In Memorium: Donald Featherstone, 1918-2013

In Memorium: Donald Featherstone, 1918-2013
In Memorium: Donald Featherstone, 1918-2013

Donald Featherstone was a man who left a beautifully lasting image on the wargaming hobby. People who never heard his name are playing games that can only exist because of the life that Mr. Featherstone lived.

Few individuals can legitimately say they wrote the book on any given subject. When it comes to wargaming, Donald literally wrote the book. In 1962 the pivotal title War Games was released and the wargaming world has never been the same.

H.G. Wells may have gotten things started with Little Wars. But, Mr. Featherstone brought wargaming to a level beyond anything imagined at the time. Looking at gaming certain names stand the test of time. People like Wells, Gygax, Arneson, Grant, and Featherstone were the creative geniuses of their day.

Mr. Featherstone was a titan on whose shoulders we stand in our hopes and dreams to achieve the best wargaming experiences we can. He encouraged, inspired, and gave hope to many a gamer.

The English poet John Donne famously wrote “no man is an island, entire of itself;…any man’s death diminishes me; because I am involved in mankind.”

The entire tabletop gaming community suffers Donald Featherstone’s death. His connection to each of us goes beyond his prolific writing. At the root of it all is the intrinsic nature of people to come together for mutual enjoyment and support. We are all connected to one another in this thing we call the wargaming hobby.

As Gary Gygax said “The final word, then, is the game.”

RIP Donald Featherstone, 1918-2013

Wounded Warrior for Donald Featherstone

To honor Donald Featherstone’s memory we created a project with FirstGiving to donate funds to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Donald served in the British armed forces during WWII and cared, deeply, about those in uniform.

Please consider making a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project (or your favorite charity) in memory of Donald Featherstone.

Wargaming Recon #98: Battleground Games & Hobbies

Battleground Games & Hobbies

Battleground Games & Hobbies is the successful game store in southeastern Massachusetts. It is a model for all game stores. Guests for this special episode are:

  • Derek Lloyd, owner of Battleground Games & Hobbies
  • Chase Laquidara, manager of Battleground’s Plainville store
  • Drew McCarthy, gamer and long-time Battleground customer

Battleground’s origin story is told, how the store promotes gaming in southeastern Massachusetts is shared, and listeners will easily be able to tell why Derek & Chase have a highly successful game store in Battleground.

We chat about Warhammer 40k, Apocalypse mega battles, and many other amazing things that Battleground does exceptionally well.

This is the episode that many listeners have been waiting to hear.

Some Reminders:

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Wargaming Recon #97: How to Run a Successful Convention Game with Angelia Parenteau

How to Run a Successful Convention Game with Angelia Parenteau

Angelia Parenteau is Total Confusion‘s Promotional Director, three-time guest and friend of the show.

She teaches us how to run a convention game so that the GM and the players have a fun time.

Some Reminders:

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Wargaming Recon #96: Pay What You Want with Ben Gerber

Pay What You Want with Ben Gerber

Ben Gerber is the owner of the Troll in the Corner, he has published numerous indie games, the host of the Ennie nominated Indie Talks podcast, and is a featured guest of New England game conventions.

He is utilizing a pay what you want method for all of his games. In this episode we discuss Ben’s projects and share why the pay what you want method could be a good fit for wargamers.

Some Reminders:

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Wargaming Recon #95: Wargames Magazines with Jasper Oorthuys

Wargames Magazines with Jasper Oorthuys

Jasper Oorthuys is the managing editor for Ancient Warfare, Wargames Soldiers & Strategy, and Medieval Warfare magazines. He steers the course for these highly successful periodicals.

A subscription to Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy is featured in our 2012 Holiday Gift Guide. Get 15% off your ENTIRE order at Karwansary Publishers. Use coupon code “wargamingrecon” between July 8, 2013 and August 8, 2013. Order at Karwansaray Publisher’s Website and get your 15% off.

We discuss:

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