July 2007 Newsletter Available

We are proud to announce that the July 2007 issue of the CWF Game Cast Newsletter is now available.

All subscribed CWF Game Cast fans have received a copy of the newsletter in their e-mail.

To subscribe all you have to do is e-mail cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com (Titled “Subscribe”). Sign-up now and keep informed about the happenings in the world of gaming!

For everyone else please go to July 2007 Newsletter.  We also look forward to all constructive feedback.  Please send feedback to cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com.

Carcassonne: King & Scouts Expansion

If you’ve ever played Carcassonne you know it to be a strategy game filled with hours of fun, intrigue, and recreation of medieval Europe. The base game is great and even includes the Rivers expansion, which makes your endeavor to build large cities, create the longest road, and own the largest farm that much more difficult.

King & Scouts, on the other hand, adds a new level of gameplay and fun with 12 new tiles. There are 7 tiles for the core game and 5 to use with Hunters & Gatherers. We’ll leave those 5 tiles from Scouts for another time after we’ve actually played with Hunters & Gatherers.

The 7 tiles for King are very useful. 5 of them are played in the game and have part of a city on them. They may have a monastery or even roads too. The tile with 2 cities connected by an overpass bridge is by far the most interesting. It counts as just one tile in a city but can help you to build one of the largest cities you’ve ever seen.

Added to this mix of city tiles we have the King and the Robber Baron. These add that extra level of gameplay. The first player to create a city, placing the last tile to complete the 1st city, gets the King card. If a different player completes a larger city that player gets the King card. End of the game grants the player with the King card 1 point for EVERY completed city in the game. This can add up fast and although it won’t replace the monumental sums you can accrue for farming it can help the urban planner.

The Robber Baron works exactly like the King…almost. Whatever player has the longest road gets the Robber Baron card. If a different player completes a longer road he/she gets the Robber Baron card. End of the game provides 1 point for each completed road to the player with the Robber Baron card.

I tend to lose out on the battle of urban planning but road construction is my game. In a close game having the Robber Baron can be enough to put you in the lead for the win.

Neither card, or the 5 playable urban tiles, are the Ace up the sleeve. Players still need to balance their gameplay and rely on what has worked for them in the past. But, the addition of King makes Carcassonne more suspensful and exciting than ever before.

If you haven’t played Carcassonne before I highly recommend you give it a try. I’m sure your FLGS has an open copy you can use. Or, you can always make the trip to Battleground Games in Abington where I game on most Monday and Wednesday evenings.

Have: New Blood Angels Want: Paint Them Like I Got a Pair

Before I get into this article I have to apologize for the title.  It is funny to a small group of people because it draws inspiration from the Have/Want threads on Bartertown and the end references the heavily used phrase from Privateer Press.

GW has released the new Blood Angels codex inside of the White Dwarf magazine.  This, I’m sure, will encourage gamers to pick up some Blood Angels and give the army a go.  Flames, power armor, marines, and 40k.  What’s not to love?

However, painting the Blood Angels that special red can be a daunting task.  Ask any mini painter and they’ll tell you that red is one of, if not the single, hardest color to paint correctly.

Luckily for all you guys and gals we have a painting tutorial to help you make your Blood Angels look their best.  This comes to everyone courtesy of MiniPainters.com and Necromancer Tales Miniatures.

Head over to Tutorial: Painting Red for a step by step, with corresponding photos, guide to painting this sanguine color.

Server Reboot TONIGHT 1AM EST

This is a re-post of an announcement made on the official CWF Server blog.  Be sure to read the CWF Server blog for all official announcements regarding the server.  We post scheduled downtimes, upgrades, alterations, and etc on there.  It is a great resource.

Tonight at 1am EST the server will reboot.  Some necessary changes to balance the load were made and require a reboot.  The server will be down for 15-30 minutes.  I apologize for the limited notice.  If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

2007 Games Day & Grand Tourney Schedule

If you haven’t gone to Games Day or a Grand Tournament yet there’s still time. Games Day Altanta and Baltimore have already happened. So has the Las Vegas Grand Tourney.

But, there’s still Games Day Chicago and Los Angeles. Plus, the Chicago and Baltimore Grand Tournaments. Below is the schedule of the remaining Games Days and Grand Tournaments. There’s also links to the pages for each event. Plus, at the bottom we’ve provided links to Buying Tickets, Tourney Rules, Painting Guidelines, and other necessities.


  • 27-28th – Chicago Grand Tournament
  • 28th – Games Day Chicago


  • 11th – Games Day Los Angeles


  • 2-4th – Baltimore Grand Tournament

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