Deciding what to do next…

The Feels!

I have a lot of minis available to me. At some point, I’ve bought them because I’ve got excited about painting them. Then, I’ve bought more minis because I also got excited. Now, I have many unpainted minis and sometimes I’ve actually forgotten they exist. Other times I’ve been so overwhelmed by choice I don’t know what to do!

The thing is I want to do a nice job on them. Each piece doesn’t have to be THE best.  But, I still want it to look good.

Back in the New Year, I talked about using KPIs (see That New Year’s Feelin’) or hard targets to measure my hobby and how that really doesn’t make me feel happy.

When I tried this in the past, I think I misused the term; “Done is better than perfect,” in a way to convince myself it was ok.
What makes me happy is completing a mini and not feeling like I need to rush it.

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Rebels and Patriots: A wargamer’s review.

Rebels and Patriots

Author: Michael Leck & Daniel Mersey
Publisher: Osprey Games
MSRP: $20.00 US ($13.66 on Amazon via our affiliate link)

Period/Setting: North America: Colonies to Civil War. Generally 1754-1877
Scale: scale-neutral. Rules advise 15mm-28mm. Other scales can be used, but you might have to make a few changes if you wish.
Basing: Infantry: individual 25mm round bases. Cavalry: 40mm round. There are included rules for multi-basing and how to use them.
Game Board: 48″x48″
Army size per side: 24 points worth of figures. One unit can be between 2 and 10 points. Approximately 40-60 figures.
Primary dice: D6. Rolling either 12, 6 or 2 dice. Rolling higher is better.

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2020 Here We Come – Wargaming Recon #243

We’re all back after a well earned and enjoyed holiday. Adrian co-hosts whilst Jonathan leads the show into the roaring 20’s. If you’ve not seen them yet, we now feature a bunch of articles from authors new to the Wargaming Recon family. Jonathan and Adrian react to the articles that discuss hobby resolutions for the new year. Sprinkle in a Lumber Mill segment, details for the first ever Wargaming Recon Kickstarter, and hobby news to round things out.

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…“So where do we go from here?” five club New Year’s resolutions.

This time of year, it is very customary for all hobbyists to decide on resolutions, many of you will have declared that this is finally the year in which that Greek army will get finished. More figures will be painted than brought and perhaps that finally that old naval project will be finished or sold off. This is all fairly sensible and might make you dear reader wonder why on earth you need to read another list style article on the plans of other war gamers, short of working work who’s selling what and if you can get a good bargain for when another army goes off cheap.

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Running events, 2020’s aim and goal. Remember Evesham!

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2020’s Hobby Goals, or The Road to 350 Redux

I wrapped up my 2019 goals just in time, breaking the 350 mark in December. I thought I would blow through it and raise my goal for 2020. But, I think 350 is fairly easy to achieve. I painted somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 miniatures and about two dozen vehicles if you count the two commissions I was working on, but I won’t be increasing it.

A portion of the Closet of Shame…

So what will my main projects be for 2020? Eisenkern, Terminator Genisys, kobolds, old school 25mm sci-fi, and Battletech. I’m certain I’ll mix in some Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), zombies (both modern and WWII) and hopefully some 15mm stompy robots to mix it up a little bit. Read More»