Listening to the Podcast; Easier than Ever w/ New Plugin

Tonight we installed a plugin that will make listening to the podcast easier than ever. The plugin allows us to directly embed each podcast into the post with its shownotes.

Scroll to the bottom of each post and you’ll see something that says Listen Now. You can use that area to listen to the podcast, it’ll stream to you. There’s also a button to download the podcast to your PC.

This plugin also tells you the exact playing time for the podcast. We have gone through all the podcast entries and implemented this.
We will continue to put the links at the top of the show notes to download the podcast. But, this plugin makes our life easier and we may eventually rely on this.

It saves a lot of time an effort, which means we can put more quality time into the podcast. That will improve the show and also allow us to produce shows more frequently.

If you encounter difficulties please contact ^Raven^. Go to Contact ^Raven^ & Angron to find out how to contact them.

CWF-2006-08-31 Solo-Cast w/ Tomb Kings & Listener Feedback

This is our last Solo-Cast before Angron joins the show, I promise. We are talking about Warhammer Fantasy Tomb Kings and Listener Feedback. We’ve also discontinued the “how many times did he say uh” game due to lack of funniness and participation. If we had a suitable car crash sound we’d play that here.

Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer. For high speed listeners)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Thursday August 31, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, Warhammer Fantasy Tomb Kings, Listener Feedback
3) Discuss Starting Warhammer Fantasy Tomb Kings

Tomb Kings Website @ GW Forum

Tutankhanut Conversion @ CWF

Khemri Board @ Librarium Online

Listener Feedback

“Quality good but avoid those pauses and dead air.”

“Stop saying uhh.”

“You seem really focused on Warhammer Fantasy. Diversify a little.”

“You have a great speaking voice, I love listening to it.”

“Very informative and accessible.”

“I’m intrigued by your take on 7th edition Fantasy. Can’t wait to hear more.”

“I want more 40k!”

“Liven things up a bit more and try to relax a little more too.”
“I love the music, it is very sci-fi and gets me in the mood.”

“The quickcast on video gaming was awesome. I’d love to hear more like it.”
4) Our Website =

5) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

6) Discuss Dark Age Games

7) Promote Forum

8) Closing comments, next cast will be a Duo-Cast w/^Raven^ & Angron on September 3, 2006.

9) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

10) Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates

11) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

Next cast will be a Duo-Cast w/^Raven^ & Angron on September 3, 2006..

Foray into Tomb Kings w/ Tutankhanut Conversion

Greetings guys and gals!

As most of you won’t know I’m really into Warhammer Fantasy. I have several armies, all listed on our About Team CWF page, and I want to start another. I chose the Tomb Kings.

When I started Vampire Counts, I field an Army of Sylvania group, I vowed to customize and convert my models. The Undead beg it and Tomb Kings are no different. I want to have a spectacular model to use as a Tomb King on foot, and I can also mount him in a chariot too, when I came across an article in Black Gobbo 31.

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Pre-Painted Models Way of Future for Starship Troopers

This is an URGENT posting. I found out today, on very good information like so good I can’t tell you the how or why but I can tell you this is 210% FACT and WILL happen, that Mongoose Publishing is drastically changing how it handles its Starship Troopers Miniatures game. You can also check out the SST Evolution Thread @ MGP Website for more information and reactions.

They are unhappy with how their models have been coming out, of particular note the company is unhappy with their Skinnies models, and will NOT be releasing anything new for the rest of 2006. Existing models will continue production but that’s that.

They are also canceling the entire Starship Troopers game as we know it. In its place will be a new rules system. The existing rules were devised by Andy Chambers and are some of the best rules I’ve ever had the pleasure to play with. The new rules system will be called Battlefield Evolution and will come out in January 2007.

Battlefield Evolution will take place 5-10 years from present day. You’ll get to use real world soldiers and everything, based off the SST rules system with some changes. The main difference is that ALL the models will come pre-painted. Mongoose says that the models will be painted to a “90%” higher quality than existing pre-painted minis.

They released the following photos of two tanks as proof of their claim.
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CWF-2006-08-27 Impromptu Solo-cast w/GW Army Book Release Dates

Apologies for the rough nature of today’s cast. It was originally canceled due to family obligations on Angron’s part and political obligations on mine. At the last moment I was able to throw this together and figured people would prefer that over nothing. I share my thoughts on the rumored release dates for new GW army books.

Download Podcast Now (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer. For high speed listeners)

Download Part 1 Now (Right Click, Save Target As. For low bandwidth or dial-up listeners)

Download Part 2 Now (Right Click, Save Target As. For low bandwidth or dial-up listeners)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

2) Sunday Aug 27, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, new format, GW Army Book Release Dates

3) Our Website =

4) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

5) Discuss Games Workshop Release Dates until 2009

The Army Book/Codex Release Info @ CWF

Discussion on Release Dates @ Warseer

Eldar Rumors & Photos @ Tau Online

6) Promote Tau Online: The Fall of Medusa V Campaign Forum

7) Closing comments, next cast will be a Solo-Cast w/Jonathan on Thursday, August 31, 2006.

8) Update on Games (How many times did Jonathan say “uh”?)

9) Please give your feedback on the show. We live off it and it helps us to make the show better. Send your feedback to the Contact Us Page

10) Our Website = and it has all the shownotes and updates

11) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)

Next cast will be a Solo-Cast w/Jonathan on Thursday, August 31, 2006.