Wargaming Recon Holiday Gift Guide 2011

We’ve recovered from the large turkey dinner complete with stuffing and pie. Black Friday has been followed by Cyber Monday. It must be time to release the annual holiday gift guide.

Shopping for others is never easy and even more difficult when shopping for gamers. Perhaps you don’t play the game(s) they do. Perhaps you don’t even understand gaming. Or perhaps you can’t keep track of what the gamer in your life does and does not own. We hope to remove the mystery with our annual Holiday Gift Guide. Picking anything from this guide is sure to make any gamer happy.

Jonathan’s List
Under $15

  1. Zombie Dice. This is last year’s #1 overall pick. FLGS, online vendors.
  2. CCG Boosters. World of Warcraft and War at Sea. FLGS, online vendors.
  3. Grass Tufts. Army Painter Battlefield Tufts or look for Silflor. FLGS, online vendors
  4. Chessex 16mm D6 . You can never have enough dice. Chessex makes aesthetically pleasing sets and you can also use them to play Farkle. FLGS, online vendors.
  5. GW Metallic Paint. FLGS, online vendors.

Under $50

  1. Black Powder rulebook. Our new #1 overall pick!  FLGS, BN.com, Architects of War
  2. JR Miniatures Terrain.  Any scale, low prices, pre-painted, pre-assembled.  FLGS, Warstore.com.
  3. Perry Miniatures. American War of Indepence is highlighted but ACW and Napoleonics are in plastic kits.  Warstore.com, Perry-Miniatures.com
  4. Battlegames Magazine Digital Subscription. Bi-monthly color magazine release.  Digital sub gives you PDF format viewable on iPad, etc.
  5. Pandemic (and expansion) board game. FLGS, online vendors.

$100 and Up

  1. SAGA Army Deal.  Includes starter war band, rulebook, and dice. GrippigBeast.com
  2. eReader or iPad. The easiest way to carry electronic formats of sourcebooks, FAQs, rules updates, and light reading. I use my iPad to look up rules, blog, share pictures, and much more. The Barnes & Noble Nook (Color if possible) is our choice for eReader. Apple stores/online, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble.
  3. Xbox 360 with Kinect/Game Consoles. Best Buy, Toys R Us, Amazon, etc.
  4. Professional Paint Job – Price varies. Have your army professionally painted. Check out Blue Table Painting for an example.

Wargaming Recon Episode 65: Goodbye Battlegames? NEVER!

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart opens with a special message about Battlegames Magazine and then transitions to the show as regularly recorded. He discusses the Battlegames Magazine rollercoaster, TotalCon 2012 Contest, reviews Wargames Illustrated Special Great Wargames issue, opens the Mailbag, and announces a future Guest.

The special message reveals a safe future for Battlegames Magazine. A deal has been struck with Atlantic Publishers, of Miniature Wargames fame, where they will get ownership of the publication.

The regularly recorded episode discusses the ups and downs pertaining to the announcement that Battlegames was dead, the backlash from the gaming community, and then the message that hope might be on the horizon (as we now know, hope was on the horizon and the magazine is saved).

TotalCon 2012 gets its own contest. Listeners are encouraged to e-mail cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com with their favorite American Civil War game, and reason why, for a chance to win FREE passes to TotalCon 2012. Full details can be found at WIN FREE TotalCon 2012 Passes.

Jonathan also discusses the Daybreak at Hangman’s Creek American Civil War scenario that uses the Black Powder rules. He will be running the scenario with Cort N. and Adrian B. at TotalCon 2012!

Wargames Illustrated released their first special issue titled Great Wargames. This issue is reviewed and Jonathan gives his thoughts on whether or not you should pick this up.

Listener feedback is shared when the Mailbag is opened.

As always we conclude with a message from our sponsor, 12-7-Games.com, contest sponsor Battlegames Magazine, our Creative Commons license and contact information (find us on Facebook and Twitter).

We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and are eager for your feedback (both positive remarks and constructive criticism). Send it all to cwfgamecast at wargamingforums dot com. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Xbox Live with gamertag cwfgamecast.

Our intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at www.matthewebel.com.

Battlegames is SAVED

To quote Professor Farnsworth, “Good news everybody!”

Battlegames Magazine is saved. Editor Henry Hyde revealed to me that Atlantic Publishers are becoming the new owners. They publish Miniatures Wargames magazine plus several model railroading titles.

Battlegames will continue on as a bi-monthly, stand-alone, publication with Henry as its editor/designer/writer. New issues will appear around New Year’s at the latest.

There should be no noticeable change since Atlantic Publishers, which has lots of money behind them plus a crack team of magazine professionals supporting their titles, is keeping Henry on.

A result of this acquisition is that existing Battlegames subscribers will keep their subscriptions. As new issues are released subscribers will continue to receive them in whatever format their subscription covers. I, for example, will get new issues digitally.

I have not been notified of any price changes to subscriptions or cover price.

This news has me ecstatic that not only will my favorite wargaming magazine continue publication, in both print and digital formats, but that Henry remains at the creative helm.

WIN FREE TotalCon 2012 Passes

The deadline has been EXTENDED until midnight on February 1, 2012!  Act now for your chance to win FREE TotalCon 2012 passes.

TotalCon Logo

Want to win FREE passes to Massachusetts’ premier gaming convention? I thought so. You can easily win FREE passes to TotalCon 2012 by participating in this contest. The kind folks at TotalCon (many thanks to Angelia Heroux and Steven Parenteau in particular) generously donated the passes and are sponsoring this contest.

