conan books. If you’re looking for a new Runequest campaign or are a player looking for some Hyborian Age information these books are for you.

Runequest RPG Blood of Orlanth CampaignThe first is a new campaign for Runequest titled Blood of Orlanth costing $29.95. From the publisher Mongoose Publishing:

There is a legend that few Gloranthans will ever know. It tells how during the Godswar, in the land which is now called Dragon Pass, Orlanth was almost slain by one of the vile Chaos Gods that rose from the Void and threatened to extinguish all life in the world. To the Orlanthi, this is a foul lie. Yet to a minor, lone cult of the barbarians, it is a terrible truth and a secret shame – a secret they guard forever.

This campaign is designed for use with any of three factions – the Player Characters can be Orlanthi barbarians, or God Learner agents, or warriors of the Empire of Wyrm Friends. Each chapter presents the same events and challenges from three different perspectives. If using this campaign with existing characters, they should be trusted allies or sworn mercenaries for one of those three factions.

Conan RPG Player’s Guide to the Hyborian AgeThe second is a new player’s guide for Conan titled Player’s Guide to the Hyborian Age costing $39.95. From the publisher Mongoose Publishing:

The Player’s Guide to the Hyborian Age contains new races, feats and spells that can be used within the game, helping to make each character truly unique, with multiple equipment kits to allow characters to be properly attired either by their culture or location. Also included are indexes detailing where to find the spells and character options already published in other Conan supplements. The Player’s Guide to the Hyborian Age is an invaluable sourcebook for the Conan game, expanding upon the information provided in the main rulebook and other supplements to enhance the experience of adventuring in the Hyborian Age.

Both of these are now available at your FLGS. Be sure to stop by and pick them up. They retail for $29.95 (Blood of Orlanth) and $39.95 (Hyborian Age).

Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Megabattle at Battleground 2008 Video

Battleground Games Logo

I had intended to share more photos from the big…scratch that for redundancy….to share more photos from the Apocalypse Mega-Battle, yeah I know another redundancy, held at Battleground Games in Abington. Instead I have something better!

What could be better than pictures taken by Commissar Grey as he’s known on the BG forum? Apocalypse music? Apocalypse slideshow? Apocalypse podcast? The answer to all those questions is no although several podcasts have been devoted to Apocalypse with the most recent being CWF-2008-1-17 Apocalypse Photos and Combat Storm Downloads.

I have video of the event taken by store owner Derek Lloyd. He just posted it on Youtube last night and I had a helluva time finding it. Many thanks to my friend Murf for the link. Without further adieu CWF Game Cast is proud to share Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Megabattle at Battleground 2008. Enjoy!
