War @ Sea: Better Tokens?

War at Sea Token Set

In War at Sea the tokens, that come with the starter box, are quite important. They denote damage, alert to crippled and destroyed vessels, mark objectives, and even state when aircraft is aborted or re-arming. All in all the tokens are bloody useful and nicely made. However, they do have a drawback that every serious gamer needs to consider. The tokens are thin cardboard that is difficult to pick up from the map. This dexterous task is further enfeebled when trying to prevent the map’s disarrangement.

Some players on the official War at Sea forum are discussing better tokens from a premier online retailer. The company, Litko Aerosystems, is a poor man’s GF9 that doesn’t sacrifice quality. Litko has agreed to make a set of War at Sea tokens, top left at full size, for a reasonable price of $20 if they get 25 pre-orders.

At first glance it may seem a waste of money instead of trying to do it yourself. But, after looking at their existing product (see the custom tokens below) and especially their token sets it is easy to see that $20 is a good deal for everything included in the War at Sea token set.

All the products made by Litko are really nice. Just look at their token sets to see what I mean. Before you pre-order the War at Sea token set (40 tokens for just $20 USD) there’s 1 thing that may be a downside for some gamers. The tokens are not licensed and that mans they cannot have any official War at Sea logos or icons on the tokens. I think that doesn’t matter at all in this case. Who really needs some logo on a token that says my carrier is sunk? Not I.

Be sure to place your pre-order now for the nice token set.

Printing Easier Than Ever With Printer Friendly Articles

Don’t you hate going to a website, finding something you like, and then trying to print it without all that extra stuff? Or, when it prints parts of the website out on tons of pages of paper?

Websites have created printer friendly versions that print much easier. Now, the CWF Game Cast has done the same.

We are using a great plugin that helps you to print articles from this blog and bring them with you when you game.

At the bottom of each article, right under the ratings, is a printer icon and the words “Print this article” Click that and you will get a printer friendly version of the article. For example here is a printer friendly version of our War @ Sea: 8/15/07 100pt Tourney @ Battleground Games article. Compare that to the regular, printer unfriendly, War @ Sea: 8/15/07 100pt Tourney @ Battleground Games article.

Once you have your printer friendly version you can either print as normal (File>Print, Ctrl+P, Apple+P, etc) or you can scroll to the bottom of the printer friendly page and click the “Click here to print” text. Moments later the article arrives out of your printer.

For the interested parties the articles will print all graphics/pictures, comments, and links. To save on ink please set your printer to print in black & white. We can alter the settings on our end and if the demand is high we will alter them. We can toggle the setting for printing graphics, comments, and links separately.

Hope you enjoy this new feature and happy printing!

War @ Sea: 8/15/07 100pt Tourney @ Battleground Games

On Wednesday, 8/15/07, at 730 the first ever War at Sea Tournament will be held at Battleground Games in Abington.

The tourney has a $5 buy in cost that will go towards prizes. The tourney is 100pts and uses standard official War at Sea rules. The Rules Clarifications are available at https://wargamingforums.com/downloads/War_at_Sea_Clarifications.pdf (the pdf requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file. You can get Acrobat Reader for FREE HERE).

Rule Set: You need the Advanced Rulebook (zipped PDF), it comes with the Starter box, and the Rules Clarifications to play. The Quick Start Rules (zipped PDF) can help you learn how to play if you haven’t before.

Prizes: All participants will receive 1 Promo War at Sea ship. The winner will receive the total $$ in store credit. The more people who play the more store credit you can win. If 3 people play then it is $15 store credit, 10 = $50 store credit, 20 = $100 store credit, etc.

Fleet Restrictions: All normal fleet restrictions and regulations take place. No fleet can exceed 100pts. Bring 1 fleet (Axis or Allies) composed of 100 pts and no more than 15 units that adheres to the Building a Fleet rules on page 11 of the Advanced Rulebook. There are no historical limitations but you can use them if you want.

Points: Your fleet cannot have more than 100pts of models.

