Space Marines 2nd Company in a Box

If you’ve been around 40k for awhile you’ll recall the back of the 4th edition, or perhaps it was 3rd, codex for Space Marines showed an entire chapter and you had the option of purchasing an entire chapter in a box. It cost a bundle of money, but less than the Tau Manta from Forgeworld, and you got an entire chapter….all 10 companies of marines.

GW has revisited the issue and now has an entire company in a box. 530 GBP (about $1,009 USD) will get you a complete 2nd Company. There’s a couple catches here. First, it is only available from the GW UK Online Store. I haven’t seen it on GW US or elsewhere. Second, it is the 2nd Company so you don’t get Terminators or Scouts or anything. Just a standard Combat Company (seen below).

What Does a Grand Buy Me?

You get the following: 1 Commander, 1 Chaplain, 1 Command Squad, 2 Dreadnoughts, 2 Predators, Enough Marines to make 6 full 10 man Tactical squads with Rhino transports, 2 full 10 man Devastator squads, 2 full 10 man Assault squads, 1 Whirlwind and 1 Land Raider Crusader.

Final Thoughts

All in all not a bad deal really. It would be worth getting together with a friend or two and defraying the cost. With some tweaking you’d each have a complete and viable army. Not too shabby. Check out Complete Space Marine Second Company to buy or get more info.

This Week’s New Releases

Here are some new releases you can expect to hit the shelves in your friendly local gaming store this week!

Miniatures Games
-Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Huge Packs

Miniatures Accessories
-Warmachine: Epic Captain Allister Caine (Superiority) Token Set
-Warmachine: Epic Feora, Prot. of the Flame (Superiority) Token Set
-Warmachine: Epic Skarre, Queen (Superiority) Token Set
-Warmachine: Epic Kommander Orsus Zoka (Superiority) Token Set
-Warmachine: Epic Magnus The Warlord (Superiority) Token Set

Board Games & Non-Collectible Card Games
-Catan Event Cards
-Mission: Red Planet
-Sear Panic
-Top Secret Spies

Role-playing Games
-Ptolus: The Night of Dissolution
-RuneQuest: Companion
-RuneQuest: Rune of Chaos
-Werewolf the Foresaken: Lodges: The Splintered

Magazines, Books, & Novels
-Dragon 348

Collectible Card Games
-Yu-Gi-Oh! Collector Tins


The contents of this post come from the Danger Planet Games Newsletter 9/21/06 issue.

GW Webway, Black Gobbo, & Forgeworld….Oh My!

Today in Thursday and I’m out of work and this is a post on the blog so one would normally assume that this post contains shownotes for the regular Thursday podcast.  If one assumed that one would be incorrect!  As the saying goes if you assume you make an ass out of you and me.  :P

You’d be incorrect because we did our podcast a day early and also because I’m sick.  I have a nasty cold intermingling with asthmatic problems, which equals poor conditions for podcasting.

However, I do have news you may like and that is what this post contains.  Games Workshop has released the latest newsletters for Black Gobbo, GW Webway, and Forgeworld.  Incase you don’t subscribe, and even if you do, you can check them out via us.

We’re providing an overview of each in this post.  Normally, we’d discuss something like their contents in the podcast.  This time you have to work for it because you have to read instead of sitting back, relaxing, and just listening.

GW Webway 9/20/06
The Webway mentions that the new Black Gobbo is out, more on this in the Black Gobbo section below, along with the special offer if you buy Battle for Skull Pass & a Battalion kit, plus an extention for the Sicarius White Dwarf deal.

Webway also states the new GW releases.  40k sees the Space Marines Megaforce box costing $175 and containing 1 Commander with 5 man Command squad, a 10 man Tactical squad, a 5 man Combat squad with Razorback transport, 5 man Scout squad, 5 man Assault Squad, 1 Predator tank, and 1 Space Marine Dreadnought.  Not a bad deal.

LoTR sees the following: Isengard Troll kit costing $20 and containing 1 model.  Dead Marsh Spectres blister costing $12 and containing 3 models.  Morgul Stalkers blister costing $12 and containing 3 models.  Haldir’s Elves Command blister costing $12 and containing 2 models.  Banner month here for LoTR.

Black Gobbo 74
This issue has the main concentration on Warhammer Fantasy greenskins.  There’s two articles on them covering who they are and their new models.  There’s also two articles for LoTR covering a Bill the Pony mini-game and Gandalf’s Cart scenario.  Lastly, there’s background info for Space Marines and Chaos.

Forgeworld #151 & 152 (yep they sent out two this week)

Issue 151 focused on the Death Korps of Krieg, Eldar Falcon Grav tank, Blood Angels and Space Wolves etched brass items.

Issue 152 focused on the Gorgon Armored Assault Transport (Weapons Sponsoon Version, Mortars Version, and Experimental Rules PDF), Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Weapons Teams (Heavy Bolter Team & Lascannon Team), and Past Forgeworld Best of Show Winners.

Our Thoughts

These newsletters are clearly a device to sell more product.  We don’t begrudge GW that at all.  In fact, we enjoy Black Gobbo and sometimes moreso than WD.  The Forgeworld newsletters are pretty decent too but those GW Webways are horrendous.  If anyone cares enough to find out what new releases exist they can go to the GW website.  Or, if you prefer we make it easier by telling you it all here or in the podcast.

FW 151 was a good issue but 152 was lacking.  Black Gobbo 74 didn’t cover anything of interest to us but it was a nice issue.  GW Webway 9/20/06 was really, really bare.  Don’t bother with it.

Warhammer Fantasy Important Downloads

We’ve created a page for Games Workshop Erratas but with 7th edition Fantasy out we thought we’d create a post with important downloads for the game.

A listener of the podcast, Wade, is part of a gaming community in San Diego.  On their forum they have a comprehensive list and links to 6th edition important downloads.  GW is updating them for 7th but in the meantime it is worthy material.

Check out Warhammer Fantasy Rules & Downloads – WFB v6 @ Pacific Marauders.

CWF-2006-09-21 Solo-Cast w/ Dawn of War Dark Crusade Expansion

This solo-cast is with Jonathan. It is also the first cast that testing a new format.
We talk about the new Dawn of War Dark Crusade expansion.

Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Thursday September 21, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, Dawn of War Expansion.

3) Music to Game By
Check out the metal song “Wrecking Ball” by 137.

4) Our Website =

5) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

6) Discuss Dawn of War Dark Crusade Expansion
Dawn of War – Dark Crusade Demo Released @ CWF

Dawn of War Demo @ CWF (Right Click and Save Target As) 308MB File

7) Promote Podsafe Music Network

8) Music to Game By….Again
Check out the electronica song “The Way You Are” by 46bliss.

9) Closing comments, next cast will be a Duo-Cast on September 24, 2006.

10) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

11) Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates

12) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

Next cast will be a Duo-Cast on September 24, 2006.