Wargaming Recon is a WargameVault Publisher

Listeners who frequent WargameVault (affiliate link)/DriveThruRPG (affiliate link) can now download episodes of Wargaming Recon (affiliate link) while doing the rest of your shopping. We have been approved as a publisher on all of the websites associated with WargameVault and DriveThruRPG.

A few podcast episodes are now available, which you can “buy” for FREE! New episodes will also be added and classic episodes will slowly be included to the WargameVault/DriveThruRPG catalogs.

Down the road we hope to release other products that you can purchase. The Dedhampton Revolution is one of those products, which in time you will be able to buy.

In the meantime please download episodes of Wargaming Recon while you do your other shopping on WargameVault and its associated websites such as DriveThruRPG.

Don’t forget we have an affiliate link. If you use the link we earn a small bit of income.

Please spread the word that Wargaming Recon is the newest publisher on WargameVault.

There are many ways you can get episodes of Wargaming Recon.

You can:

WargameVault/DriveThruRPG Podcast Program

With delight I can announce that we are finally a member of the WargameVault (affiliate link)/DriveThruRPG.com (affiliate link) Podcast Program.

Back in February I submitted an application to join the program but never heard back.

Turns out that was a snafu and the program coordinator recently activated everything.

What this means for all of you:

  • Products reviewed more often
  • FREE content for you guys, and gals, from WargameVault and DriveThruRPG
  • Inclusion in their affiliate program

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FREE Devious NPCs & Curious Creatures

Ben Gerber, owner of Troll in the Corner, is showing his thanks for all the help people gave concerning the hacking, read more at What the hell?, by making his Devious NPCs & Curious Creatures PDF FREE for eternity.

You can get your FREE copy below.