Questions: Visit the official Battleground Games forums: War @ Sea Tourney: 8/15/07 thread.

Axis & Allies Minis/War @ Sea: Master Have/Wants List

With the success of the War @ Sea: Master Have/Wants List it was time to add regular Axis & Allies Minis (AAM) to the mix. As an added bonus we’ve integrated the newest and most up to date War @ Sea (WAS) list. Be sure to keep track of this article as it will have updates for the combined AAM/WAS lists.

Many gamers who play Axis and Allies Minis also play War @ Sea and vice versa. The new set for AAM comes out end of this year and nows the perfect time to trade with other gamers to complete your sets.

If, you happen to have anything I want please don’t hesitate to contact me. Send an e-mail to cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com or talk to me in person or on AIM as cwforums.

Axis & Allies Minis/War @ Sea High Priority List


  • 1x Admiral Graf Spee (#34, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 1x Tone (#61, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 1x Vittorio Veneto (#48, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 1x Yamato (#63, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 1x Guards T-34/85 (#9, Set 2)
  • 1x King Tiger (Set 2)
  • 2x SS-Panzer IV Ausf. F2 (Set 2)
  • 1x Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind (#29, Contested Skies)
  • 1x Junkers JU 87G Stuka (#31, Contested Skies)
  • 1x Messerschmitt Bf109E (#33, Contested Skies)
  • 1x StuG III Ausf. D (#37, Contested Skies)
  • 1x 88m Flak 36 (#26, D-Day)
  • 1x Focke-Wulf Fw190A (#28, D-Day)
  • 1x Messerschmitt Me110 (#34, D-Day)

Complete List


  • 1x Kongo (#57, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 2x USS Washington (#33, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 2x USS Iowa (#27, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 2x Myoko (#58, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 1x USS St. Lo (#31, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 1x Yamato (#63, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 1x Tone (#61, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 1x Admiral Graf Spee (#34, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 1x Vittorio Veneto (#48, War at Sea: Base Set)
  • 1x KV-1 (#4, Base Set)
  • 1x T-34/76 (#6, Base Set)
  • 1x Churchill Crocodile (#8, Base Set)
  • 1x M3 Lee (#20, Base Set)
  • 1x Type 95 Ha-Go (#48, Base Set)
  • 1x 7TPdw (#5, Set 2)
  • 1x Guards T-34/85 (#9, Set 2)
  • 1x IS-2 Model 1944 (#10, Set 2)
  • 1x Cromwell IV (#16, Set 2)
  • 1x Type 1 Ho-Ni (#40, Set 2)
  • 1x Char B1-bis (#3, Contested Skies)
  • 1x IL-10 Sturmovik (#9, Contested Skies)
  • 1x Su-85 (#12, Contested Skies)
  • 1x Comet A-34 (#15, Contested Skies)
  • 1x M26 Pershing (#20, Contested Skies)
  • 1x M36 MGC (#21, Contested Skies)
  • 1x M4A3 (105) Sherman (#22, Contested Skies)
  • 1x Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind (#29, Contested Skies)
  • 1x Junkers JU 87G Stuka (#31, Contested Skies)
  • 1x Messerschmitt Bf109E (#33, Contested Skies)
  • 1x StuG III Ausf. D (#37, Contested Skies)
  • 1x Type 89A Chi-Ro (#43, Contested Skies)
  • 1x Somua S-35 (#5, D-Day)
  • 1x SU-76M (#7, D-Day)
  • 1x Churchill AVRE (#9, D-Day)
  • 1x Hawker Typhoon (#12, D-Day)
  • 1x “Amtrack (#17, D-Day)
  • 1x Lockheed P-38G Lightning (#20, D-Day)
  • 1x M7 105mm Priest (#24, D-Day)
  • 1x 88m Flak 36 (#26, D-Day)
  • 1x Focke-Wulf Fw190A (#28, D-Day)
  • 1x Messerschmitt Me110 (#34, D-Day)
  • 1x L3/35 (#40, D-Day)


I have Axis & Allies Mini, War @ Sea, and Starship Battles for trade. If there’s an item you don’t see that you won’t let me know and I’ll see what I can do. I’ll do 1:1 for most Rares. At the bottom is my list of Starship Battles for trade. I prefer to trade but if you want to buy items I have prices, subject to change, are listed.

