Writing for RPGs – TotalCon 2016 Panel

Will be live blogging the Writing for RPGs panel from TotalCon 2016.  Industry guests Mike Pondsmith, Michael Curtis, and Jeffrey Talanian are featured on this panel.


Jonathan’s TotalCon 2016 Schedule

TotalCon begins this TODAY!  If you haven’t pre-registered don’t worry. You can get your ticket on site. There are heaps of games, events, panels, and fun to be had.

This year I will be in attendance with Troll in the Corner owner & Indie Talks host Ben Gerber. Ben, as a Guest of Honor, is running a few events and is also sitting on a slew of panels. Be sure to look at Ben’s Schedule to see what he is doing.

If you are coming to TotalCon this year, I’d love to meet you.  Below you can find my public con schedule.  Just look for the tall guy wearing either a black or gray Wargaming Recon t-shirt. If you like us on Facebook you will be able to see a photo of me during the con to make it easier for you to find me.

Friday February 21

1-3pm Arrival/Stairs of the Immortal: Duke Crestfaul and the Lightess/Small Board and Card Games: Big Fun!

Hoping to arrive for 1pm.  If I make it in time and if there is still space I’m hoping to play either in Guest of Honor Jay Libby’s Stairs of the Immortal RPG or Guest of Honor Ben Gerber’s Small Board and Card Games event.  Don’t play many RPGs so it’d be nice to try something different and although I own a copy of Love Letter I’ve never played it.  No matter what happens it is sure to be fun.

3-5pm Meander

This is a great time to visit the vendor room and then walk around taking photos.  There’ll be a lot of people playing games and fun stuff happening.

5pm Dinner

I’ll be dining in Pike’s Peak with Guest of Honor Ben Gerber. If you see us don’t be shy, feel free to come up and say hi!

6-7pm Perusing the Con

There are numerous events I need to pop by. You can find me visiting:
Guest of Honor Peter “Blix” Bryant’s Blixapalooza in the lobby.

7-11pm Convoy to Malta

Convoy to Malta is a War at Sea event (GMed by Dan Eustace) in the minis room.  Dan has taken the standard War at Sea game as created by Wizards of the Coast and he’s enhanced it with resources, info, and ideas from the excellent Axis & Allies ForuMINI online community.  Dan’s events are always a blast.  If you’re not playing in anything at 7pm you should try to get into the game.

11pm Podcast the Day’s Events

When I return to my hotel room I am recording my thoughts on the day.  With luck I may even be able to edit and release the recordings from the con, for your listening pleasure.  This will most likely be a LIVE recording you can watch on YOUTUBE!  Should warn if you watch the live recording I may be imbibing alcoholic beverages so it will be for mature audiences only.  The actual podcast episode will be safe for all per usual.

Saturday February 22nd

9am Breakfast

A guy has to eat. The hotel serves a good breakfast buffet. This is a good way to meet other gamers and catch up.  Feel free to have breakfast with me if you’d like (everyone pays their own way).

11am Writing for RPGs (Auditorium)

Industry guests discuss the process of writing for a roleplaying game.  The panel is moderated by Jenn Gerber.  Looking forward to learning a lot about the writing process.

Noon-2/3pm Lunch/Family visit

My wife and infant daughter are coming to visit and check out the con.  My wife has never been to TotalCon before and there’s a lot of people who want to meet the baby.

1-5pm Hanghai Hustle

GM Mike Paine is running his Hanghai pulp wargame.  After my family leaves Mike said he’ll make room for me to play even if the game is half over.  Mike is one of the GMs I ALWAYS look for at a gaming convention.  YOU.  NEED.  TO.  PLAY.  THIS.  GAME.

5-7pm Riding the Rocket TSR’s First 5 Years

Guest of Honor Tim Kask discusses the first five years of TSR’s existence covering how they made Dungeons & Dragons and hopefully Chainmail too.

7pm Dinner

Consider this an informal meetup.  Any who wish to can join me for dinner at the hotel restaurant Pike’s Peak.  Everyone pays their own way but we can have a meal and discuss the fun at TotalCon.  If you see me don’t be shy, feel free to come up and say hi!  Please try to connect with me BEFOREHAND so I can be sure everyone is together before going into the restaurant.  Makes it easier on the restaurant staff.

11pm Private Event

I can’t speak about this but please know it has the opportunity to open quite a few doors for Wargaming Recon.

Sunday February 23rd

11am Open Gaming

I’ll be around to game for a bit. Got a game you’d like to play? I’m also bringing some board/card games to play. Maybe I’ll pack X-wing minis too

Noon Adios

Homeward bound.

Pulp Wargaming Hanghai with Mike Paine – Wargaming Recon #152

Hanghai is one of the most enjoyable pulp wargame events you’ll ever play.  Gamemaster Mike Paine discusses his homebrewed game and his thoughts on wargaming.

Hanghai being enjoyed by kids at Huzzah 2015.
Hanghai being enjoyed by kids at Huzzah 2015.


Baby Catherine visits Hanghai.
Baby Catherine visits Hanghai.

