Great Wargamer Destinations – Wargaming Recon #117

Great Wargamer Destinations

Summer is a time to relax and go on vacation. Why not also gather some inspiration for wargaming to boot?

Jonathan shares a few of his favorite wargamer destinations. If we didn’t cover one of your’s, then please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail at

Scale Military Modeller International
The June 2014 issue is briefly, very briefly, reviewed. It is worth picking up if you can. The cost is 4.25 GBP. Visit Scale Military Modeller International for more information.

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Age of Empires 2 HD – Wargaming Recon #116

Age of Empires 2 HD

Almost 20 years ago Microsoft released one of the most incredible real time strategy (RTS) computer games ever. More recently they updated and optimized the classic Age of Empires (AoE) 2 to work on modern computers. Age of Empires 2 HD is quite a game.

For a limited time you can purchase it for $2.49 (regularly $9.99) via Steam. If you do, be sure to look us up on Steam. Our username is WargamingRecon. We’d love to game with you and relive the days of hearing “Monk…I need a monk” and “Long time no siege” while playing Age of Empires.

We apologize that our scheduled guest, Steven MacLauchlan, does not appear in this episode. He needed to cancel for personal reasons. We’re working to reschedule him to come on an episode sometime in September 2014.

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ReCast: Battle of Abington – Wargaming Recon #62

Jonathan is sick so there is NO NEW EPISODE right now. To make up for it we’re sharing this episode from the vault. The classic episode comes to you from the dark ages where the show had a different name. Since this is a CLASSIC episode some of the links, content, giveaways, contests etc may be out of date or ended.

Don’t worry! Next time we’ll be back with a NEW episode of Wargaming Recon.

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart releases a short show. The episode begins, unusually, with Dispatches from HQ.

The bulk of this episode is devoted to the Battle of Abington. This was a custom scenario created by Adrian Benson for Cort, Jonathan, and he to play with Warlord Games’ Black Powder rules. The trio met at Battleground Games & Hobbies in Abington to play using the models they have finished painting.

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5 Tips to Turn OFF a Potential Wargamer – Wargaming Recon #114

5 Tips to Turn OFF a Potential Wargamer

It isn’t easy to run a good demo game, participation game, or event at a gaming convention. This episode shares 5 tips to AVOID…unless you want to turn off a would be wargamer. Just kidding!

When listening to this episode keep in mind the tips to turn off a would be wargamer are presented facetiously. Use this episode as things to avoid.

Listener Andrew and prior guest Aaron Bostian are both skilled at growing the hobby. Inspired by their hard work we’re taking a turn to share advice on ways to grow the hobby in your area.

5 Tips to Turn OFF a Would Be Wargamer

  • Be Unwelcoming
  • Make the game as complex as possible
  • Turn the would be wargamer into an OBSERVER
  • Use ugly models/terrain
  • Show up unprepared

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