Mongoose Publishing Founder & Owner, Alex Fennell, to Visit Danger Planet

Straight from the Danger Planet Games newsletter we have some exciting news! Alex Fennell, owner and founder of Mongoose Publishing, will be visiting Danger Planet Games in October.

He will be discussing their new game, Starship Troopers Evolution, at the store. Danger Planet, as you will recall, is owned by Brian Lasiewski who is former Sales & Marketing Director for Mongoose Publishing.

In their newsletter Danger Planet has stated

On Saturday October 7th Mongoose Publishing founder and owner Alex Fennell will be at Danger Planet to answer questions and provide intro games for Starship Troopers Evolution. Following the previous two years of the game’s history this will be the first major update of the game’s core rules. Be on hand to play and see how your army stacks up under the revised system. See prototypes of upcoming releases and get your questions answered directly from Mongoose Publishing! Alex will also likely be able to provide a great deal of information pertaining to MGP’s other popular games including Babylon 5: A Call to Arms, RuneQuest, and their upcoming Battlefield Evolution. It’s the British invasion of Danger Planet, don’t miss out!

If you can’t be there don’t worry!  Our very own Jonathan J. Reinhart, aka ^Raven^, will be at the store to ask questions and get the 411.

If you have questions you want to ask Alex Fennell, owner of Mongoose Publishing, about the new game or any of MGP’s other games let us know!

All you have to do is contact us with your questions and Jonathan will do his best to get answers.

CWF-2006-09-07 Solo-Cast w/ Tale of X Gamers & Horror Clix

Today we mix things up by discussing Horror Clix and our unique Intra-System Tale of X Gamers. ^Raven^ tells all in today’s cast.

Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer. For high speed listeners)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Thursday September 7, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, Tale of X Gamers, Horror Clix.

3) Discuss Inter-System Tale of X Gamers

Tale of X Gamers Posts @ CWF

Tale of X Gamers Rules Update @ CWF

Tale of X Gamers FREE Registration @ CWF

Games Workshop Official Website – Choose Your Country (For Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Lord of the Rings & Specialist Games)
Mongoose Publishing Official Website (For Starship Troopers, Babylon 5 & Gangs of Mega-City One)

Battlefront Miniatures Official Website (For Flames of War)

Privateer Press Official Website (For Warmachine & Hordes)

Dark Age Games Official Website (For Dark Age)

Reaper Miniatures Official Website (For CAV & Warlord)

Rackham Official Online Store (For Confrontation & Rag’narok)

Crocodile Games Official Online Store (For Wargods of the Ægyptus)

The Warstore (For prices on all games, use the non-discounted price)

4) Our Website =

5) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

6) Discuss Horror Clix

Horror Clix Official Website

Danger Planet Games Official Website

7) Promote (High Elves Forum)
8) Closing comments, next cast will be a Duo-Cast w/^Raven^ & Angron on September 10, 2006.

9) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

10) Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates

11) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

Next cast will be a Duo-Cast w/^Raven^ & Angron on September 10, 2006..

Tale of X Gamers Rules Updated

The rules have been updated because of the release of Warhammer Fantasy 7th edition.  We feel that participants shouldn’t have to include the cost of rulebooks and army books in their monthly expenditures.

This has been updated in the rules below.  See #5.

  1. You are allowed to spend no more than $75 USD for the first month. This is your startup money.
  2. You are allowed to spend no more than $40 USD for each month thereafter.
  3. You can spend less than the above limits but you cannot spend more.
  4. Any unspent money can be carried over to the following month. This is great to do if you have a big purchase you want to make.
  5. Rulebooks and army books do not come out of your funds.  They’re a FREEBIE!
  6. You can collect any army for any system at any points level. I’m collecting a 1k Tomb Kings army for WFB. Steve is collected 1,850pts of Howling Griffons for 40k. The choices are limitless.
  7. You must post no less than 1 time each month. Your post must say what you bought/intend to buy, how much $$ you spent and how much you will have left, and what you did. I.e. what you assembled, painted, converted, and how you did it such as colors used and etc. You are encouraged to post as often as you want and to include photos.
  8. You are encouraged to write fluff for your army and to adapt the fluff to your purchases and vice versa. This is not a requirement.

Tale of X Gamers-Howling Griffons

The beginning of my budgeted army are two tactical space marine squads. I choose to do the howling griffons chapter due to the difficulty of the color scheme. Both tactical squads contain 10 marines, one plasma riffle and one veteran sargent. One veteran sargent uses a power fist and bolt pistol, the other a power weapon and bolt pistol.

The first tactical squad is finished, which is the one lead by the power fist sergeant. I also recently stumbed upon an old Librarian I was not using and decided to make use of the model and make him into a howling griffon.

Warvault Goes Down, Hackers Triumph….or Do They?

Warvault Owner, Angron, announced today that Warvault has experienced downtime caused by hackers exploiting a hole in PHP.

The exploitation has allowed the hackers to run their own software. In defense Warvault’s web hosting company has closed the site down until a fix is implemented.

The Warvault team is hard at work to fix this issue. They’ve asked for YOUR help! Here’s how:

If you are an experienced coder with time enough to perhaps throw your hand in to examine what exactly has gone wrong here and the means with which to help us repair it, please, get in touch. Same goes for knowing a coder of being able to put us in touch with one!

Angron also said, “I have noticed worryingly erronous vote patterns for a few, unnamed, sites. If you are the owner of this site and are aware that there is something wrong, or indeed are exploiting a hole in Evo Topsites in order to up your vote count, own up.” He promises that he won’t ban the site that owns up. He just wants to get Warvault back on its feet.

If you can either help or know someone who can please contact Angron at

If you know who the hackers are please contact Angron at

If you are a hacker exploiting Warvault, please stop and grow up.