TXG Tau for the Greater Good Update

Last time we spoke I told you that I would be finishing off my Tau for TXG in addition to collecting Tomb Kings.  I told you that I would purchase two Sniper Drone teams and save the remaining money.  Things change.

I had recorded that I spent $24.52 and had $50.48 leftover.  One of the Sniper Drone Teams I bought was on eBay.  The seller, who I won’t blacklist in public, didn’t ship or contact me, ever, the item.  As such I had to go through Paypal to get my $20 back, which I finally did, and unfortunately I didn’t get my 2nd team.  That made me unhappy.

Since I added wrong, my spending should have been $34.52 last month with $40.48 leftover, I added the $20 back in giving me $60.68.

Today, while I was at Battleground, I picked up a couple things I need.  I know it isn’t October yet, a matter of hours really, but I’ll probably be done with my purchases soon.

Purchases (September 2006 1st month continued)

  • 3 blisters Kroot Hounds – $24
  • 1 blister Krootox – $15

Total (without tax) – $39 with $21.68 left.

That means I need 1 Sniper Team and 2 blisters of Kroot Hounds to have the list from US WD 316 (March 2006) on page 102 and 103.  I want to also buy a couple more squads of Fire Warriors plus a squad of Vespids.  In addition I want to purchase more Shield Drones and actual Shas’ui models for my squads.  That should cover me over the coming months to finish this army.

Stay tuned for further developments in the completion of my Sacea Sept Tau Army. For the greater good!

Warseer Dice?

That’s right!  Warseer has announced a limited run of special Warseer branded dice.  They will be the Chessex Cobalt style dice with the Warseer logo.

Warseer will have the number “6” replaced with their logo.  To order you must be a member of the Warseer forum and you must click the following link: To Order Please PM.  There’s no price as of yet but the idea is real cool.  Keep in mind this will only be for d6.

Zombie Night Fight is Coming

Every year Danger Planet Games in Waltham runs a big gaming event to celebrate Halloween called Zombie Night Fight.  In the past, gamers brought a single character, painted with glow in the dark colors, to fight on glow in the dark tables and the winner received an entire army.

DP is continuing the tradition this year with a few twists.  All models will be provided, there will be different prizes, and the event starts sooner!

Brian Lasiewski, owner of Danger Planet, announced:

Halloween is a favorite holiday at Danger Planet and all boils and ghouls are invited to celebrate with us on Saturday October 21st starting at noon for our fourth annual ZOMBIE FIGHT NIGHT! This year we’ve brought the event to you one week early to raise spirits for the holiday. Visitors to the store may participate in Halloween-themed board games, role-playing games, and card games, as well as our famous glow-in-the-dark miniatures events for popular games including Warmachine, Hordes, Starship Troopers, Confrontation, Flames of War, Warhammer 40,000 and more. View pictures from prior Zombie Fight Nights. Since these pictures were taken we’ve added many new tables and games. There will be no admission fee and prizes will be awarded throughout the day for good trick or treaters!

What’s Halloween without costumes? At 5:00 we will be judging our 2006 Halloween Costume Contest. There will be two age categories: 14 and under and 15+. Prizes will be awarded to the winner in each category. View pictures from one of our previous costume contests here.”

If you’re in the area you must partake in Zombie Night Fight or at the very least take a peek.  It is incredible!

Danger Planet Sands of Time 40k Mega Battle

To celebrate their fifth anniversary Danger Planet Games in Waltham ran a 40k Mega Battle today called the Sands of Time.  It was the largest mega battle ever run in the store with over 9 connected tables and players divided into 2 teams to decide the outcome.

DP owner Brian Lasiewski, with help from others, created rules and background on each section of the planet that gamers fought over.  About 30 or so gamers duked it out tonight on superbly created tables.

Photos and results will be forthcoming.  In the meantime check out our Sands of Time archive and also visit the DP Sands of Time Forum.

CWF Stargate SG-1 RPG Update

This past Friday night a bunch of us got together to roll out our characters for the Stargate SG-1 RPG that CWF’s own Steve is running. Unfortunately, we received bad news that one of the players dropped out.

The evening went well with Jared, a Battleground Games employee, Steve, and I getting together. Traffic and getting stuck at work held me up but at 7 we rolled our characters.

Jared chose to be an Air Force soldier, he’s commanding the team, and I rolled out a Diplomatic Corps Scientist named Benjamin Nam’a’taht. Although I don’t have Jared’s stats in front of me I do have mine and thought I’d share.

Strength – 10 (No Mod)
Dexterity – 9 (-1 Mod)

Constitution – 13 (+1 Mod)

Intelligence – 16 (+3 Mod)

Wisdom – 12 (+1 Mod)

Charisma – 20 (+4 Mod)

Vitality – 24

Wounds – 13

Defense – 12

Fortitute – 2

Reflex – 0

Will – 5

Action Dice – 3

Inspiration – 1

Education – 3

Initiative – 1

Plus I start with a P30 rifle, the standard SG-1 Rifle. I also have maxed out in Appraise, Computers, Cryptography, Cultures, Diplomacy, Electronics, First Aid, Languages, Listen, Mechanics, and Xeno-Languages. Additionally I have started to have ranks for Knowledge of the Gaould (sp) and Gestapo. Some basics are I know a ton of languages, ten in total, ranging from English and Japanese to Ancient, Ancient Egyptian and Goa’uld.

The game starts this coming Friday and should be a blast. Stay tuned for updates.