Torg: Week 2

I’m sorry for the delay in sharing this article with you. Someone else indicated they’d write it but I’m picking up the slack.

Torg went into its second week last Tuesday as Murf and I completed the first adventure. Before reading further you may wish to read Torg: Tuesday Game Review. We had just defeated some Spitfires and an angry mechanic that tried to down our sea plane captained by the French NPC. Finally we arrived at our destination of Orrosh, the Horror Realm.

In Orrosh, near Indonesia, we landed in the water and had to swim to the nearby Vortex. We suspected the Vortex of causing the Earth to stop turning. Suddenly, an evil shark attacked our plane. Its red glaring eyes piercing us with each hit. It caused Murf to fall into the water, where it took a bite into his leg. Thankfully it wasn’t fatal. My scholar, Nathaniel Cornwell III, stayed in the plane trying to reenact the climactic end scenes of Jaws.

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War @ Sea: July 07 Rules Clarifications

The newest Update and Clarifications (formerly called Rules Clarifications) came out this month. We have have made them available at (the pdf requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file. You can get Acrobat Reader for FREE HERE).

The new clarifications combine the old one, eliminating the need to have the old one, and introduce several major updates.

As players know subs, aircraft, and battleships are 3 of the most used, some would say overly used, models in the game. Every fleet seems to have a lot of subs, or a lot of aircraft, or a lot of battleships. These dominate the games and some would argue they unbalance it.

The new clarifications remedies that. There are roughly 3 major updates that every War at Sea gamer has to pay close attention to.

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War @ Sea: 8/1/07 100pt Tourney @ Battleground Games

On Wednesday, 8/1/07, at 7ish pm (between 7 and 7:30ish) the first ever War at Sea Tournament will be held at Battleground Games in Abington.

The tourney has a $5 buy in cost that will go towards prizes. The tourney is 100pts and uses standard official War at Sea rules. The Rules Clarifications are available at (the pdf requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file. You can get Acrobat Reader for FREE HERE).

Rule Set: You need the Advanced Rulebook (zipped PDF), it comes with the Starter box, and the Rules Clarifications to play. The Quick Star Rules (zipped PDF) can help you learn how to play if you haven’t before.

Prizes: All participants will receive 1 Promo War at Sea ship. The winner will receive the total $$ in store credit. The more people who play the more store credit you can win. If 3 people play then it is $15 store credit, 10 = $50 store credit, 20 = $100 store credit, etc.

Fleet Restrictions: All normal fleet restrictions and regulations take place. No fleet can exceed 100pts.

Points: Your fleet cannot have more than 100pts of models.

Questions: Visit the official Battleground Games forums: War @ Sea Tourney: 8/1/07 thread.

War @ Sea: Back in Stock!

Tonight I have happy news. This Friday War at Sea will be instock at Battleground Games. I am sure that your FLGS will also have boosters and starters available for purchase by the end of this week.

When the game ran out of stock Wizards of the Coast promised that more product would be on store shelves in September. Not too long ago I was informed by Derek Lloyd, owner of my FLGS Battleground Games, that WoTC moved the date up to August.

This is great news for all of us. Those of us who got into the game on the late side can now get a full set. And collectors who want to reach those historical maximums now have a chance of getting the ships they need.

Although I do not know how much product will be at the FLGS near you, there will be 2 cases at Battleground, this is just the first of many shipments. War at Sea is now officially in stock and will be continually available for sale.

If you’ve never played War at Sea before use this chance to get an intro game from a veteran. If you like the game, why wouldn’t you, pick up a Starter and a couple Boosters to get going. You’ll be hooked before you know it.

This is also a prime time to start a new league or begin running tourneys. War at Sea is back in stock and happy days are here again.

War @ Sea: Carrier Aircraft Capacity?

All the games made by Avalon Hill try their best to be entertaining, fun, and historically accurate…to some degree. How does their newest collectible mini game, War @ Sea, as part of the Axis & Allies line (per Wizards of the Coast and thus Hasbro) hold up to historical accountability?

The book states that, as most historians know, the Japanese fleet attacking Pearl Harbor had 6 carriers acting as mobile bases for the aircraft making the attack. The carriers: Akagi, Hiryu, Kaga, Shokaku, Soryu, and Zuikaku, launch a collective total of 183 aircraft for the first wave. The book clearly says that the 6 carriers brought 441 aircraft to the fight. 183 were launched in the first wave and 168 in the second.

The Akagi, the only carrier of its type, had a complement of 91 aircraft according to Wikipedia. We see on the card that the Akagi can carry 3 aircraft. This works out to each aircraft model in War @ Sea representing 33 1/3 actual aircraft for this vessel. Additionally, we can see that the Akagi carried almost 21% of the aircraft brought to attack Pearl Harbor. For those interested in the actual composition per wave Wikipedia tells us that 29 Kates and 9 Zeroes participated in the first wave. 18 Vals composed Akagi’s second wave of attack.

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