Quizzes for Massachusetts Gamers

This blog is aimed at gaming in Massachusetts and let’s face it, most gamers are geeks and nerds. I found 2 quizzes online that you have to take. They gauge your nerd type and how Massachusetts you are.

Take them here. For the record, I’m 100% Massachusetts.

Dude! You’re 100% from Massachusetts!



Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I’ll pick you up at the Coop at 6.

How Massachusetts are you?

What Be Your Nerd Type?

Your Result: Gamer/Computer Nerd



You enjoy the visual stimulants of a video game, chatting on AIM, or reading online comics. Most of these types of nerds are considered dirty who lack hygeine, of course they always end up being the ones who make a crapload of money. And don’t worry, that’s just a stereotype; I’m not calling you dirty. ^_~

Literature Nerd



Social Nerd



Anime Nerd



Science/Math Nerd



Drama Nerd






Artistic Nerd



What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quizzes for MySpace

Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Free Warhammer Competition

Hi all

I have started a new website www.fantasy-wargames.com.  The aim of the site is to help fantasy and sci-fi gamers find model bargains on Ebay.

To celebrate the launch I am holding a free competition with loads of interesting Warhammer and GW models as prizes.  Some are quite unusual models from the 1980s.  Just visit www.fantasy-wargames.com and sign up for the comp.  Please remember that when you sign up for the comp you will be sent a confirmation email and you have to confirm your mail to be entered – check your junk!

Please tell all your gaming friends about it!

All the best



President Bush Sings Sunday Bloody Sunday

It is impossible to play wargames and not think of the actual wars and the impact they’ve had on mankind. Whether we’re paintballing, playing 40k, sitting in front of Halo 3, or going at it in War at Sea the real wars blend with us and the games we play.

While everyone is going after candy on this Halloween view the YouTube vid, below, of President Bush singing U2’s “Sunday Bloody Sunday” courtesy of DJ RX.


November 2007 Newsletter Available

We are proud to announce that the November 2007 issue of the CWF Game Cast Newsletter is now available.

All subscribed CWF Game Cast fans have received a copy of the newsletter in their e-mail.

To subscribe all you have to do is e-mail cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com (Titled Subscribe). Sign-up now and keep informed about the happenings in the world of gaming!

For everyone else please go to November 2007 Newsletter. We also look forward to all constructive feedback. You can find all newsletters in our Newsletter Archive. Please send feedback to cwfgamecast [at] wargamingforums [dot] com.

Inside No Quarter #14 Sept. 07

Wondering if the new No Quarter is worth purchasing? The table of contents below tells you what issue #14 covers. There’s plenty of great Allies coverage along with a kickass Cryx vs. Menoth battle report.

Over 90 pages of Privateer Press goodness all for just $5.99 plus a great special offer for a limited edition Eiryss.

  • Fire in the Hole p. 2 “Letter from the Editor-in-Chief.”
  • Bosun’s Call p. 4 “Letters to the Editor and general shenanigans.”
  • News From the Front p. 5 “Events and important news from around the world.”
  • New Releases p. 8 “The latest Privateer Press products for September and October.”
  • Warmachine Preview: Allies p. 11 “Who’s your buddy? These hardcover warriors, that’s who!”
  • Battle Report: Shifting Sands, Shifting Fate p. 18 “Cryx and the Protectorate bring their Allies to a scrap in the desert.”
  • Modeling and Painting: Allies p. 36 “Bringing your faction’s new friends to the battle in style.”
  • Mounted Mastery: Cavalry Tactics p. 42 “Get the most out of your cavalry units with these tactics and tips.”
  • Recent Battles: Evolution p. 47 “New scenarios inspired by Hordes: Evolution.”
  • Objects of War p. 57 “Scenarios for Warmachine themed terrain by Gale Force 9.”
  • Terrain: Brick by Brick p. 62 “Alfonso Falco talks about the making of the Castle of the Keys.”
  • Something Wicked… p. 66 “Infernalists in the Iron Kingdoms. Make sure you read the fine print.”
  • The Pendrake Encounters: Cephalyx p. 76 “The Cephalyx don’t want your brain. They want to make it better.”
  • Guts and Gears: Deliverers p. 80 “The Deliverers bring the Word with faith. Oh, and lots of rockets.”
  • Staff Army: Tough and Flexible p. 86 “Privateer Press’ Justin Steurich shows off his vibrant Trollblood army.”
  • Infernal Contraption 2: Sabotage! p. 88 “A primer for Infernal Contraption and preview of Sabotage!”
  • Parts Bin p. 90 “A look at individual parts available in the Privateer Press Store.”
  • Drawn & Quartered / Player Gallery p. 93 “IK inspired comic and some of the best fan-based paint jobs around.”