Holy Smokes! … The PS3 Avalanche

Only hours after retailers shut down preorders for the 400,000 launch-day PlayStation 3s, auction sites such as eBay exploded with offerings averaging $1,500 a pop.Last November, eBay was full with listings for the hard-to-come-by Xbox 360. Now, enterprising auctioners have been placing preorders for the PlayStation 3 and then immediately preselling the console themselves for a huge profit on eBay.

Last November, eBay was full with listings for the hard-to-come-by Xbox 360. Now, enterprising auctioners have been placing preorders for the PlayStation 3 and then immediately preselling the console themselves for a huge profit on eBay.GameStop announced yesterday that preorders for Sony’s next-gen console were now sold out, with some stores only taking as few as 6 orders. Excited customers had been queuing for hours outside stores to pay their $100 deposit, which guarantees them one of the first 400,000 US-bound PS3s.

This isn’t the first time that canny consumers have taken advantage of a shortage in gaming hardware. Back in 2001, eBay was loaded with PS2s at highly inflated prices, with consoles changing hands in Europe for around £1,000 (about $1,800). Heck, I even remember somebody screwing with an SNES and trying to sell it as a PS2. I believe Jon was behind all of that. As previously mentioned, Xbox 360 preorders were being sold on from their original buyers for $1,500. Some deceitful sellers took advantage of desperate buyers by selling them photos of the Xbox 360 instead of the actual console.

The average going price for the PS3 on eBay today was also in the region of $1,500, although one hopeful seller had given his console a ‘buy-it-now’ price of $100,000. They hadn’t had any bids as of the time I’m posting this.

No Podcast for Thursday October, 19, 2006

What? Another missed podcast! Time to string this guy up by his heels!

I know, I know it is bad form to miss two podcasts in a row. I’m really, really, really sorry. As I said on Sunday I contracted a respiratory infection thing. I went to the doctor and they said I have bronchitis. Much coughing and missing of work ensued.

I’m on the tail end of the bronchitis but I have a heavy work-injected weekend and need to conserve myself for that. I’m really sorry for missing another podcast. I’ll make it up to you guys somehow. Not sure how just yet but I will.

In the meantime head on over to Warvault for the Intersite Chat they’re hosting on behalf of Nagathi, the owner of Asrai.org. It is a blast! Hopefully this’ll keep you occupied for the time being. I’m hoping to put out a podcast this Sunday either before or after work. ugh.

No Podcast for Sunday, October 15th

I’m sorry both for what I am to say and for the delay in saying it.  There will be no podcast today.  I have the flu/respiratory infection and it is playing havoc with my lungs and everything.

You may want to check out our internet radio at www.wargamingforums.com:8000 in the meantime.  It is streaming, live, with all sorts of music.  Keep your eye out for a podcast on Thursday.

CWF-2006-10-05 Solo-Cast w/ CWF Radio, Starship Troopers Evolution, & Dawn of War Dark Crusade

This solo-cast is with Jonathan. Today we discuss the CWF Radio, Starship Troopers Evolution, and Dawn of War Dark Crusade. We also have some tunes for you too!

Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Thursday October 12, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, CWF Radio, Starship Troopers Evolution, and Dawn of War Dark Crusade.

3) Music to Game By Check out the electronica song “Fresh Snow in the Valley” by Derek K. Miller.

4) Our Website = www.wargamingforums.com

5) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

6) CWF Radio
Listen to CWF Radio

CWF Radio Goes Live @ CWF

7) Starship Troopers Evolution
Alex Fennell’s Visit to Danger Planet @ DP Photos

Pre-Painted Models Way of Future for Starship Troopers @ CWF

CWF-2006-09-03 Duo-Cast w/ Andy Chambers’ Thoughts on Starship Troopers Change; Dark Age Games Too! @ CWF Podcast

Mongoose Publishing Founder & Owner, Alex Fennell, to Visit Danger Planet @ CWF

8) Promote New England Podcasting

9) Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade Official Website

CWF-2006-09-21 Solo-Cast w/ Dawn of War Dark Crusade Expansion @ CWF Podcast
Dawn of War – Dark Crusade Demo Released @ CWF

10) Recent Blogging

CWF Radio Goes Live! October 12th

Server Migration, Downtime and Disappointments October 10th
11) Closing comments, next cast will be on October 15, 2006.

12) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

13) Our Website = www.wargamingforums.com and it has all the shownotes and updates

15) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

Next cast will be on October 15, 2006.

CWF Radio Goes Live!

CWF is proud to announce the new CWF Radio. CWF Radio is an internet radio station found at Listen to CWF Radio.

The FREE internet radio streams many times each week. A schedule is being solidified but you can listen to it every Tuesday from 10-12pm EST and Thursdays 2-5pm EST.

It plays a mix of songs from 80s, New Wave, Metal, Rock, Pop, Alternative, and of course Pod Safe music. Additionally, you can catch replays of CWF Game Casts and DJ Jonathan in a more informal setting.

CWF Radio is happy to take your requests! Be sure to send all requests via one of the following methods:

e-mail:jreinhart (at) gmail (dot) com & put CWF Radio Request in the Subject

AIM: cwforums

As always you can send feedback on CWF Radio by going to CWF Feedback.

We are excited to bring you this new service and look forward to many more enhancements. Remember, CWF is your one stop for all gaming blog, podcast, and now radio needs. You play it, We Discuss it!