Poll: Monthly Gaming Expenditures?

How much do you spend each month on gaming?  New models, dice, board games, CCGs, boosters, and all the other product to go with it.  It adds up and becomes costly in a hurry.

Our new poll hopes to gauge how much, on average, a gamer spends each month to game.

Be heard by voting in the poll!


American Leadership & War Animated Map

A former co-worker and friend of mine recently clued me into a great website showing maps, and animated maps, relating to war. Since this is a wargaming website I’m sure the maps will be of interest to you wonderful readers. From time to time we’ll share a map and do our best to tie it into gaming. By nature some of these maps will be political but I will limit that as much as possible.

The first map we’re sharing is American Leadership & War courtesy of MapsofWar.com. Starting with the Founding Fathers, thank you Daddy Washington, the map shows the wars/conflicts America has been in and the casualty total. It compares the political parties (Founding Fathers, Democrats, and Republicans), color coding, and at the end shows which president was in office for each bloodshed.

What party do you think got us into the bloodiest wars? You may be surprised.

Did you guess correctly?  If nothing else this map shows many more conflicts than most people even know about.

New Poll Debates The “Right” Price for Clix Games

We just unveiled a new weekly poll to initiate a debate on the “right” price for clix games. Collectible games are very costly. Clix, collectible minis, and collectible cards use the “gotta get them all” mentality thereby leeching all availability money from hapless gamers looking to get their fix.

I am a collectible gamer and I spend far too much money on collectible games. Their shiny pre-paintedness, the fun poses, the easiness of it all and playing out of box with little effort draws me in. Give the clerk money, rip open box, analyze contents, read rules, play game. This sequence takes far less time than one expects yet costs bundles of greenbacks in the long run.

You can be heard by voting in the poll (booster = 5-7 minis)!


The Conversion Vault: 40k Cadian Rough Riders

Here’s one from our Conversion Vault.  A 40k Cadian Rough Rider with some real mobility. With Apocalypse now out take the time to update your IG with this great conversion.  Click the pics for a closer look.

I Play Stellar on Guitar Hero

This is one of the first vids I ever made and put on YouTube. I try to play Stellar on Guitar Hero for the PS2. It is Medium difficulty, my first time playing this song at that level, and well I mess up a few times. Still, I think it is worth the sharing here. Please, be gentle with your mockery.
