CWF-2006-09-10 Solo-Cast w/ WFB 7th Ed Review, Guitar Hero, & Warvault Hacking

Today Angron was supposed to co-host but he has a lot on his plate. Tune in and you’ll find out why.

In today’s cast we review WFB 7th edition, discuss Guitar Hero for PS2, and talk about the Warvault hacking.

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1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Sunday September 10, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, WFB 7th ed, Guitar Hero, & Warvault Hacking.

3) Discuss WFB 7th Edition

Warhammer Page @ Games Workshop

Battle for Skull Pass Page @ Games Workshop

Warhammer Online Store @ Games Workshop

7th Edition Discussion @

4) Our Website =

5) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

6) Discuss Guitar Hero

Guitar Hero Official Website

Music Wish List for Guitar Hero 2 @ IGN

Guitar Hero 2 article @ Wikipedia

7) Promote (High Elves Forum)

8) Discuss Warvault Hacking

Warvault Official Website

Warvault Goes Down, Hackers Triumph…or Do They? @ CWF

Warvault Surmounts Hack Attack @ CWF

9) Closing comments, next cast will be a Solo-Cast w/^Raven^ on September 14, 2006.

10) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

11) Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates

12) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

Next cast will be a Solo-Cast w/^Raven^ on September 14, 2006.

Warvault Surmounts Hack Attack

On September 6th we made a post titled “Warvault Goes Down, Hackers Triumph….or Do They?” in which we stated that Warvault suffered prolonged downtime because of hackers.

Today we are happy to announce that Warvault is up and running.  Warvault owner Angron found a security hole in a piece of software and was able to patch it up.  After that it was smooth sailing with a result of Warvault bouncing back in record time.

Be sure to vote for us at Warvault and see what Warvault can do for you!

TXG Tau For the Greater Good

I know you’re probably saying, “Hey, aren’t you collecting Tomb Kings for this?” Yeah, I am. However, I also have to finish my Tau army for 40k and figured why not include it here.

My Tau are more or less finished. I have about 4k of Tau before the Tau Empire codex came out. With the new codex I decided to upgrade my list and enhance it with some new additions from the Tau model range.

In US WD 316 (March 2006) on page 102 and 103 there are two examples of different tactics for using a Tau army. The first is a Gun Line with massed firepower. The second is Air Cavalry with lots of vehicles. I’m using the first tactic.

The only additions I need to make are:

  • 10 Kroot Hounds
  • 1 Krootox
  • 2 Sniper Teams

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Battle for Medusa V Over – Victors Declared

Recently Games Workshop released the conclusion to its 40k Summer Campaign the Battle for Medusa V.

The conclusion states that, as suspected, the Imperial Guard and Space Marines win…yet again. Yawn

More interesting is the information that over 60 thousand gamers participated and played more than 92 thousand games to decide the outcome. That’s 1.5 games per gamer. Logistically this is impressive because the campaign was worldwide. Collating and keeping track of everything in such an endeavor is a nightmare. The coordinators deserve a round of applause for doing as good a job as they did.

Who Lost?

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Podcast Equipment – We Can Cast in the Field

To grow beyond our existing setup and expand the possibilities we’ve purchased new equipment. This equipment will allow us to podcast out in the field away from our equipment at my house.

New Equipment

We purchased an iRiver IFP799 mp3 player and a Sony Digital ECM-MS907 Electret Condensor Microphone.

We are very excited about this new equipment for all the possibilities that come with it. The iRiver IFP-799 has been touted amongst podcasting circles as a great buy. It has 40 hours of battery life and 1GB of storage. Our average podcasts are 20 minutes long = about 20 MB. That means we can get 5 casts stored on the iRiver IFP-799 before we have to save it onto a computer. This will come in really handy for cons or events such as when Alex Fennell, owner of Mongoose Publishing, comes to Danger Planet Games this October.

The Sony ECM-MS907 comes highly recommended by CC Chapman, host and producer and podcaster of Accident Hash a show that features podsafe music. Any recommendation by him is good enough for us. He even said that the iRiver IFP-799 and the Sony ECM-MS907 were his initial setups. Hopefully we can put this equipment to 1/4 of the great use he has!

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