Wargaming Recon Promo Contest

Lately I’ve been listening to some awesome podcast promos. That has reminded me how badly the Wargaming Recon needs a promo.

You may remember how awesome the Monty and the Fox promo was, which my former co-host Tom Barbalet created. He geared it towards listeners of WWPD and put his DJ and music skills to work.

You also may recall my dreadful CWF Game Cast promo from many years back. That promo was so awful that I buried my memories of it inside a sea chest and dumped it into the sea.

Here’s where you come in. I need good ideas for a promo. It should sum up what the show is about, be no longer than 30 seconds in length, and appeal to gamers like you.

You do NOT need to record the promo. But, if you send me a recorded promo (MP3 or WAV only please) then I’ll probably send something special your way as thanks for the extra effort.

The best promo earns its creator:
Something awesome
Credit for the promo (to be posted on the blog and also into the credits of every show)

You have until midnight EST on Friday, March 30th to get your submission to me.

Don’t forget, send your submissions to:

Wargaming Recon Episode 69: Angelia Heroux & TotalCon

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart introduces special guest: Angelia Heroux, Media Director for TotalCon.

Angelia reveals how she became involved with TotalCon, announces her pick between Han Solo and Malcolm Reynolds, and which industry guest she was starstruck to meet. She talks about the Total Confusion (TotalCon) gaming convention held annually in Mansfield, Massachusetts.

Show listeners had a chance to submit questions for this episode. Some of those questions make it onto the air. Angelia also shares her advice for con GMs, gives suggestions on running your own con, and directs potential con volunteers to the Volunteer page.

The curtain is lifted as we are transported behind the scenes of TotalCon!

As always we conclude with a message from our sponsor, 12-7-Games.com, our Creative Commons license and contact information (find us on Facebook and Twitter).

We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and are eager for your feedback (both positive remarks and constructive criticism). Send it all to cwfgamecast at wargamingforums dot com. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Xbox Live with gamertag cwfgamecast.

Our intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at www.matthewebel.com.

TOTALCON 26 – Daybreak at Hangman’s Creek PICS

I know you’ve been reading the TotalCon postings on here and hopefully you’ve been enjoying them. As a reward you will find pictures, below, from the Daybreak at Hangman’s Creek game that Adrian B., Cort N., and I ran. I am the fat kid in the blue Wargaming Recon shirt. Adrian took the pictures but you’ll have to excuse their quality. He was focused on being overall umpire while Cort and I served as guides for the Confederates and Union respectively.

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Ask a TotalCon Director ANYTHING

That’s right! Tomorrow evening I am interviewing Angelia Heroux, PR Director for TotalCon, for the next episode of Wargaming Recon. We will be discussing gaming, geekiness, and TotalCon.

This is YOUR chance to ask Angelia a question. Please submit your question(s) to me no later than 3pm EST TOMORROW (March 1, 2012). Send them via e-mail to cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com, post them as a comment to THIS blog post, Tweet them to me @cwfgamecast, or post them to the Facebook page.

I may pick your question(s) to ask Angelia. You’ll be attributed in the show and have your name heard by all Wargaming Recon listeners!

So act now. This is a limited time offer, etc etc.

P.S. Please keep questions pertinent to gaming, etc. Although it is ok to ask Angelia how she plans to survive the zombie apocalypse.

TotalCon 26 Recap

TotalCon. Where do I begin? Okay, I’m going to sum up the entire con in a single word. You might think that is difficult to do. But, here goes. AMAZING!

TotalCon 26 was the most fun I’ve had at TotalCon. If you’re unfamiliar with Total Confusion, then you’re missing out. Briefly, it is the longest-running, small, roleplaying game and board game focused con in southeastern Massachusetts. For the past 26 years it has brought gamers together to meet industry guests, have fun, and interact with one another.

At first glance it may not seem that a RPG-focused con has anything to do with wargaming. Normally, RPGs don’t cross into the realm of wargaming. The con includes more than RPGs and board game. There’s a growing miniatures area, trivia events, panels, and this year they featured live performances of Dr. Horrible’s Sing- A-long Blog, REPO! The Genetic Opera, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Buffy.

I attended the con on Friday and Saturday. Dan Eustace ran two War at Sea events. One, The Last Voyage of the Yamato, piqued my interest. It is near the end of the war in the Pacific. The Americans have taken Okinawa and are ready to pounce on the home isles. The Imperial Japanese Navy is tasked with a desperate attempt to reach Okinawa and beach the Yamato to serve as a shore battery. It is the last large ship the Japanese have. Success is uncertain and many consider the mission nothing short of suicide.

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