Support Jonathan through PATREON
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Listener Mail

Via our Facebook page:

  1. Listener Dave said of Ep 151: Henry Hyde’s Shot, Steel, & Stone “Epic episode with the Hydemaster.  We don’t see him enough on Recon.”
  2. Listener Timothy said of Ep 151: Henry Hyde’s Shot, Steel, & Stone “I enjoyed the recent podcast…and shall be watching with interest future developments with the rules, especially if you venture into…19th century.”

Do you have questions, comments, or constructive feedback? Then please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail at jonathan@wargamingrecon.com.


GIVEAWAY IS OVER.  The winner will be announced on our Facebook page and in the TotalCon 2016 episode (releases Feb 29, 2016) of the show.

Wargaming Recon is dedicated to the memory of long time listener Andrew who helped to give the show its name.  I ask all listeners to join me in a moment of silence in Andrew’s honor.

Do You Like Wargaming Recon?

If you like what you hear and you use iTunes to get our content we ask a favor of you. Please consider reviewing us on iTunes & Stitcher Radio.

iTunes is one of the most popular ways for listeners to find podcasts. Why not help a potential new listener find our show and help grow the hobby?

Review us on iTunes

Stitcher Radio is fast becoming a popular way for listeners to find great podcasts. Help a would-be listener find Wargaming Recon by leaving your review.

Review us on Stitcher Radio

Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 6.48.24 PM
Patreon backers get the newest episodes FIRST

Don’t want to wait?  Support Wargaming Recon through our Patreon. It costs just $1 per per month. That is less than a cup of coffee.
Thank you to:

  1. Dave & the Wargames @ BattleShades Facebook group
  2. Patrick
  3. Chris P.

Wargaming Recon LIVE Page
Jonathan is recording Wargaming Recon LIVE for your viewing pleasure. You can watch the live streaming episodes through our brand new LIVE page.

It shows the live streaming recording, a calendar of upcoming live recordings, and it features a chatroom for you to chat with other listeners and with Jonathan!

Please visit our LIVE page to be an active part of the community.

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The Maine Historical Wargamers Association (they’re the people behind HUZZAH “Historical Wargaming for New England” are a new sponsor for the show. So grateful for their support. Please be sure to go to Huzzah May 13-16, 2016 at the Doubletree Inn in South Portland, Maine. I’ll be there doing a LIVE podcast recording.

Episode Guide Tells You What’s in the Pipe

Some Reminders:
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Many thanks to Jeremy Kostiew, Troll ITC’s logo designer, for our amazing logo. Check out his portfolio at MightyNightGaunt.com

Penny for Your Thoughts

We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and welcome your feedback. Send it all to:

Our Theme Song

Downtown” by Matthew Ebel is our theme song. Please give his other music a listen at www.matthewebel.com.

This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

Henry Hyde’s Shot, Steel & Stone – Wargaming Recon #151

Shot, Steel & Stone is Henry Hyde’s foray into writing wargaming rules.  Henry discusses his many projects and the state of wargaming.

Support Jonathan through PATREON
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Listener Mail

Via the Web:

  1. Jacksarge’s Wargames Ramblings blog said of episode 148: Miniature Wargaming the Movie with Joseph Piddington “After listening to an interview with movie maker Joseph Piddington I decided to back this excellent project for a hard copy of the DVD”

Via our Facebook page:

  1. Listener Dave asked “Could you ask Henry which miniature painter(s) he admires or aspires to emulate?”
  2. Listener Jamie asked a question for Henry “As a man on the inside of the historical gaming world, but the outside if the main businesses. Why does it seem that only WWII gets decent starter sets?”

Do you have questions, comments, or constructive feedback? Then please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail at jonathan@wargamingrecon.com.


WIN one FREE weekend pass to TOTALCON in Mansfield, Massachusetts!

How to win:

  1. Rate and review Wargaming Recon on iTunes.  Click this LINK to rate and review the show.

Giveaway Rules

  1. One winner will be chosen at random from the pool of contestants.
  2. The giveaway ends at 12 midnight EST FRIDAY FEB 12, 2016.
  3. The winner will be announced on the Wargaming Recon Facebook page.
  4. The winner can pick up the pass in person at TotalCon OR we will mail it to them.
  5. All iTunes reviews will be read on future episodes of the show.  Even if you don’t win you’ll still get your review read on the show.


Wargaming Recon is dedicated to the memory of long time listener Andrew who helped to give the show its name.  I ask all listeners to join me in a moment of silence in Andrew’s honor.

Do You Like Wargaming Recon?

If you like what you hear and you use iTunes to get our content we ask a favor of you. Please consider reviewing us on iTunes & Stitcher Radio.

iTunes is one of the most popular ways for listeners to find podcasts. Why not help a potential new listener find our show and help grow the hobby?

Review us on iTunes

Stitcher Radio is fast becoming a popular way for listeners to find great podcasts. Help a would-be listener find Wargaming Recon by leaving your review.

Review us on Stitcher Radio

Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 6.48.24 PM
Patreon backers get the newest episodes FIRST

As a thank you to those backing the show on Patreon I will be releasing episodes to them before anyone else can get the episode.

