Wargaming Recon #106: 5 Goals for 2014

5 Goals for 2014

The year is barely new and it is already packed full of wargaming goodness here at Wargaming Recon. Jonathan shares 5 goals he wants to improve the show, and his gaming, in 2014.

The second half of the episode is devoted to looking back on what made 2013 great! On top of that Jonathan reveals the event he is running at TotalCon in February 2014.

Be sure to register for the con and sign up for….

1pm Saturday, February 22nd
M-315 Raid on Pitt’s Landing 1755

Using the Muskets & Tomahawks rules, players control 54mm models in this non-historical scenario set in the French & Indian War (1754-1763) shortly after the French capture Fort Duquesne (present day Pittsburg). A French and Indians force is attacking the small British settlement of Pitt’s Landing with orders to burn the settlement to the ground and inflict as many casualties as possible.

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Looking Back on 2013


A tradition we started a year, or so, ago has been to jump onto that bandwagon of reviewing the previous year. We take the time to share some numbers with you, hopefully not too many, so you can see what we did well and where we can improve.

As January 1, 2013 rolled around we talked to you about 2012. It was a very good year for us. Excitement was off the chart when we realized that Wargaming Recon was downloaded over 4,909 times in 2012.

Hang onto that thought for a moment as we reflect on 2013. Before we do I want to remind you that our first podcast episode for 2014, Episode 106, releases on Monday, January 20, 2014. The show topic will be Goals for 2014. There may be some overlap, or inspiration, with/from this blog post. Even so we really think that you’ll enjoy the episode.

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Wargaming Recon #105: Wargame Holidays Centre with Jon & Diane Sutherland

Wargame Holidays Centre with Jon & Diane Sutherland

Two of the nicest people in wargaming make guest appearances for the first time on this show. The amazing Jon, and his incredible wife Diane, Sutherland share their love of wargaming.

Jon shares why his book Mega Wargames is a must buy, this holiday season. There’s a reason it made our 2013 Holiday Gift Guide. Diane paints a picture of wargaming heaven otherwise known as the Wargame Holidays Centre on the Mediterranean island of Crete.

Don’t forget that this is the final episode of the 2013 recording year. Thank you for taking the time to invite us into your lives throughout the year. We hope you have enjoyed the guests, the stories, the laughs, and the thoughts we shared.

The first episode of 2014 will release on January 20, 2014. We’ll also be back with our customary year in review blog post. Thank you and Happy Winter Veil to each of you.

NOTE: This episode was recorded via telephone. The audio quality may be diminished compared to episodes recorded in our studio. Please accept our apologies.

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Wargaming Recon #104: Holiday Gift Guide 2013

Holiday Gift Guide 2013

Are you afraid of failing your wargaming gift skill check? Don’t worry because the Holiday Gift Guide 2013 will help you to find the right gift for the gamer in your life. If you are a gamer why not share this gift guide with those in your life who scratch their heads when it comes time to buy you a present?

Special guest Ben Gerber, head honcho of the Troll in the Corner and host of the Indie Talks podcast, joins Jonathan. They share their respective lists.

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Wargaming Recon #103: 25hr Game-a-thon for Children’s Hospital

25 Hour Game-a-thon for Children’s Hospital

Can gaming help those in need? The answer is a resounding YES! Each year the Extra Life organization puts on a game-a-thon where gamers, like you and me, play games for 24 hours to raise money for their local children’s hospital. All of the proceeds from the event go directly to the designated hospital.

The funds are used to provide medical care for kids whose families otherwise could not afford the help.

Listen to this episode to learn more about this great cause, discover some cool new games, and maybe you will be empowered to participate next year!

This episode discussed:

Upcoming Episodes:

  • The 2013 Holiday Gift Guide special releases November 25 with special guest Ben Gerber
  • The final episode of 2013 is Wargames Holiday Centre with special guests Jon & Diane Sutherland

Some Reminders:

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