Axis & Allies Minis/War at Sea Haves

  • 1x HMAS Canberra (#1, Rare, War at Sea: Base Set) $5.00 ea SOLD OUT
  • 1x HMAS Sydney (#2, Uncommon, War at Sea: Base Set) $2.50 ea
  • 1x Le Terrible (#4, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 1x Richelieu (#5, Rare, War at Sea: Base Set) $10.00 ea
  • 2x HMS Ajax (#6, Uncommon, War at Sea: Base Set) $2.50 ea
  • 2x HMS Ark Royal (#7, Rare, War at Sea: Base Set) $7.50 ea
  • 1x HMS Hood (#9, Rare, War at Sea: Base Set) $10.00 ea
  • 4x HMS Javelin (#10, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 2x HMS Truculent (#12, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 1x Sea Hurricane Mk. 1B (#13, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 4x Sea Hurricane Mk. 1B (#13, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea ON HOLD
  • 3x Swordfish MK. II (#14, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.50 ea
  • 1x PBY Catalina (16/64, Uncommon, War at Sea: Base Set) $3.00 ea SOLD OUT
  • 2x PT Boat (#17, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 2x TBD Devastator (#20, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.50 ea
  • 1 USS Barb (SS 220) (#23, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 1x USS Samuel B. Roberts (#30, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 1x USS Tennessee (#32, Rare, War at Sea: Base Set) $7.50 ea
  • 2x U 510 (#41, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 2x Z 20 Karl Galster (#42, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea ON HOLD
  • 3x Ambra (#43, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 5x Motor Torpedo Boat (#47, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 1x A6M2 “Zeke” (#49, Common, War at Sea: Baset Set) $1.00 ea
  • 1x B5N2 “Kate” (#51, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 2x B5N2 “Kate” (#51, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea ON HOLD
  • 2x D3A “Val” (#52, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 1x G4M “Betty” (#53, Uncommon, War at Sea: Base Set) $2.00 ea
  • 1x I-19 (#54, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 1x Jintsu (#55, Uncommon, War at Sea: Bas Set) $2.50 ea
  • 2x Shokaku (#60, Rare, War at Sea: Base Set) $7.50 ea
  • 2x Type 13 Subchaser (#62, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • 3x Yukikaze (#64, Common, War at Sea: Base Set) $1.00 ea
  • I have a lot of Reserves set $$$ varies

Starship Battles Haves

  • 1x Mon Calamari Cruiser Home One (Unique) $5.00 ea
  • 1x Outrider (Unique) $3.00 ea
  • 2x Wild Karrde (Unique) $2.50 ea
  • 1x Luke Skywalker’s X-wing (Unique) $5.00 ea
  • 1x Invisible Hand (Unique) $3.00 ea
  • 2x Palpatine’s Shuttle (Unique) $2.50 ea
  • 1x Slave 1 (Boba Fett) (Unique) $5.00 ea
  • 2x Virago (Unique) $1.50 ea

Let’s Make Fun of Collectible Minis

There’s been a lot of talk about Collectible Card Games (CCGs), Collectible Minis (CCMs), and Collectible Constructible Games like Pirates and Transformers and Star Wars on the blog.

You just have to look at our Collectible Cards/Miniatures category to see the 26+ articles on these games. The articles have been relatively positive and in spite of all the hooplah it is easy to forget some of the obvious flaws in these types of games.

Therefore we’ve borrowed a poignant issue of the great webcomic Dorktower. Hope you enjoy it and please be sure to visit Dorktower for all of the issues. John Kovalic does a great job with it and I your visits to his site help him get ad money. Click below to see the webcomic.

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