Don’t want to wait?  Why not support Wargaming Recon through our Patreon. It costs just $1 per per month. That is less than a cup of coffee.

Thank you to:

  1. Dave & the Wargames @ BattleShades Facebook group
  2. Patrick
  3. Chris P.

Wargaming Recon LIVE Page
Jonathan is recording Wargaming Recon LIVE for your viewing pleasure. You can watch the live streaming episodes through our brand new LIVE page.

It shows the live streaming recording, a calendar of upcoming live recordings, and it features a chatroom for you to chat with other listeners and with Jonathan!

Please visit our LIVE page to be an active part of the community.

Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 8.22.22 PM
The Maine Historical Wargamers Association (they’re the people behind HUZZAH “Historical Wargaming for New England” are a new sponsor for the show. So grateful for their support. Please be sure to go to Huzzah May 13-16, 2016 at the Doubletree Inn in South Portland, Maine. I’ll be there doing a LIVE podcast recording.

Episode Guide Tells You What’s in the Pipe

Some Reminders:
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Many thanks to Jeremy Kostiew, Troll ITC’s logo designer, for our amazing logo. Check out his portfolio at MightyNightGaunt.com

Penny for Your Thoughts

We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and welcome your feedback. Send it all to:

Our Theme Song

Our intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at www.matthewebel.com.

This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

Wargaming Recon in 2016 – Wargaming Recon #150

Exciting times are here for 2016.  Learn the who’s who, the what’s what, and the wargaming goodness planned for 2016!

Support Jonathan through PATREON
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Confirmed Guests for 2016

  • Henry Hyde-wargaming author, editor of Miniature Wargames magazine
  • Mike Paine-GM, creator of the Hanghai pulp games
  • Adrian Benson-retired U.S. Navy submariner

Potential Guests for 2016

  • Neil Shuck-host of Meeples & Miniatures podcast
  • Alyssa Faden-Torn Armor Kickstarter creator
  • Jon & Diane Sutherland-military history authors

Convention Coverage for 2016

  • Total Confusion-Feb 18-21, 2016 at Holiday Inn in Mansfield, Massachusetts
  • HAVOC-April 1-3, 2016 at Maironis Park in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
  • Huzzah-May 13-15, 2016 at Double Tree in South Portland, Maine


Listener Mail

Via our Facebook page:

Via the Web:

  1. Jacksarge’s Wargames Ramblings blog said “Jonathan is very enthusiastic about his subject – I especially enjoy it when he has Henry Hyde on the show.”
  2. The Miniatures Man blog said of episode 148: Miniature Wargaming the Movie with Joseph Piddington “I was sold when I heard an interview with producer Joseph Piddington on Wargaming Recon.  He has got a vision for this 90-minute film that really grips me.”

Do you have questions, comments, or constructive feedback? Then please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail at jonathan@wargamingrecon.com.

I’m stunned and terribly saddened to hear of the passing of longtime listener Andrew. He helped to give the show the name Wargaming Recon. Andrew was a kind soul who selflessly gave of himself to help those around him. Despite being legally blind he taught children how to wargame.

Wargaming Recon has lost a good friend in his passing. I ask all listeners to join me in a moment of silence in Andrew’s honor.

Do You Like Wargaming Recon?

If you like what you hear and you use iTunes to get our content we ask a favor of you. Please consider reviewing us on iTunes & Stitcher Radio.

iTunes is one of the most popular ways for listeners to find podcasts. Why not help a potential new listener find our show and help grow the hobby?

Review us on iTunes

Stitcher Radio is fast becoming a popular way for listeners to find great podcasts. Help a would-be listener find Wargaming Recon by leaving your review.

Review us on Stitcher Radio

Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 6.48.24 PM
Patreon backers get the newest episodes FIRST

As a thank you to those backing the show on Patreon I will be releasing episodes to them before anyone else can get the episode.

Don’t want to wait? Why not support Wargaming Recon through our Patreon. It costs just $1 per per month. That is less than a cup of coffee.

Thank you to:

  1. Dave & the Wargames @ BattleShades Facebook group
  2. Patrick
  3. Chris P.

Wargaming Recon LIVE Page
Jonathan is recording Wargaming Recon LIVE for your viewing pleasure. You can watch the live streaming episodes through our brand new LIVE page.

It shows the live streaming recording, a calendar of upcoming live recordings, and it features a chatroom for you to chat with other listeners and with Jonathan!

Please visit our LIVE page to be an active part of the community.

Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 8.22.22 PM
The Maine Historical Wargamers Association (they’re the people behind HUZZAH “Historical Wargaming for New England” are a new sponsor for the show. So grateful for their support. Please be sure to go to Huzzah May 13-16, 2016 at the Doubletree Inn in South Portland, Maine. I’ll be there doing a LIVE podcast recording.

Episode Guide Tells You What’s in the Pipe

Some Reminders:
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Many thanks to Jeremy Kostiew, Troll ITC’s logo designer, for our amazing logo. Check out his portfolio at MightyNightGaunt.com

Penny for Your Thoughts

We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and welcome your feedback. Send it all to:

Our Theme Song

Our intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at www.matthewebel.com.

This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.