Hasselfree Miniatures New Releases

We normally spend a lot of time talking about GW, MGP, Privateer Press and some of the other big gaming companies.  But, we cannot forgot the mini companies that make stellar models and don’t get a ton of mainstream press.

Hasselfree is one of those great mini companies.  They produce a wide range of incredible models that begs my wallet to spit out its contents.  One such model is their new release Deth & Taxxis.

Deth & Taxxis is a zombie queen, Taxxis, and her troll, Deth.  The model costs 8.50 GBP as a special pre-order price until October 2nd.  Be sure to get it at this great discount!

Hasselfree has an entire line of Zombies that you need to check out.  You can order all their products from their official website.  If you like them enough be sure to ask your friendly local gaming store to either stock Hasselfree’s minis or to special order them for you.

In closing we want to talk about a work in progress that we absolutely love.  It doesn’t have a name but it is a tigress (see photo above).  What endeared us to it is all the muscle work.  You can really see the muscles on the legs and torso and it is incredible.  Can’t wait to see the finished model.

Combat Storm Game = Dust Off Old Plastic Army Men

Combat Storm Banner Small

Yesterday I got an interesting e-mail from Dave Reiter. At first I wondered if it was spam but then I looked at the subject and it seemed like it could be a real e-mail for me in light of this blog and podcast. On opening it I was made aware of an interesting new game called Combat Storm by company Strategy Wave.

Combat Storm, or Operation Plastic as it used to be called, is different from any other game company I’ve seen. It has managed to create a rulebook and system for playing with plastic army men.

I fondly remember playing with plastic army guys as a kid in the ’80s. Bought them at the corner store for a few bucks giving 100 or so. Out on the grass and in the house they fought over everything. Having a formalized rules system for this is a nice way to recapture one’s childhood yet adapt it for “grown-up” play.

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Test Demo Promo

We’ve started to work on a promo for the podcast.  Right now it is just me doing the different parts and without any real sound effects.

But, we’ll add in the proper sound affects and get others to do their parts.  Please let us know what you think of the promo.  If you like it we’ll use it and if not then maybe we’ll still use it or try something else.

Anywho, listen to it below.

Draft Promo Demo Script

1st Idea

Podcast Promo

Intro – CWFIntro plays softly in background

Steve – Where the Cheetos Jon?

Jon – In the cabinet…So Welcome to…

Steve – Where’s the Mountain Dew?

Jon – IN THE REFRIDGERATOR! I’m trying to do the Podcast.

Steve – Will there be any girls coming?

Jon – Do you see any Dark Elves on the table (annoyed voice).

Announcer – CWF Game Discussions Podcast every Sunday and Thursday at www.wargamingforums.com

2nd Idea

Podcast Promo

Intro – CWFIntro plays softly in background

Steve – So Jon what are we going to do today?

Jon – The same thing we do every Sunday and Thursday, Steve, try to take over the world!

– Record Screeches –

Steve – What? (SURPRISED)

Jon – Sorry. I meant PODCAST!

Announcer – The CWF Game Discussions Podcast with guys who think they’re funnier than a Night Goblin on mushrooms. Every Sunday and Thursday at www.wargamingforums.com.

August Podcasts Available As Single Download

That’s right!  We now have all of our August 2006 podcasts available as a single download.

You get all 7 podcasts in a single 156MB zipped file for easy downloading and listening.  We know that you may not subscribe to the podcast and that you may not have time to come here twice a week to listen.  But, now you can get an entire month with 1 click of a button.
To download please go to CWF August 2006 Podcasts.

Be sure to right click that link and choose Save As or Save Target As.  It’ll take awhile to download because the file is 156MB.  When it is done you need to unzip the contents.  We recommend WinRAR or Winzip.  Both are free and are great!