Wargaming Recon #1: Introducing Wargaming Recon

Introducing Wargaming Recon.

Originally released on August 17, 2006 this recording is the debut of what is now known as Wargaming Recon. Episode 1 was recorded as part of a requirement for an online class for work.

Some highlights from the episode are:

  1. First mention of Battleground Games and Derek Lloyd
  2. Discussion of Black Gobbo and GW Webway newsletters, both defunct
  3. Review of Lord of the Rings miniatures new releases for GW game

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Wargaming Recon #85: 5 Goals for 2013

5 Goals for 2013.

Last year I set my (Un)Realistic Goals for 2012. Liking the idea I am continuing the trend with my 5 Goals for 2013.

  1. Improve Accessibility
  2. Consistently Release Great Content
  3. Nurture a Strong and Growing Community
  4. Mix It Up
  5. Give Back

Also discussed:

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No Wargaming Recon This Week

We’re very sorry but there is no new episode of Wargaming Recon for the week of January 6, 2013. This is a crappy way to start the new year but it is for a very good reason.

On December 28th my wife and I closed on our first house. We got the keys that day and have been spending every spare moment painting the inside. We move near the end of January.

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2012 By the Numbers

2012 is dead. Long live 2013. Or, something like that. Over the years we’ve succumbed to the common practice of recounting last year’s highlights as a way of welcoming the new year. We’re fools for a tradition.

The amazing people at WordPress.com compiled a 2012 Annual Report for us but it lacks our heart. It lacks the podcast numbers. On December 31, 2011 we shared the Top Content of 2011. It included blog posts and podcasts. This time around we’re only sharing our podcast data. Why? For the blog data you need only view that 2012 Annual Report compiled by WordPress.com on our behalf. It is prettier too.

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 57,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 13 Film Festivals

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Wargaming Recon #84: Wargaming on the Cheap

Wargaming on the Cheap.

Not everyone can afford to buy the latest rulebook, the next expansion, or the newest miniatures. Not everyone wants to do that either. It is not only possible but exciting to wargame on the cheap. In this episode Jonathan shares some great ways that you can wargame on the cheap.

Also discussed:

  • Wargaming Recon is on break returning with a new episode on January 7, 2013.

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