No Podcast for Thursday September, 14, 2006

I’m sorry to tell you that there is no podcast for today. I’ve been sick with a bad cold/asthma situation and just started to get better today. Also, the podcast equipment I told you about in Podcast Equipment – We Can Cast in the Field arrived too! I was playing with it trying to figure out how to work it.

I’m really sorry for the let down. Instead of making a crappy cast I chose to do no cast today. So I don’t leave you completely empty-handed I do have some news and stuff for you.

I hope to have a podcast up this Saturday as a replacement. I’m due to hang out with my pal Steve at Battleground and I’m intending to use the new equipment to do a cast from there.

Also, I have mentioned that I’m a librarian but I haven’t mentioned this wonderful webcomic called Unshelved. It is about libraries but even if you don’t work at or go into libraries you can appreciate it. It spreads to the retail world and gaming too.

Go to 40k Sneak Peeks and you’ll find sneak peek photos of the new Eldar model ranges for Warhammer 40k. Or, if LoTR is your thing then check out LoTR Sneak Peeks for new LoTR models.
Of course, you will find our regularly scheduled podcast on Sunday the 17th.

I hope all of this will somewhat make amends for today’s missing show. Thanks and keep on gaming!

Warvault Joins Acho Hosting

As of today Warvault has moved to Acho Hosting for its web hosting needs.  Why is this news, you ask, because it sounds boring.

The reason, besides giving some major promo to Acho Hosting who is our web host and sponsor for our podcast, is to announce downtime for Warvault.

The move to Acho Hosting will include downtime while the Warvault URL transfers to the new server plus time for DNS to propagate.  I won’t get into the technical side but after the Warvault URL moves it’ll take 24-48 hours for that information to travel around the globe.

During that time you may have trouble accessing Warvault.

What Does This Mean For Us?

It means a lot of things actually.  Without violating customer confidentiality, I can say that Warvault has upgraded to a top of the line hosting plan, for a fraction of the cost.  I am the Sales Department Manager at Acho Hosting and I assisted Warvault Owner, Angron, with the move in conjunction with Nikk Spiert who is the head tech guy at Acho.

Additionally, the top of the line plan affords Warvault a heap of bandwidth, which means even more of you can access the website.  Plus, Warvault gains a lot more space allowing Angron to implement many plans that he couldn’t before due to limitations from the previous host.

Lastly, the move to Acho Hosting provides as near to 100% uptime as we’ve ever seen.  This means that once Warvault is firmly on the Acho Hosting server that no matter what time or where you are you will be able to access Warvault 24 hours a day.

CWF-2006-09-10 Solo-Cast w/ WFB 7th Ed Review, Guitar Hero, & Warvault Hacking

Today Angron was supposed to co-host but he has a lot on his plate. Tune in and you’ll find out why.

In today’s cast we review WFB 7th edition, discuss Guitar Hero for PS2, and talk about the Warvault hacking.

Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer. For high speed listeners)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Sunday September 10, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, WFB 7th ed, Guitar Hero, & Warvault Hacking.

3) Discuss WFB 7th Edition

Warhammer Page @ Games Workshop

Battle for Skull Pass Page @ Games Workshop

Warhammer Online Store @ Games Workshop

7th Edition Discussion @

4) Our Website =

5) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

6) Discuss Guitar Hero

Guitar Hero Official Website

Music Wish List for Guitar Hero 2 @ IGN

Guitar Hero 2 article @ Wikipedia

7) Promote (High Elves Forum)

8) Discuss Warvault Hacking

Warvault Official Website

Warvault Goes Down, Hackers Triumph…or Do They? @ CWF

Warvault Surmounts Hack Attack @ CWF

9) Closing comments, next cast will be a Solo-Cast w/^Raven^ on September 14, 2006.

10) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

11) Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates

12) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

Next cast will be a Solo-Cast w/^Raven^ on September 14, 2006.

Warvault Surmounts Hack Attack

On September 6th we made a post titled “Warvault Goes Down, Hackers Triumph….or Do They?” in which we stated that Warvault suffered prolonged downtime because of hackers.

Today we are happy to announce that Warvault is up and running.  Warvault owner Angron found a security hole in a piece of software and was able to patch it up.  After that it was smooth sailing with a result of Warvault bouncing back in record time.

Be sure to vote for us at Warvault and see what Warvault can do for you!

TXG Tau For the Greater Good

I know you’re probably saying, “Hey, aren’t you collecting Tomb Kings for this?” Yeah, I am. However, I also have to finish my Tau army for 40k and figured why not include it here.

My Tau are more or less finished. I have about 4k of Tau before the Tau Empire codex came out. With the new codex I decided to upgrade my list and enhance it with some new additions from the Tau model range.

In US WD 316 (March 2006) on page 102 and 103 there are two examples of different tactics for using a Tau army. The first is a Gun Line with massed firepower. The second is Air Cavalry with lots of vehicles. I’m using the first tactic.

The only additions I need to make are:

  • 10 Kroot Hounds
  • 1 Krootox
  • 2 Sniper Teams

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