No Duo-Cast Today Solo-Cast Today

Our apologies for the lack of a podcast today. Angron was called away on family obligations and I’ve been called away on political duties.

Please check back for the next scheduled Duo-Cast on next Sunday. We’re really sorry for the delay.

There will be a podcast today. It will be a solo-cast with Jonathan. I threw this together at the last moment and I apologize for the roughness of it.

First Duo-Cast w/co-Host Angron from the UK @ August 28, 2006

Unfortunately the first Duo-Cast was postponed until Sunday, September 3, 2006.

Hi Guys and Gals!

I want to remind all of you that this Sunday, August 28, 2006 the first Duo-Cast with co-host Angron from the UK will take place.

We will discus a variety of topics and even anticipate discussing Dark Age Games.

In the last podcast I spent some more time on 7th edition of WFB. I talked about anticipated release dates for new army books. Since then I’ve come across a reliable release date list for all GW games, WFB & 40k & LoTR, until 2009.

Check out that list at Games Workshop Release Dates Until 2009 because we’ll discuss it in an upcoming podcast.

If you have any suggestions for us be sure to contact us. We are always looking for feedback and of course things you want us to discuss.

Here’s our contact info:

^Raven^ (aka Jon)

E-mail: jreinhart (at) gmail (dot) com

AIM: cwforums

Skype: cwforums


E-mail: contact (at) warvault (dot) net

AIM: rosswbirkett

Skype: se_angron

CWF-2006-08-24 Solo-cast w/More Warhammer Fantasy Rumors for 7th edition

I further discuss the the upcoming release of Warhammer Fantasy 7th edition Battle for Skull Pass. There will be rumors for this edition plus news on some Warhammer games for PC.

Download Podcast Now 17MB (Right Click, Save Target As to save to your computer. For high speed listeners)

Download Part 1 Now 8.68 MB (Right Click, Save Target As. For low bandwidth or dial-up listeners)

Download Part 2 Now 8.32 MB (Right Click, Save Target As. For low bandwidth or dial-up listeners)

Our RSS Feed (put the URL in your favorite RSS gatherer or podcast downloader)

1) Theme, Zombie by Devin Anderson (Electronic)
2) Thursday Aug 24, 2006, CWF Game Discussions Podcast, Welcome, name, GRE was Wednesday, new format, Warhammer Fantasy 7th edition Battle for Skull Pass, Warhammer PC Games

3) Our Website =

4) Sponsor, Acho Hosting starts at $3.55 a month

5) Discuss Warhammer PC Games

Warhammer Online Screenshots @ MMORPG Blog

Warhammer Mark of Chaos Screenshots @ Myth Games

Warhammer Mark of Chaos Movie @ CWF

Discuss Games Workshop’s 7th edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles-Battle for Skull Pass

Warhammer Fantasy Rumours @ Warseer

Warhammer Fantasy 7th ed Info @ Librarium Online

Games Workshop Warhammer Fantasy Section

Pages 114-119, U.S. White Dwarf #320 for Rule Changes (note the exclusion of Vampire Counts in all the Fantasy sections talking about 7th edition)

Peek at New Warhammer Fantasy Rulebook

Photos of 7th edition models and box Q&A with Graham McNeill & Gav Thorpe

6) Closing comments

7) E-mail Me jreinhart (at) gmail (dot) com, IM Me cwforums on AIM

8) Our Website =

9) Exit Theme, Pop Science by Devin Anderson (Electronic)
Next cast will be a Duo-Cast w/Angron on Sunday, August 27, 2006.

CWF Podcast’s New Format

Greetings guys and gals! In an effort to improve the show and balance my lame jokes (i.e. my aliens are invading the world joke in the cast from 8/20/06) we have a new member to the cast. His online moniker is Angron, owner of, and he’s from the UK.

Angron will be my co-host on Sundays. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the world of gaming. I want to give him a heartful welcome and I know you will too! Look for our first duo-cast on Sunday, August 27, 2006. Some have even suggested we call the show ^Raven^ & Angron. But, we’ll leave that one to you. hahaha
As always, I will be doing a solo-cast on Thursdays.

Our New Schedule

  • Sundays = Jon & Angron
  • Thursdays = Jon

Lastly, we hope to have a surprise, semi-regular, guest host. We’re leaving him a mystery but you don’t have to interrogate us for the answer. Just believe in the Emperor and all will become apparent.

We’re in iTunes & Digital Podcast, Programs to Use

In the first podcast I mentioned that I submitted the podcast to numerous directories. A couple days ago I heard back from Apple that we made it into iTunes. Tonight I heard that we made it into Digital Podcast.

Here are the links for both:

Our iTunes Entry

Our Digital Podcast Entry (Be Sure to Rate Us)
I also wanted to talk about subscribing to the podcast. I’m sure a lot of you come to this blog and either download or listen to the podcast directly. That’s a great way to listen but it does require a fair ammount of effort on your part.

There is an easier way and that is subscribing. If you have iTunes you can go to our iTunes entry and subscribe. Each time you open iTunes you’ll automatically download the latest podcast.

The easiest way is to use a program like iPodder (also called Juice), my favorite, for all your podcasts. Go to iPodder Website and download the version for your computer. It is FREE and there’s versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The wizard walks you through. Then you add our RSS Feed,, as a new subscription. The program will automatically download the most recent podcasts for you.

I am working on adding the podcast to other directories and as we get added I’ll update everyone. Also, I’ve put the directories we belong to into our Blogroll links in the sidebar at right.

Thanks and thanks for listening. You guys and your feedback makes this worthwhile.