Ancient History Magazine Kickstarted with Jasper Oorthuys and Josho Brouwers – Wargaming Recon #131


Jasper Oorthuys, managing editor publications, and Dr. Josho Brouwers, editor of Ancient Warfare magazine and co-editor of Ancient History magazine, discuss the Ancient History magazine (AHM) Kickstarter.

Learn what Ancient History magazine is and why you should back its Kickstarter project.

AHM Kickstarter 411

Starts: March 18, 2015
Ends: 30 days later
Goal: 12,500 Euros to fund the publishing of the 1st magazine issue
Pledges: Start at 5 Euros
How to back: Check out the Ancient History Magazine Kickstarter
Social Media: AHM on Facebook, AHM on Twitter, AHM website.
FREE Sample Issue: Get the free PDF.

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ReCast: TotalCon 2008 – Wargaming Recon #34


Due to illness and scheduling conflicts Aaron Bostian couldn’t do the show. So, NO NEW EPISODE right now. To make up for it we’re sharing this episode from the vault. The classic episode comes to you from the dark ages where the show had a different name. Since this is a CLASSIC episode some of the links, content, giveaways, contests etc may be out of date or ended.

Don’t worry! Next time we’ll be back with a NEW episode of Wargaming Recon.

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart releases a short show discussing some collectible miniatures (War at Sea and World of Warcraft). The highlight of the show is coverage for TotalCon 2008. This marks the first time Jonathan discussed TotalCon on the show.

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Wargaming Recon in 2015 – Wargaming Recon #128


Wargaming Recon in 2015

Another great podcast season is here! This episode unveils the roadmap for 2015. Want to know what topics will be discussed? How about who are the upcoming featured guests? You’re in the right place to find out the answers to these questions and more.

This episode discussed:

Confirmed Guests

  1. Jon & Diane Sutherland share why the Wargame Holidays Centre on Crete shut down.
  2. Aaron Bostian to discuss how to survive your FLGS closing.

Guests to Invite

  1. Henry Hyde, author of the Wargaming Compendium (affiliate link) & editor of Miniature Wargames magazine.
  2. Jasper Oorthuys, managing director of Karwansaray Publishers and former editor of Ancient Warfare magazine.
  3. Guy Bowers, editor of Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy magazine.
  4. Steven Parenteau, event director for TotalCon.
  5. Steven MacLauchlan, head honcho of WWPD: News From the Front.
  6. Russ Lockwood, game designer and editor of Wally Simon’s Secrets of Wargame Design vols 1-3.
  7. Neil Shuck, owner of Meeples & Miniatures and columnist at Miniature Wargames magazine.
  8. Bill Dettmers, owner of

Planned Topics for 2015

  1. New England conventions: TotalCon, HuzzahCon, and HAVOC.
  2. Holiday Gift Guide 2015.
  3. How to play 1775 Rebellion solo.
  4. C.F. Wesencraft’s Practical Wargaming book.
  5. Being a dad and wargamer.
  6. Using social media for wargamers (i.e. helpful Facebook pages, Google groups, etc).
  7. Extra Life 24hr Game-a-thon 2015 with special eBay charity auction.
  8. Top 10 episodes of 2015.
  9. Patreon for Wargamers.
  10. New England game days coverage.
  11. Highlight wargaming blogs & podcasts.
  12. Rerelease more classic episodes all spruced up.

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