2020’s Hobby Goals, or The Road to 350 Redux

I wrapped up my 2019 goals just in time, breaking the 350 mark in December. I thought I would blow through it and raise my goal for 2020. But, I think 350 is fairly easy to achieve. I painted somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 miniatures and about two dozen vehicles if you count the two commissions I was working on, but I won’t be increasing it.

A portion of the Closet of Shame…

So what will my main projects be for 2020? Eisenkern, Terminator Genisys, kobolds, old school 25mm sci-fi, and Battletech. I’m certain I’ll mix in some Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), zombies (both modern and WWII) and hopefully some 15mm stompy robots to mix it up a little bit. Read More»

That New Year’s Feelin’

New Year

Every year I eat too much for Christmas.

Every year I look at all the awesome stuff I get.

Every year, around this time, I start looking forward and thinking;

How are the next 12 months going to be different?

I’m not talking I’ll drink less, eat healthier or work out more. Last year I took a pledge to:

  • Finish Massive Darkness
  • Repaint all of Zombicide
  • Build a Gaming Table to start playing some skirmish games, namely Circle of Blood, Rangers of Shadow Deep and Otherworld Fantasy Skirmish.

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2019’s goal: 350 figures painted!

Hello Wargaming Recon readers! Jonathan put out a call for bloggers and I answered! I’ve been wargaming for about a decade now and playing RPGs and board games for almost 30. I spent 15 years as a photojournalist and recently went back to college to change careers. I’ve been craving a creative outlet and decided this was the perfect opportunity to revive my neglected blogging hobby.



2019 is almost done and I haven’t blogged since the beginning of the year! I set out in January with a goal of painting 350 28mm figures. Major projects were a WWII Soviet army, Terminator Genisys miniatures, and a mix of zombies including some Nazi zombies for a convention game in my hometown I attend every October.

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ReCast: Get Your Hobby Mojo Back – Wargaming Recon #237

Hope you enjoy this “Best of” episode from the 2019 podcast season. This one focuses on the universal experience of having a slump. Originally released on September 23, 2019 the episode discussed some of the ways to bust out of that slump.

The intro for this “Best of” episode makes a major announcement.

Don’t worry! We’ll be back with NEW episodes of Wargaming Recon in 2019.

There’s nothing worse than being on a roll only to hit a wall.  You’ve entered a hobby slump.  What do you?  Is there any hope for improvement?  We share tips and tricks that help us.

Updates are given on Adrian’s progress with Altar of Freedom by Greg Wagman and Et sans resultat by David M. Esteness of The Wargaming Company.

Jonathan announces a new segment on the show.  The MDF terrain segment (name pending poll results) is sponsored by Things From The Basement.  We’ll rate and cover MDF terrain kits, discuss tips and tricks for building them, and warn you of pitfalls to avoid.

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State of Wargaming Clubs: A 21st century perspective

Shrewsbury Wargames Society’s best in show 2019 at Alumwell Wargames Show.

Clubs are and have always been a key part of wargaming. In the modern world of Facebook, blogs and even podcasts, the connection between players has never been greater.  With the role of the wargame show changing, and even disappearing for some, the human contact between players is still the usual twenty miles round trip for most to their nearest club or shop. In this context I intend to write a monthly insight into the world of wargaming through the eyes of the Shrewsbury Wargames Society wargames club, based on the Shropshire/Welsh Border.  I will share how the modern world of wargaming has effected and continues to evolve in the age of the internet for the betterment of the hobby.

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