Server Migration, Downtime and Disappointments

This is going to be a sullen news posting because it is, more or less, full of bad or disappointing information. No, we’re not closing shop. No worries there.

There’s 3 issues I’m going to discuss. They are Server Migration, Downtime, and Disappointments.

Server Migration

Our web host announced that they’d be undergoing a server migration because of problems with their old server farm. They stated that it would take place by October 15th. The server migration took place this weekend and resulted in some downtime, more on that below. Unfortunately, during the migration an error/accident happened at the old server farm that resulted in sections of Acho Hosting to be deleted. This included billing information, some client databases, and support information (i.e. whenever someone sends in a ticket asking for help).

The damage was contained and as of 20 minutes ago everything is up and running. The latest news can be found at Acho Hosting Support Center. The major downsides of the migration are the downtime and loss of databases and other information. We were mainly affected by downtime and loss of support information and databases. We don’t pay anything so no worries on that.

Positives of the server migration are increased security and features at the new server farm. The new servers are on the East Coast, which greatly benefits me and all New Englanders. Additionally they have double the memory up to 1GB and triple the hard drive space up to 160GB. Plus, the transfer rate has doubled up to a T1. This means you will get access to podcasts, postings, and our radio station (more on that in another post) much quicker. It also means the server will operate at peak capacity better without getting overburdened. Plus, the new server farm is much more secure than the old, and secure, server farm.

All told the migration is a success and the trials and tribulations are worth the gains. It may not seem like it at first but I assure you the ends are wonderful.

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CWF-2006-10-05 Solo-Cast w/ ImpLit Writing Workshop, New CWF Projects, & Happy 5th Birthday Danger Planet

This solo-cast is with Jonathan. Today we discuss the ImpLit Writing Workshop, New CWF Projects & DP’s 5th Birthday. We also have some tunes for you too!

Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Thursday October 5, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, ImpLit Writing Workshop, New CWF Projects & DP’s 5th Birthday.

3) Music to Game By Check out the electronica song “Fresh Snow in the Valley” by Derek K. Miller.

4) Our Website =

5) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

6) Discuss ImpLit Writing Workshop

Imperial Literature: News Update @ CWF

Imperial Literature Official Website

7) New CWF Projects

Test Demo Promo & CWF

Draft Promo Demo Script @ CWF

Top Secret CWF Cross-over w/ Warvault Members @ CWF

CWF Music Station? @ CWF

8) Promote New England Podcasting

9) Happy 5th Birthday Danger Planet Games

Danger Planet Sands of Time 40k Mega Battle @ CWF

Danger Planet Sands of Time Photos @ Danger Planet

Danger Planet Official Website

10) Recent Blogging

This Week’s New Releases October 5th

CWF Music Station? October 5th

Top Secret CWF Cross-over w/ Warvault Members October 5th

Imperial Literature: News Update! October 3rd

TXG – Tomb Kings Rising from the Sand Pt 2 October 2nd

11) Closing comments, next cast will be on October 8, 2006.

12) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

13) Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates

15) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

Next cast will be on October 8, 2006.

This Week’s New Releases

Here are some new releases you can expect to hit the shelves in your friendly local gaming store this week!

Miniatures Games
-B5 ACTA: Armageddon
-B5 ACTA: EA Nemesis Advanced Destroyer
-B5 ACTA: Whitestar Gunship

Board Games & Non-collectible Card Games
-Gloria Mundi

Role-playing Games
-RuneQuest: Glorantha
-RuneQuest: Monsters

Collectible Card Games
-MtG: Time Spiral Boosters
-MtG: Time Spiral Tournament Packs
-MtG: Time Spiral Theme Decks
-MtG: Time Spiral Fat Packs


The contents of this post come from the Danger Planet Games Newsletter 10/05/06 issue.

CWF Music Station?

You read it correctly.  CWF is undergoing planning that will, if and when implemented, allow us to be an internet radio station.  We will be able to stream, live, all sorts of music for your listening pleasure.

We are working hard to be your one stop for gaming news and multimedia needs.  Unfortunately we don’t have more information at this time.  At least none that we can share without getting some cement shoes.  :P

Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

Top Secret CWF Cross-over w/ Warvault Members

CWF is proud to leak…er share some news about a top secret project we’re working on with some Warvault members.

Warvault tries very hard to get its members to work with each other for mutual benefit.  CWF, as a founding member of Warvault, has taken this mantra and run with it!  We’ve been in conversations with two major online gaming communities to perform some cross-overs.

What sort of cross-overs can CWF do? you ask.  If we told you this wouldn’t be top secret anymore.  :P

What we can say is that details are being hammered out and it looks if this project will be rearing its head soon.  Stay tuned to the CWF Game Cast and blog for more information.