Inside No Quarter #16 Jan. 08

Wondering if the new No Quarter is worth purchasing? The table of contents below tells you what issue #16 covers. There’s great Monsterpocalypse coverage along with a preview of the Warmachine Legends Warcasters.

Over 90 pages of Privateer Press goodness all for just $5.99 plus a great special offer for a limited edition Eiryss. You need issues 14, 15, and 16 for the Eiryss model.

  • Fire in the Hole p. 2 “Letter from the Editor-in-Chief.”
  • Bosun’s Call p. 4 “Letters to the Editor and general shenanigans.”
  • News From the Front p. 6 “Events and important news from around the world.”
  • New Releases p. 8 “The latest Privateer Press products for January and February.”
  • Monsterpocalypse! p. 12 “Privateer Press’ Next Big Thing is truly monstrous in size.”
  • Birth of Legends p. 14 “The look at what Legends has in store, starting with warcasters.”
  • Talkin’ Trash p. 29 “Oi! Don’t be a lippy git. Learn to talk the Iron Kingdom’s way, mucker.”
  • Recent Battles: Warmachine p. 30 “Things get hot at the border of Khador and Cygnar.”
  • Hosting a Terrain Party p. 39 “Get your buddies together, it’s time to make some terrain!”
  • Terrain: Staging the Battle (Part 2) p. 42 “Fzill up your new gaming table with this easy-to-make modular terrain.”
  • Modeling & Painting: Painting Stone & Gems p. 48 “Ron Kruzie shows you how to simulate stone and gems.”
  • Modeling & Painting: The Feralgeist p. 51 “Tips and tricks for mastering the feralgeist’s eerie pallor.”
  • Painting Challenge: Rock Hard Challenge p. 53 “Rocks are hard, but is painting rocks even harder?”
  • Guts and Gears: Stormblades and Stormguard p. 54 “Charge it up with these elite warriors of the Cygnaran army.”
  • Sign and Sigil: Magic Bullet Theory p. 60 “The two main schools of the IK’s gun totin’, spell-slingin’ gun mages.”
  • Secrets of Five Fingers: Gobbers and Bogrin p. 70 “Underfoot or overhead, gobbers and bogrin are here to stay.”
  • Rank and File p. 74 “Tactics and tips for maximing single-wound troopers in Hordes.”
  • The Pendrake Encounters: The Scylla Flock p. 82 “Polly want a cracker…crammed with necrotite.”
  • The Gavyn Kyle Files: Mikael Kreoss p. 86 “Revealing the man behind the mask.”
  • Parts Bin p. 90 “A look at individual parts available in the Privateer Press Store.”
  • Drawn & Quartered / Player Gallery p. 93 “IK inspired comic and some of the best fan-based paint jobs around.”

Nintendo Wii Boxing for Librarians

There’s always tons of discussions on gaming as entertainment and usually a lot on the issue of violence in games. Every game has it to some degree, no matter how indiscernible, but most notably discussion focuses on video games. When Grand Theft Auto came out people were upset over shooting cops, running over people, and buffing health by having sex with a prostitute. If you look back far enough I’m sure people were upset that Pac-man ate the dots.

However, games are more than simple entertainment. They in fact are great educational tools, even the US military uses FPS and air simulators to train its troops, and much more. Libraries have embraced games as a way to bring teens and children into the library. This exposes teens to the games they love and much more. They can learn how to program games of their own, read fiction similar to the game, watch films and listen to movies that inspired the games. Most importantly, they can use these games as a way to interact with others their age and form bonds they may otherwise not form.

The Nintendo Wii is a prime example of gaming as a community experience. Wii Sports, which ships with the game, is geared as a group activity. In the Youtube Vid below, created by friend and librarian Beth, librarians are experiencing Wii Boxing so they can operate it for teens in their own libraries.

Next time you think video games are just for children think of this vid.


No Podcast 1/10/08

Yesterday something drastic happened that has caused there to be no podcast today. My brand new iMac needs to be in the shop. Somehow, a disc is stuck in the optical drive and requires some love and attention from the kind people at the Apple store.

