Dedhampton Revolution: BREAKING NEWS Dedhampton to Raise Taxes on Colonies

Governor Jacob Ralf Reisen of New Dedhampton announced the passage of the Mineral Act in the House of Lords. The Mineral Act requires a new tax on all endeavors pertaining to the industry of mining and sale of the minerals, metals, gems, and valuables unearthed from the ground. This new tax is 40% higher than previous taxes.

Daniel Osiah, laborer in New Dedhampton’s ruby mines, said “Zeke Hosmer from our guild says that the new taxes means we iz gonna be paid less. How can I feed my family on a lower wage?”

The governors of Nateekingham and Glouland also posted the Mineral Act in their respective colonies. Mining is a major industry in Glouland in which an astonishing number of colonists work. The new taxes will impact everyone residing in the colonies.

Prime Minister Erik Faustus stated that the revenue from the Mineral Act is dedicated to paying off the debt resulting from Dedhampton’s war to protect her colonies during the war with Penseeland and her savages. That war lasted five long years, tripling Dedhampton’s debt. The colonies never paid any direct sums to aid in their protection, until now.

Meet Prime Minister Erik Faustus

  • Age: 63
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Initiative: 39
  • Courage: 4
  • Charisma: 31
  • Strength: 29
  • Health: 57
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