What You Need to Do

  1. E-mail cwfgamecast@wargamingforums.com
  2. Name your favorite American Civil War game
  3. Say why it is your favorite American Civil War game (doesn’t have to be long)

I will pick the person with the best reason to win 1 FREE Weekend Registration Pass to TotalCon 2012. Three people will then be chosen at random. Each of those three people will win 1 FREE Day Registration Pass to TotalCon 2012.

The contest ends on December 31, 2011 FEBRUARY 1, 2012 (MIDNIGHT EST).

Other Ways to Enter

  • Tweet your submission to @cwfgamecast
  • Post your submission on our Facebook page
  • Post a comment on our blog with your submission. Commenting on this post is the best place to put it.

Redeeming the Passes

  1. Download the registration form, mail it in with your registration pass to receive credit for registration fees
  2. Bring the pass with you to TotalCon and redeem the pass that way
  3. Register online and use the registration pass code to be credited (untested but should work)

We strongly recommend pre-registering for the con and using either Method #1 or Method #3. This gives you better chances of getting into the events you want.


Sorry for the all caps title but this is big, and incredibly sad, news.  Today I received an e-mail from Henry Hyde, editor of Battlegames Magazine, stating that he is stopping publication of Battlegames Magazine.

Details are posted on the Battlegames website.  Henry’s open letter is reproduced below.  Subscribers have also received e-mails providing options for handling the remainder of their subscriptions.  That e-mail is also eliciting feedback from subscribers as to how they would like Henry to proceed (I voted for a Digital Only subscription).

I am sorry to inform you that following a review of the business, I am no longer able to proceed with further printed issues of the magazine in its current format.

It has become clear that for some time now, I have been subsidising the publication, which has been squeezed by increased print costs, increased competition in the wargames magazine market, substantially increased postage and distribution costs and now, a dramatic fall-off in advertisers. To incur further debt by proceeding to print at this point would be completely irresponsible. Whilst you have been patiently awaiting news of issue 27, I have been struggling to come up with solutions to the problem, but it is clear that no simple solution exists.

I blame no-one else for this situation and I apologise for failing you. Six years ago almost to the day, I made the decision to start a company in what I knew was a niche market, and I am proud of what I managed to achieve, but the blunt fact is that I should have recognised the writing on the wall sooner and am now in considerable financial difficulty as a result. I have been operating as a one-man-band in a precarious financial position from the outset, with no fall-back position, and I have paid the price. It is now imperative that I resume my former career in graphic and web design for the time being, as well as my new one in writing, in order to prevent complete financial meltdown.

I am conscious of the support and encouragement that I have had from so many of you over the last five years or more, and this is not a decision that I take lightly. As you know, Battlegames has been very much ‘my baby’ and I’m sure you can imagine my bitter disappointment, but facts are facts.

I am hoping that I can salvage something from the ruins and have already received a couple of suggestions that have potential merit, such as producing a high-quality quarterly journal without advertising, with a higher cover price to compensate for this, but of course it would be crucial that any future printed matter would have to be profitable to make it worthwhile. Producing Battlegames is a highly labour-intensive exercise, and I am no longer in a position to subsidise the publication in any way.

If sufficiently large numbers of current paper subscribers are willing to convert to the digital subscription, then it is possible that Battlegames might be able to live on in electronic format, again probably quarterly, with occasional printed ‘specials’ and additional e-publications of the kind I had been hoping to produce all along. However, I am aware that many of you are not keen on electronic formats, and I fully understand your position. After all, I started Battlegames so that I could have the *printed* magazine that I wanted. If a digital version of Battlegames were to become viable (at present, with just 150 digital subscriptions, it is not), then I would consider redesigning it to optimise the publication for on-screen viewing, taking into account the most popular methods of viewing digital content such as iPads and Kindles, as well as on PC or Mac screens.

Whilst I am sure there will be plenty of comments online over the next few days on TMP, WD3 and elsewhere, and I shall be issuing a press release along the lines of this email, I am so busy trying to deal with my predicament that I will not be able to respond on forums.

I fully understand that you are likely to be upset about this news but once again, I can only apologise and assure you that if it had been possible to continue Battlegames in its current form, then I would of course have done so.

Until I have had sufficient responses, I cannot yet determine the viability of continuing either in a revised printed format, or with a digital-only option, but I will of course keep you fully updated as soon as I have a clear idea of the response. I would urge you, if you have not already done so, to sign up for the email newsletter on the home page of the Battlegames website at http://www.battlegames.co.uk which is by far the easiest, quickest and most cost-effective way for me to stay in touch with you.

Previous editions will, of course, remain on sale in the Shop here.

Thank you for reading what has been an extremely difficult message for me to write.


P.S. I am also extremely grateful for your support for the Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal, which has now raised more than £10,000.

In my relatively short time subscribing to Battlegames and communicating with Henry my wargaming life has been considerably enriched.  I hope we can all be supportive of Henry and helpful enough to allow things to be straightened out.  As Henry says, “I fully understand that you are likely to be upset about this news but once again, I can only apologise and assure you that if it had been possible to continue Battlegames in its current form, then I would of course have done so.”

This just goes to prove that it is important to support the institutions that are important to us whether we do that by shopping at those stores, subscribing to those publications, or telling advertisers we found out about them from a place they support.