Only a few weeks ago the podcast had come back from its lengthy hiatus and I promise that today’s absence will not oft be repeated. I’ve searched high and low for another machine to podcast on to no avail. I know missing a week is a pain but to make up for it I have compiled a list of things you can do in the time you would have spent on listening to today’s podcast.

  1. Play World of Warcraft. I have become addicted to this game as a result of the free trial I got for my Mac. I’ve tried the trial on my XP too but I honestly believe the game plays better, much better, on the Mac. I never thought I’d say a game plays, never mind plays better, on Mac but here it is.
  2. Read/Re-Read the January ’08 White Dwarf and the new No Quarter. White Dwarf has great coverage of the new Space Orks, yes I still call them Space Orks, and a kickass batrep. If you’re not sure what parts to read then glance at our Quick Picks and see what’s Inside White Dwarf. That’ll help you find your way.
  3. Try a new game. There’s loads of new games out there to play. Some are good and some not so much. Give Sitting Ducks a shot, or make a wacky machine with Infernal Contraption. Why not see what board games out there fancy you?
  4. Visit your FLGS. After the holidays you may still have some extra $$. Head over to your FLGS, pick up that shiny box you’ve been wanting. Or, just get a game in. Maybe some 40k or Warmachine, perhaps a little Fantasy or Hordes. There’s LotR and Confrontation and AT-43 too. Maybe you’d like to do a Yu-gi-oh duel or lay the smack down in Magic.
  5. Paint your models. This is always on the back burner for me but sometimes finding the time to do this is the hardest part. You now have 30 minutes so get painting.
  6. Catch up on the articles here at the CWF Game Cast. January has seen lots of vid articles. Sit back, relax, and watch what’s new.

Once again I apologize for not having a podcast for you today. Once my Mac comes home everything will be back to normal. Thank you for your patience and understanding and as always keep on gaming!

^Raven^ Plays World of Warcraft

I’ve finally climbed from under the rock shielding me from World of Warcraft all these years. I downloaded a free trial for my Mac yesterday and have been playing it in my spare time. It is stunning! I am playing Rajzar the Troll Mage who lives for the Horde. So far I’m a level 8 mage, using Fire and Frost, with a First Aid profession. That’ll come in handy…right?

I’ve vanquished tigers, harpies, undersea shelfish people, and crazy evil trolls. The highlight of tonight was vanquishing a lvl 10 Troll Mage for my quest. He was tough but worth it. My first night out I met a new person online who is an Orc Warrior. He is quite friendly and we’ve teamed up to do our quests together. We’re both level 8, now, and it is fun to see our characters grow. Last night my friend Steve, who is an uber level Warlock, joined us and used his Daemons to help us kill the human sailors that had invaded our homeland.

Each night before I sign out I go back to my home via my hearthstone. Then I find a comfy spot to curl up and sleep. Tonight when I did that I noticed something funny, to me at least, and thought I’d share it with all of you. Who knew Trolls liked to hide under pillows when they slept?  Be sure to click the pic for a larger version.

Sleepy Troll

Apocalypse Pics from Battleground Part 1

Battleground Games Logo

The first images have started to arrive from the Apocalypse Mega-Battle held at Battleground Games on Saturday, January 7th. The event was a huge success with lots of carnage and explosions. We will be sharing pictures, video, and audio from the event with you as it is made available to us.

The images below were posted on the official Battleground Games message board by moosifer37. He also came up with the great captions. Be sure to head over to the official BG forum to see the original images and all the new stuff people are posting.

If you have any pics, video, or audio from the event please send it attached in an e-mail to cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com.

heroic pose web

This one is after the valiant and heroic stand near the tower objective. Not pictured is the brother captain’s forces who perished in the assault but is not forgotten.

standing web

Here is the space marine chapter loki’s chosen standing up to an iron warrior line breaker squadron.

standing after

As you can see the earth still shakes after the vicious linebreaker attack, with soo many battle brothers dead.

top gun

I call this one the top gun view from a chaos fighter going a billion miles an hour.