We’re Striking!

Three topics never belong in a blog.  Politics, religion, and sports.  Unless you’re running a blog dedicated to politics, religion, or sports you need to STAY CLEAR of those issues.  That is something I firmly believe and a belief I have tried to adhere to (except the sports bit…I mean c’mon its the Boston Bruins).

I’m running a gaming blog and a gaming podcast.  That other stuff doesn’t belong.  This time, however, it is different.  The United States Congress is looking at two bills, which it wants to pass.  The bills are commonly abbreviated as SOPA and PIPA.

Below is a video I want you to watch.  It is 4 minutes long and explains what will actually happen if SOPA and/or PIPA are passed into law.

[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/31100268[/vimeo] On Wednesday, January 18 many websites are going on strike in protest of SOPA and PIPA.  Mozilla, Reddit, WordPress, MoveOn, TwitPic, the entire I Can Has Cheesburger? network are just a few of the websites that will be striking.  We are joining their ranks.

What does this mean?  On Wednesday all participating websites will go black.  Participating websites will turn themselves off, display informative pictures, and other messages opposing SOPA and PIPA.

While this is happening you will NOT be able to access ANYTHING on this blog.  Most participants are striking for 150 seconds.  We are striking ALL DAY.

You may wonder why gamers should care if SOPA and PIPA pass.  If the bills pass websites can be responsible for anything their users post/share.  Gaming blogs, message boards, and podcasts can be shut down if anyone posts anything the government thinks MIGHT be inappropriate.  It will become almost impossible to discuss, review, and promote games, companies, and products.

Do you want the gaming sites you love to die?  We can all agree that piracy is wrong.  Nobody should illegally obtain material.  It is important to protect the trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property that hard-working entities have created.  But, SOPA and PIPA DO NOT do this the right way.

One last thing for you to look at.  Please read The Internet Goes On Strike from Stop American Censorship.

Top Content of 2011

New Year’s Eve is fast approaching New England. That means it is time for the obligatory top list that every radio station, podcast, blog, website, book, and person seems to compose at this time of year.

Last year we said Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011. Much of what we said then holds true now. Everything keeps getting better. Listener/fan interaction has increased, Facebook likes have reached 86 people, Twitter followers has blossomed into 82 people, podcast subscribers hold steady in the 40s, and episode downloads routinely break 100.

YOU have made all of this possible. When you write an e-mail, post on Facebook, retweet, tell a publisher/vendor that you’re making a purchase because of us, and when you participate in our contests. That keeps the fire lit under me.

Thank you.

Without further adieu the Top 10 Lists. Please enjoy and don’t hesitate to let me know what you want me to discuss in 2011.

Top Podcast Episodes of 2011

  1. CWF Game Cast Episode 51: Black Powder Explosion – 221 downloads
  2. CWF Game Cast Episode 50: WWPD News From the Front and Steven MacLauchlan – 180 downloads
  3. CWF Game Cast Episode 57: Neil Shuck and Force on Force – 167 downloads
  4. CWF Game Cast Episode 58: Henry Hyde and Battlegames Magazine – 154 downloads
  5. CWF Game Cast Episode 47: 12-7-Games and War at Sea With Bill Dettmers – 149 downloads
  6. CWF Game Cast Episode 61: Bailey Records Music to Game By – 144 downloads TIED FOR 6TH PLACE
  7. CWF Game Cast Episode 59: Wargaming Magazine Extravaganza – 144 downloads TIED FOR 6TH PLACE
  8. CWF Game Cast Episode 52: Neil Shuck & Meeples & Miniatures – 140 downloads
  9. Wargaming Recon Episode 66: Holiday Gift Guide 2011 – 132 downloads
  10. CWF Game Cast Episode 54: Huzzah Con Prep – 126 downloads
  11. CWF Game Cast Episode 55: Deceased Estates 101 – 125 downloads

Top 10 Blog Articles of 2011

  1. Flames of War Bocage Sneak Peeks – 4,785 views
  2. Foray into Tomb Kings w/ Tutankhanut Conversion – 2,908 views
  3. FREE Paper Terrain – 2,785 views
  4. Creating a 40k Apocalypse Army: Giddy-up! – 1,357 views
  5. Miniature Market Review Prompts Company Reply – 1,318 views
  6. The Conversion Vault: 40k Cadian Rough Riders – 990 views
  7. GW Baltimore Games Day 2007 Revisited – 687 views
  8. The Conversion Vault: 40k Chaos Sorcerer – 659 views
  9. Games Workshop Releases (Blood Angels codex, LoTR, White Dwarf 30th) – 549 views
  10. Combat Storm Free Download Terrain Building Pack 2 – 514 views

New Episodes to Resume 2012

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and condolences. As you can guess, this has been a very difficult time. Receiving your messages has meant a lot to me. Thank you for your understanding and sympathy.

Losing my grandfather on my dad’s birthday was awful. Taking this time to mourn his passing has helped.

In two days I turn 30. Three days after that is Christmas. Then we’re into New Year’s Eve and day.

New podcast episodes will resume after the holidays.

I hope everyone enjoys the time spent with family and friends during this holiday season.

R.I.P. Joseph Gonsalves (my grandfather)

Yesterday my grandfather passed away suddenly in his sleep. He was surrounded by loved ones. As you can imagine I am grieving his loss.

Until further notice the podcast is on hold. So are new articles.

I apologize for the disruption this causes but hope you will bear with me.

Wargaming Recon Episode 66: Holiday Gift Guide 2011

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart opens the show with the 2011 Holiday Gift Guide. He discusses the gift guide, congratulates Steven & Lydia MacLauchlan on the birth of baby Isabelle, makes an announcement about Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy magazine; promotes the TotalCon 2012 Contest, reveals more about the Black Powder scenario Daybreak at Hangman’s Creek running at TotalCon 2012.

The 2011 Holiday Gift Guide is revealed! This annual tradition is explained, items are mentioned and briefly reviewed. Listeners are extolled for items they want to see in the gift guide.

BIG congratulations are given to Steven MacLauchlan, and his wife Lydia, from WWPD: News From the Front. His wife recently gave birth to their first child, daughter Isabelle Solo. She is an adorable baby. Send your congratulations to Steven on the WWPD Facebook page. Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy magazine is finally in Barnes & Noble book stores. Jonathan explains why you should be interested in that news. Please note that single print issues of WSS cost $7.99 USD. NOT $9.99.

TotalCon 2012 gets its own contest. Listeners are encouraged to e-mail cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com with their favorite American Civil War game, and reason why, for a chance to win FREE passes to TotalCon 2012. Full details can be found at WIN FREE TotalCon 2012 Passes.

Jonathan updates listeners on changes to the Daybreak at Hangman’s Creek American Civil War scenario that uses the Black Powder rules. He will be running the scenario with Cort N. and Adrian B. at TotalCon 2012!

As always we conclude with a message from our sponsor, 12-7-Games.com, contest sponsor Battlegames Magazine, our Creative Commons license and contact information (find us on Facebook and Twitter).

We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and are eager for your feedback (both positive remarks and constructive criticism). Send it all to cwfgamecast at wargamingforums dot com. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Xbox Live with gamertag cwfgamecast.

Our intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at www.matthewebel.com.