Arcane Miniatures Painting Winners Revealed

Arcane Miniatures have finally revealed the winners of their painting competition after a small delay.

The 1st Place winner is Andy Marshall’s Pan Oceania Cutter. You can find more pics of his amazing paint job by going to Pan Oceania Cutter by Andy Marshall. As always be sure to click the below pics for a closer look.

1st Place Winner Andy Marshall’s Pan Oceania Cutter

2nd Place Winner Timo Sorsa’s Hogarth the Colossus

3rd Place Winner Hedley Coppock’s Ophidian Archer

40k Drop Pods on the Cheap

Drop Pods have become more and more popular for Space Marines armies lately. Yet, I’ve often heard players exclaim “they cost too much $$ for me to use!” has a great article, Drop that Pod, to help you build drop pods for $5 per pod. Not a bad deal! The article provides concise and easy to follow instructions for making your own pods.

Here’s what you start with (click pics for a closer look)

Top Pic = Starting components, Bottom Pic = Completed pod

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Star Wars Minis: Battle of Hoth

Long time fans of the Star Wars Minis game will remember when the big Hoth AT-AT, see below & click the pic for a closer look, was released. This lumbering giant, the largest model for the game, prompted numerous stores to run Battle of Hoth events. I know that a very successful one was held at Battleground Games in Abington.

Now, you can run these events again with more flavor and ease. The Battle of Hoth Scenario Pack (click the pic for a closer look) is coming out featuring a re-painted AT-ST, Hologram General Veers, Snowspeeder, and other figures. This includes 17 non-randomized figures (2 very rare, 6 rare, 4 uncommon, 5 common), map, rules, life counter sheet, and a d20. I’ve only seen this, so far, online at Arcane Miniatures where it is retailing for 31.50 GBP (MSRP of 35 GBP).

I am sure it will be coming to US retailers and at a lower price than the conversion of $73.19. I’m guessing that this set will retail in America for $44.99 or $49.99. That’s not bad when you think about it. It has two huge figs, plus 1 exclusive fig, and a ton of rares.

Penny Arcade Burns EB Games

Penny Arcade managed to hit the nail on the head, yet again, in accurately shedding light on practices at “non-mainstream” (i.e. not Best Buy) video game stores in the comic below.

PA targets EB Games but it can just as easily been Game Stop or any other such store. Not too long ago a friend and I were at the Game Stop near him in a mall next to a movie theatre he used to work at. Two guys were working, one in his 30s and one late teens early 20s. My friend and I were checking out the new Wii games looking for Resident Evil 4. As soon as we walked into the store the younger employee saunters over to us, trying to get past the two girls wanting to pay for product, and as he clamors over his obstacle he rushes into us blurting out “Find anything you’d like to pre-order?” No, we’re all set thanks.

My friend found the game he wanted and I took a peek at the PS2 games where I had a “Need to pre-order?” catapulted at me. Seriously, I’m all set go diddle the merchandise or something. My friend went to pay for his game and the older employee, a manager I guess, launched into a debate of worst game ever. He was all cocky thinking he’d best my friend. The younger employee joined in and Team Game Stop thought they had trounced the lowly gamer with their superior gaming knowledge, why else work at a video game store except to make fun of customers and pretend to be superior, when my friend pulls out the Holy Grail of abysmal video games. Scraping the bottom of the barrel my friend sends a retort flying of the one game known to make up a buried mound of video games. A game so bad that the game maker went out of business and its owner went into Chuck e Cheese. You guessed it….E.T.!

Team Game Stop was Team Game Stumped and as dumbfounded as we left the store. Yet, they were they recovered their wits in time to hurl a feeble put down “That’s an old game…doesn’t count.” Whatever lets you sleep at night.

For Team Game Stop and game store employees everywhere with superiority complexes I dedicate my sharing of the below PA comic to YOU. As the Klingons say, “revenge is a dish best served cold.” Here’s my revenge so be sure to share and enjoy!

(Click the comic to get a closer look)

Ocean Mist 1.2 Takes Over CWF Game Cast

We have a new theme! This triumphal news comes to you after a lengthy dedication to the Blue Memories theme and the Rounded V2 blue edition before that. Both served us well but now that we’re more comfortable with WordPress 2.3+ we decided to jazz up the blog with a new theme. Fulfilling that pair of shoes is Ocean Mist 1.2 by Ed Merritt.

Ocean Mist caught our eyes when researching themes for a new blog. Its easy installation, widget support, great sidebar, and more professional yet laid back look won us over. Being named Ocean Mist didn’t hurt either. Every theme we’ve used has a blue color scheme with a hint of the ocean, living in Massachusetts will do that to a fellow, and Ocean Mist expertly follows suit.

What does this new theme mean for you? Changes, obviously, but aside of that your experience at the CWF Game Cast will be easier and better. You will more easily find content. You can more easily subscribe to our RSS feeds (podcast and blog) through the sidebar. You will more easily know what is a link by the red box surrounding pics. You can more easily spot what categories an article belong in by the Categories list beneath each article. Want to read the full article, and not just the teaser? You can click on the big “Read More >>” button under every article. For the first time ever our links show a brief description of each link and how it relates to the CWF Game Cast.

All this newness hasn’t changed the great features you’ve always loved. The tags, comments, Print This Post, and Digg submission icons are in their same great place….under every single article. The search bar is still in the sidebar, you still log in at the top of the sidebar, and our polls still feature prominently in the sidebar.

Speaking of polls, we have created a new one soliciting your input on our new theme. Take the time to vote in it. For your pleasure, the poll is in the sidebar. Please vote and be heard.