Podcasting By the Numbers

It might be crass to talk numbers with you. You may not care how many times an episode is downloaded. It probably isn’t necessary for you to know which episodes are more popular. Perhaps, knowing which guests were downloaded the most doesn’t do anything for you.

But, all of this does something for me. It helps me to know what resonates with you. If I love reviewing books and you prefer me to talk more about Black Powder, I’m doing you a disservice if book reviews feature prominently in the show. I also have a theory that people secretly like numbers. Why else do we enjoy Top 10 lists? It looks like at least some of you enjoyed reading Top Content of 2011, in which I posted a top list of podcast episodes.

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Seaward March – Renedra Tents

At Havoc I picked up a package of Renedra tents in 15mm from the Hobby Bunker stall. They’re perfect for my Seaward March, one day American Civil War, campaign that I am running on the 31st. Cort owns a lot of 15mm ACW figures and terrain. But, it’d be nice to have some tents in the event that they’re needed.

Below are pictures of the tents as they got painted.

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Wargaming Recon Episode 70: Dedhampton Revolution

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart unleashes this episode with an apology for his noisy rabbits. The show includes a review of the next installment of the Jack Steel novels, a review of Hexographer the map-making program, an introduction to the Dedhampton Revolution, a chat about running a 1 Day Campaign, and a reminder about our Podcast Promo Contest.

Jonathan discusses several history oriented books and reviews the next installment of the Jack Steel series. The series is set in the Wars of Spanish Succession and revolves around the forces under the command of Lord Malborough (Prime Minister Churchill’s ancestor).

The show progresses with a review of the Hexographer map-making program by Inkwell Ideas.

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Dedhampton Demands Colonies to Increase Exports

Governor Jacob Ralf Reisen, cousin to His Majesty Felix Drake Reisen, announced a new imperial decree that requires all colonies to triple their exports to the homeland.

After a series of wars with neighboring countries, the imperial coffers are diminished. It is hoped that the swell of exports will replenish the treasury.

Ezekiel Hosmer, president of New Dedhampton’s Ruby Guild, remarked “we’re already sending as many of the rubies we mine as we can. It is not possible to get blood from a stone. What more can we do?”

The imperial decree was posted at the city halls in neighboring Nateekingham and Glouland, on the frontier, by their respective governors. The citizens in those colonies also expressed their displeasure.

Samuel Glou, a leading Glouland merchant, said “Out here on the frontier we’re left on our own to defend against the savages. Last week an attack on one of the silver mines caused operations to stop for a week.”

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