GW Baltimore Games Day 2007 Revisited

As promised we’re revisiting the GW Baltimore Games Day 2007. In this installment we have a group of Golden Demon winners to share with you. Some of them won Gold, some Silver, and some Bronze.

These may not be the best but they caught our interest. See if you can guess how many of them were painted by Slayer Sword winner Natalya Melnik (click for her picture).

Be sure to click the pictures for larger versions.

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War @ Sea: Master Have/Wants List

*NOTE* For the latest and most up to date list please see the Axis & Allies Minis/War @ Sea: Master Have/Wants List

This is an article different from what you’re used to. In this article I share my master list of War @ Sea Haves and Wants. If you’re thinking “scoff, this is just a cheap way for Jonathan to reach a ton of people to get some trades” think again. I have and this list can serve other gamers by showing what players, like I, who have everything, or almost everything, are looking for.

Chances are we are the people that newcomers will trade with. Right now the game is out of stock until September. The only way to get into the game is through trading, buying singles on eBay, shopping the net for single packs, and hoping your FLGS has a couple items in stock for you.

My list is organized with a master list and a short term list. The master list highlights everything I want to max out all the historical restrictions. The short term list is more realistic in what I can use and need right now.

If, you happen to have anything I want please don’t hesitate to contact me. Send an e-mail to or talk to me in person or on AIM as cwforums.

Short Term List


  • 1x Scharnhorst (HIGH PRIORITY)
  • 1x Bismarck (HIGH PRIORITY)
  • 2x Graf Spee (HIGH PRIORITY)
  • 1x Tone (HIGH PRIORITY)
  • 1x Shokaku
  • 1x Yamato
  • 1x USS St. Lo
  • 1x Vittorio Veneto
  • 2x Myoko
  • 3x Kongo
  • 2x USS Washington
  • 3x USS Iowa

Master List


  • 3x Kongo
  • 2x USS Washington
  • 3x USS Iowa
  • 2x Myoko
  • 1x USS St. Lo
  • 1x Scharnhorst
  • 1x Yamato
  • 1x Bismarck
  • 1x Tone
  • 2x Graf Spee
  • 1x Shokaku
  • 1x Vittorio Veneto
  • 1x USS Enterprise (Updated 6/23/07)
  • 1x PBY Catalina (Updated 7/27/07)
  • 1x SBD Dauntles (Updated 7/27/07)
  • 1x JU 87B Stuka (Updated 7/27/07)
  • 1x USS Salt Lake City (Updated 8/1/07)
  • 1x HMAS Sydney (Updated 8/1/07)
  • 1x USS Princeton (Updated 8/1/07)
  • 1x Koln (Updated 8/1/07)
  • 1x HMS Rodney (Updated 8/1/07)
  • 2x A6M2 “Zeke” (Updated 8/1/07)
  • 1 G4M “Betty” (Updated 8/1/07)


I have Axis & Allies Minis and Starship Battles for trade. If there’s a War @ Sea item you really need tell me and I’ll see what I can do. I have extra (1) Richelieu and (1) TBD Devastators. I also have 1 extra HMAS Canberra, HMS Hood, HMS Javelin, PT Boat, U510, Karl Galster, and Ambra. I have 2 extra HMS Ark Royal, Sea Hurricane MK. IB, Swordfish MK. II, HMS Truculent, Motor Torpedo Boats, Kates, and Type 13 Subchaser. I have a lot of Reserves set for AAM. I’ll do 1:1 for most Rares. Below is my list of Starship Battles for trade.

Starship Battles Haves

  • 1x Mon Calamari Cruiser Home One (Unique)
  • 1x Outrider (Unique)
  • 2x Wild Karrde (Unique)
  • 1x Luke Skywalker’s X-wing (Unique)
  • 1x Invisible Hand (Unique)
  • 2x Palpatine’s Shuttle (Unique)
  • 1x Slave 1 (Boba Fett) (Unique)
  • 2x Virago (Unique)

Happy Birthday CWF!

