White Dwarf #336 Quick Picks

We scoured the new WD and have chosen 5 Quick Picks for your perusal. If you hate reading the entire mag, have a short attention span, or just want the best here’s 5 sections you can’t miss. Our top pick is the Design Studio A Year in Review/What the Future Holds.

Don’t forget to read the complete table of contents for WD #336 from our article Inside White Dwarf #336 Jan. 2008.

  1. Tactica Aeronautica p. 15. Nice expansion for Forgeworld’s Aeronautica Imperialis. Provides a clix atmosphere to 40k air combat and adds a healthy dose of Tau.
  2. Waaagh! Da Orks: Design Notes p. 22-35. The who, what, when, where, how and why of the new Orks. This is complete with sample list, breakdown or sprues, and painting guide. It is a one stop overview for all Ork Warbosses.
  3. Design Studio: A Year in Review/What the Future Holds p. 60-65. If you spent 2007 on Mars you missed all the great GW achievements. Improved customer service, Apocalypse, and tons of codices just to name a few. A terrific peek at 2008’s many surprises is included too!
  4. Lord of the Rings: Movie Moments p. 66-71. This pick is dedicated to scoper22 who reminded us of how kickass LotR is. The game is all about the epic, in value or scope, moments portrayed on screen. You will get loads of ideas for recreating your favorite movie moments in this wonderful article.
  5. Warhammer Tactica: Flying Creatures p. 84-89. Much ink has been devoted to 40k of late. But, we mustn’t forget Warhammer Fantasy. Flying monsters are terrifying if used properly. Thankfully this article will set you on the straight and narrow.

Inside White Dwarf #336 Jan. 2008

Wondering if the new WD is worth purchasing? The table of contents below tells you what issue #336 covers. There’s plenty of Waaagh! coverage along with lots of new goodness.

This month has 119 pages of Games Workshop goodness to feast your eyes on. Use the below table of contents and Quick Picks, in an upcoming post, to guide your visual appetite.

  • Waaagh! Da Orks: Design Notes p. 22 “Phil Kelly reveals why the new Warhammer 40000 Ork Codex is ‘da best one ever!'”
  • Waaagh! Da Orks: 40k Battle Report: Da Tale of Two Bosses p. 40 “Ork Warbosses Brainbiter and Gitkilla are set to unite to form a mighty Waaagh! Can Tigurius stop them?”
  • New Releases p. 2 “All the latest models from the Citadel forges.”
  • News p. 16 “Quake in fear! The Vampires are coming…”
  • Design Studio: The Road Ahead p. 60 “A look at what’s coming up in 2008.”
  • The Lord of the Rings: Movie Moments p. 66 “Inspirational scenes for your battle games.”
  • New Citadel Range p. 74 “We ring in the changes to the Citadel range.”
  • Standard Bearer p. 80 “Jervis invites you to try a game or three.”
  • Warhammer Tactica: Flying Creatures p. 84 “Introducing some low cunning for high flyers.”
  • Painting Masterclass: Eltharion The Grim p. 90 “The Warden of Tor Ybresse, step-by-step.”
  • Toolbox p. 99 “Plastic Cutters.”
  • Frontline p. 100 “The latest events and activities near you!”
  • Ordering Direct p. 114 “Fast, secure mail orders straight to your door.”

40k Apocalypse Vid on Youtube by Lanparth

With the 40k Apocalypse Mega-Battle (yes I know that’s redundant) happening in less than 8 hours I thought everyone will enjoy some Apocalypse fun. One of my Youtube subscriptions, Lanparth, discussed Apocalypse a few months back and I’m giving him a nod by sharing his vid with all of you.

I don’t agree with everything he says, in fact I hardly ever agree with anything he says, but he offers a differing opinion than I on most issues. Watching his vid will either give you a chance to agree with someone, “Hey Lanparth totally agrees with everything I have to say. Fuck GW!” Or, you’ll vehemently disagree with him “Lanparth you tool! GW r0x0rz my s0x0rz and Apocalypse is mana from Jebus.”

Maybe I’ll do a bit in the podcast about Lanparth and his GW vids on Youtube. Then again, there’s other stuff to discuss.


Sneak Peek at WordPress 2.4…I Mean 2.5

Coming to a blog near you late January is WordPress 2.4. Oh wait I’m sorry that’s no longer true. The people at WordPress have decided to skip release 2.4 because of New Years and Christmas last. Instead WordPress 2.5 will be coming to a blog near you, i.e. the CWF Game Cast, in March.

If you have a blog running WordPress you will be interested to see the changes in 2.5 and there will be subtle and not so subtle changes in 2.5. Overall, however, the new version won’t noticeably affect you as you visit and read all the content on this blog. However, when 2.5 is released I shall be upgrading to it and that will assuredly result in a learning curve. There’s plenty of time until then but when that time comes I ask everyone to be patient as I re-learn WordPress.

WordPress is an open source project and one of the benefits of that is being able to see behind the scenes of the work in progress. Tubetorial has released a nice vid to show what the backend (i.e. what we use when writing posts and I see to keep this blog operational).


January 2008 Newsletter Available

We are proud to announce that the November 2007 issue of the CWF Game Cast Newsletter is now available.

All subscribed CWF Game Cast fans have received a copy of the newsletter in their e-mail.

To subscribe all you have to do is e-mail cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com (Titled Subscribe). Sign-up now and keep informed about the happenings in the world of gaming!

For everyone else please go to January 2008 Newsletter. We also look forward to all constructive feedback. You can find all newsletters in our Newsletter Archive. Please send feedback to cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com.

Remember, you can unsubscribe at any time. Please send an e-mail to cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com (Titled UnSubscribe). We honor all requests submitted that way.