Minis Agnostic Gaming – Wargaming Recon #297

This episode was recorded LIVE at Carnage 2023 in Killington, Vermont.  Jonathan is joined by co-hosts Robert Dunn and Peter Saloom. The trio sit down and talk about miniatures agnostic gaming.

Peter and Robert begin by defining what minis agnostic gaming is.  We talk about our thoughts about this type of game and what sort of pros and cons you might have trying out games of this type.

Peter’s game of choice is Song of Blades and Heroes by Ganesha Games and you can find more about it here.
Robert’s game of choice is the solo game by Modiphius Publishing and Nordic Weasel Games call five Parsecs from Home, and you can see about the game here.

We would love to know what your thoughts are about minis agnostic games and if you have any personal favorites.

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Gaming Across Eras – Wargaming Recon #296

In this episode Jonathan is joined by co-host Robert Dunn. Robert writes the show notes.  He has been on the podcast before and travels with Jonathan to conventions.

Jonathan and Robert get into a very long talk about what they think about the multitude of eras available in our wargame hobby. They use the list that from the Wargaming, Soldiers and Strategy magazine’s Great Wargaming Survey 2023.  The survey has been ongoing for about 10 years now. We do take a few liberties on how we organized some of the eras, but we talk about all of them; we did almost miss Pike and Shotte, but we caught it before the end. We recap our favorite eras and add the one era that we would add to our collection if we could.  We would love to hear your favorite eras to play in and hope you reach out through social media or email.

Before we end we talk about our upcoming trip to Carnage 26 on October 27-29 at the Killington Grand Resort in Killington, Vermont, USA. Preregistration will be over by the time this podcast is live but you can still register onsite.

The Wargaming Recon crew will be doing a live recording on Saturday October 28 from 10am-11am in the Roundabout. Our topic is going to be figure (or miniature) agnostics rules. If you are at the convention come by the live recording or say “Hi” if you happen to see us around.

For more info on Carnage 26

For info on the Great Wargaming Survey

You can find our Mech on our website
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One Day Conventions – Wargaming Recon #295

In this episode Jonathan is joined by Peter Saloom to talk about two recent 1-Day gaming events called Leveled Up and the Hobby Bunker Games Day.

Leveled Up is part of Redemption Con and might sound familiar to our listeners. Peter talks about about the turn out and the games played along with other details if you are interested in attending next time.

The other event is the Hobby Bunker Games Day. The pair talk about the new location and the new playing space. Jonathan and Peter discuss how this event stands out from others and what games they played.

One game that was played is Devil in San Miguel. Jonathan explains the details and how it is related to Devil in the Wilderness. Jonathan made a YouTube video of the game played at the Hobby Bunker Games Day. You can see the video here.

If you want to see the Wargaming Recon team in the future you can find can find us at Carnage 26.  Carnage is October 27-29 at the Killington Grand Resort in Killington, Vermont. There will even be a live podcast  recording at the convention that you can participate in. The recording is event #273 and will be on Saturday October 28 at 10am. Peter is also running some 2 Deadlands RPG’s that you can also check out at events #77& #78

Carnage 26

If you want to stay up to date with Peter you can find him at the following:

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Savage Worlds – Wargaming Recon #294

In this episode Jonathan is joined by Peter Saloom. You might remember Peter since he was on recently and was talking about growing community at Redemption Rock Brewing in Worcester, Massachusetts. Peter is a published writer with the Stingers & Spores setting in the Savage Worlds RPG ruleset.

Peter starts off by describing the Savage Worlds rules and what about them drew him to using those rules for his own adventures.

Peter walks us through his writing process and where his ideas and inspirations come from. Jonathan asks about what adventures he loves and what makes them special for him. Peter moves on to the adventures that he has written, which ones have been published and how people can get them on DriveThruRPG.

Peter is published through Twitchy Butcher Studios LLC; and Calvin Thomas is the owner and creator of their products.

If you want to stay up to date with Peter you can find him at the following:

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Toxicity in Gaming – Wargaming Recon #293

In this episode Jonathan is joined by counselor, author and professor; Dr. Allan Hunter. He has written 12 books including The Sanity Manual (affiliate link), Life Passages: Writing Exercises for Your Life Journey (affiliate link), and From Coastal Command to Captivity: The Memoir of a Second World War Airman (affiliate link).  Dr. Hunter has a PhD in Literature from Oxford and Jonathan had him as a professor in college.

Last time he was on the podcast they talked about how tabletop gaming can help those living with anxiety and depression. See: Episode 245. This time they talk about toxicity and and what it looks like.

Jonathan and Dr. Hunter cover some of the notable examples of toxicity in the tabletop gaming community. The big three that they cover are the Satine Phoenix incident; the Wizards of the Coast potential change to the Open Game License; and the Wyrmwood Gaming allegations.  They will discuss the negative catalysts of each and healthy ways people can move forward having lived through such awfulness.

The will then talk about how, and if, trusting them again would be possible. There is even talk about forgiveness and how it can help with healing and if it is right for someone to consider forgiveness.  It is highly likely that all these incidents are are not unique, and Dr. Hunter offers some potential red flags to look for in order to protect yourself.

If you would like to contact Dr. Allan Hunter; you can find him at the following locations:

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