CWF Sponsored RPG Night @ Battleground Games

CWF’s very own Steve is running a RPG Night at Battleground Games in Abington, Mass.

He will be running this on Friday evenings, 8 or 9pm, in Battleground’s exclusive RPG room (seen below). It is a toss up between Stargate SG-1 and Dungeons & Dragons. He is looking for interested gamers in the South Shore area to contact him and sign up. YOU get to choose what game is played.

So far there are 3 confirmed players, including your’s truly, and at least 5 people are needed.

Be sure to contact Steve if you’re interested. E-mail him at or IM him on AIM at wolfyugo. Be sure to tell him it is about his RPG and that you found out about it here.

We look forward to gaming with you.

Pacific Marauders Game Club Tourney

The Pacific Marauders Game Club, based in the San Diego area of California, are holding a 40k and WFB tourney on November 4th.

It is called Battle by the Bay and includes BBQ and drinks.  Your $20 entrance fee ($15 for members) gets you into the event, which includes over $200 in prizes!

Check out their website Pacific Marauders Game Club for more information.

Why Did You Post This?

We’re sharing this for a couple reasons.  We cover all aspects of different types of gaming.  This include game clubs.  If you run or are in a game club and want to get some info spread around just contact us.  We’re happy to do a posting or talk about your event in our podcast.

Second, there’s a second where’s the first?, I received a really nice e-mail from one of the Marauders named Wade who had some nice things to say about the podcast.  We got talking and he mentioned this event.

Wade, this one’s for you!  Also, look for our next podcast when we promote the Pacific Marauders Game Club and give a shout out to our new friend Wade.  Thanks for listening!

Librarium Online Suffers Hack Attack

Librarium Online, the famed gaming website and forum, suffered a nasty hack attack today by a dastardly group of hackers.

The hackers defaced LO with curse words and immature ramblings.  They also included a virus that would infect visitors, which is partly why LO closed down.  

At first only the main page was affected and the forums still worked. But, eventually LO administrators had the entire site suspended by their host to avoid further issues.

If you go to LO you will see the following message, “This account has been temporarily disabled. If you are the owner of this account and have questions about its status, please contact your provider’s technical support staff.

Thank you for your understanding.”

In order to conserve their bandwidth and resources please do not access LO at this time. We received all this information from Angron, Warvault owner, and hope you’ll find it useful.

At the risk of postulating too much we wonder why there’s been a string of hack attacks on gaming websites. LO, WV, and a few others have recently been defaced. We don’t have an answer but maybe we’ll discuss this in a post or on the podcast down the road.

Space Marines 2nd Company in a Box

If you’ve been around 40k for awhile you’ll recall the back of the 4th edition, or perhaps it was 3rd, codex for Space Marines showed an entire chapter and you had the option of purchasing an entire chapter in a box. It cost a bundle of money, but less than the Tau Manta from Forgeworld, and you got an entire chapter….all 10 companies of marines.

GW has revisited the issue and now has an entire company in a box. 530 GBP (about $1,009 USD) will get you a complete 2nd Company. There’s a couple catches here. First, it is only available from the GW UK Online Store. I haven’t seen it on GW US or elsewhere. Second, it is the 2nd Company so you don’t get Terminators or Scouts or anything. Just a standard Combat Company (seen below).

What Does a Grand Buy Me?

You get the following: 1 Commander, 1 Chaplain, 1 Command Squad, 2 Dreadnoughts, 2 Predators, Enough Marines to make 6 full 10 man Tactical squads with Rhino transports, 2 full 10 man Devastator squads, 2 full 10 man Assault squads, 1 Whirlwind and 1 Land Raider Crusader.

Final Thoughts

All in all not a bad deal really. It would be worth getting together with a friend or two and defraying the cost. With some tweaking you’d each have a complete and viable army. Not too shabby. Check out Complete Space Marine Second Company to buy or get more info.

This Week’s New Releases

Here are some new releases you can expect to hit the shelves in your friendly local gaming store this week!

Miniatures Games
-Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Huge Packs

Miniatures Accessories
-Warmachine: Epic Captain Allister Caine (Superiority) Token Set
-Warmachine: Epic Feora, Prot. of the Flame (Superiority) Token Set
-Warmachine: Epic Skarre, Queen (Superiority) Token Set
-Warmachine: Epic Kommander Orsus Zoka (Superiority) Token Set
-Warmachine: Epic Magnus The Warlord (Superiority) Token Set

Board Games & Non-Collectible Card Games
-Catan Event Cards
-Mission: Red Planet
-Sear Panic
-Top Secret Spies

Role-playing Games
-Ptolus: The Night of Dissolution
-RuneQuest: Companion
-RuneQuest: Rune of Chaos
-Werewolf the Foresaken: Lodges: The Splintered

Magazines, Books, & Novels
-Dragon 348

Collectible Card Games
-Yu-Gi-Oh! Collector Tins


The contents of this post come from the Danger Planet Games Newsletter 9/21/06 issue.