Today the CWF Game Cast turns 1 year old. Huzzah! It has been a journey started on July 4, 2006 when we officially reorganized from a message board to a blog.

Our first post shared the wonderful news of the fresh blog with everyone. Since then we’ve come a long way.

We ran an internet radio station, have an ongoing podcast, added new friends, branched out into new venues, and now have a great newsletter.

This first year has been one of trial, error, and success. We thank everyone for their support over this past year.

We especially want to thank Warvault, the New England Podcasters, all our readers, our staff, the Pacific Marauders, and Battleground Games. You believed in the CWF Game Cast, you helped out grow, you spread the word, and you provide a place for us to game. Without all of you none of this would be possible.

We pledge to continue our motto and mission of discussing what you play. A year ago I told the world that “You Play It, We Discuss It” and that has continued to be true.

Look forward to more great content about the games you play. We look forward to talking gaming with you for many years to come.

Thank you!

War @ Sea: Revised U-Boat Terror

I’ve discussed a couple U-Boat Terror fleets a couple times before. First was a 100pt fleet I devised and then a 200pt fleet created by Steve R. from Battleground Games.

This time I have a 100pt, tourney legal, list originally posted on the official War @ Sea message board by TheJudge.

The list is comprised of a battleship, 2 u-boats, and 4 aircraft. It uses the Bismarck, 2 U510 submarines, 3 FW200 Kondors, and 1 JU 87B Stuka. This differs from my 100pt list through the elimination of cruisers, 1 less submarine, and 1 more Kondor.

The game plan with this new fleet looks sound. The Bismarck uses its range 4 guns to take out surface vessels that get too close to the objective markers. The u-boats threaten anything the Bismarck cannot hit along with needed anti-submarine capabilities. The Kondors have a multi-purpose role of pinpointing vessels for u-boat attack, ASW, and taking out enemy ships from 1 space away (Antiship Missile SA). The Stuka is a nice land based dive bomber that can deal 9 dice of damage.

Your opponent is guaranteed to have an air shield. Wildcats, your likely fighter opponent, can wreck some havoc on you. But, the Bismarck has sufficient Anti-air capabilities (8 dice). Plus, at least 1 Wildcat will stay at home to protect the carrier or other vital ships. That leaves your Kondors free to stay 1 space away and drop 9 dice of bombs on a vessel.

A concerted American assault, think of the Iowa, Enterprise, and their ilk, will be problematic. Considering the American bias in the game this is perhaps one of the best Axis fleets you can field. It uses each of the 3 main game winners. It uses a battleship, aircraft, and submarines. Not too shabby.

The Pacific Marauders’ Flying Circus!! Games Day LA 2007

Come join us at Games Workshop’s Games Day, Los Angeles on Saturday, August 11th, 2007. We will be hosting The Pacific Marauders’ FLYING CIRCUS – It is an Aerial Combat game, Fantasy Battle Style! It is an all-original, easy to learn, fast paced game of 3 dimensional combat high above the earth. All the flying units of our favorite fantasy games will see battle in the skies. Pick a side, come to the table and play! Here’s a taste of what you can play:

The Good Guys: Skinks on Terradons, Warhawk Riders escorting a Giant Eagle, Knights and Wizards on Pegasi, A Warrior Priest on a Gryphon, A Paladin on a Hippogryph, and a Squadron of Dwarven Gyrocopters!

The Bad Guys: Chaos Wizard on a Disk of Tzeench escorted by Screamers, A Zombie Dragon, Orc Warlord on a Wyvern, Beastmaster on a Manticore, A Balrog, and a Fellbeast!
Then there are those unscrupulous sell-swords, the Ogre Doomdivers! Yes, that’s right, I said Ogre Doomdivers. That can’t be good!!

Gameplay is fast, each game should take 30 min to 1 hour, so you can try it out many times, and still have time to see everything else going on at Games Day.

This completes our goal of having Games Day tables that cover land, sea and air!
2005 – 40K Big Game Hunt kill team table -Best Club Table (Land)
2006 – Marauder Island Fantasy Ship Battle (Sea)
What to do next year…maybe Space?

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