Wargaming Recon Episode 64: Historical Modelling

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart releases the inaugural Wargaming Recon episode.

Dispatches from HQ (or should I say Despatches from HQ) kicks off the show.  Henry Hyde’s forthcoming book The Wargaming Compendium (searching Barnes & Nobles website will know show the book, please use the link I provide) is discussed.  Pre-order troubles with both Amazon and Barnes & Noble are highlighted.

Basing materials, spackle and wood filler, are reviewed and discussed.  Examples of their use with Flames of War infantry bases are given.  The Art of War book by Battlefront is cited as a good reference source.  Modelling discussions continue with a review of Army Painter Quick Shade.  Jonathan used a Perry Miniatures American War of Independence mounted infantry officer as a test for this product.  Please see Army Painter Quick Shade and Army Painter Quick Shade 2 – Infantry for pictures and a detailed review.

The Total Con Contest is announced.  Winners can receive FREE passes to TotalCon 26.  One winner will get 1 FREE weekend pass.  Three lucky winners will each get 1 FREE day pass.

The Mail Bag opened to reveal e-mails from Harry Peless who listens to the show while raking leaves.  Finally, Black Powder is again mentioned.  Jonathan, Cort N., and Adrian B. will be running Daybreak at Hangman’s Creek, a 15mm ACW scenario, at Total Con.  More play-testing will be held on November 5th at 2pm, at Battleground Games & Hobbies in Abington.  Please see our Facebook event for further information.

As always we conclude with a message from our sponsor, 12-7-Games.com, contest sponsor Battlegames Magazine, our Creative Commons license and contact information (find us on Facebook and Twitter).

We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and are eager for your feedback (both positive remarks and constructive criticism). Send it all to cwfgamecast at wargamingforums dot com. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Xbox Live with gamertag cwfgamecast.

Our intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at www.matthewebel.com.

Wargaming Recon Ending Credits

Hi gang.  This is a test of the changes to the RSS feed that puts the podcast into iTunes.  In this post you can preview the new ending credits for the show.  Hopefully this shows up in iTunes and updates iTunes with the new name etc.

Episode 64 will come out very soon.  As a teaser I can tell you it focuses on the hobby side of gaming and it also announces our latest giveaway/contest.  Be sure to listen to Episode 64, when it releases, for your chance to win FREE tickets to TotalCon 26 (courtesy of TotalCon)!

Daybreak at Hangman’s Creek for TotalCon 2012

After a long march initial Union forces have made camp south of Culpeper. Major General Wackenham and his brigade commanders rest in the town near Hangman’s Creek. It isn’t known for much but the town has a gun foundry making weaponry for the war.

The bulk of the division is still arriving. A defensive picket keeps watch but only a single brigade has fully arrived. Little do the Yankees know that a fresh Confederate division is advancing on their position. If the Rebels succeed they will gain vital supplies for their fight for freedom from northern industrialists. But, if the Union wins this fight they will open Richmond’s back door.

This sets the table for the Daybreak at Hangman’s Creek Black Powder scenario that Adrian B., Cort N., and I are planning to run at TotalCon 2012.  This is based on the scenario, by the same name, from the Black Powder (Guidelines for Gentlemanly Wargaming, as I call it) book written by Rick Priestley and Jervis Johnson.  The three of us are not a gaming club in any official sense of the word.  We are instead guys that love history and gaming with each other.

The Black Powder book is a great way to casually wargame favorite battles, real or imagined, in any setting.  Fans have created adaptations that halve or quarter distances allowing gamers to play on any size table using any size army.  We began play testing our scenario at The Whiz, Rte 9 East in Westborough, and continued it at Battleground Games & Hobbies in Abington.

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CWF Game Cast Episode 63: Wargaming Recon is Born

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart releases a short show.  This will be one of the last shows using the name CWF Game Cast. An explanation is given for the name change as covered in I’ve Got a Golden Ticket.

Black Powder is mentioned with the Battle of Chelsea Creek being discussed. An announcement for this Saturday is given. Jonathan, Cort, and Adrian are running Daybreak at Hangman’s Creek, American Civil War, using the Black Powder book. It will be a 15mm game starting at 2pm at The Whiz in Westborough.

The Whiz is reviewed, at their new location, and their status as an Editor’s Choice Award recipient explained. Jonathan mentions the Battleground Games Interview episode. He also mentions Chad K. who is serving overseas.

As always we conclude with a message from our sponsor, 12-7-Games.com, contest sponsor Battlegames Magazine, our Creative Commons license and contact information (find us on Facebook and Twitter).

We hope you enjoy this episode of the CWF Game Cast and are eager for your feedback (both positive remarks and constructive criticism). Send it all to cwfgamecast at wargamingforums dot com. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Xbox Live with gamertag cwfgamecast.

Our intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at www.matthewebel.com.

Army Painter Quick Shade 2 – Infantry

Knowing that practice makes perfect I set to work on another piece to dip in the Army Painter Quick Shade Strong tone that I bought at The Whiz, Rte 9 East in Westborough, recently.  I grabbed a Perry Miniatures Mounted Infantry Officer in hunting shirt and painted him.  He might be my army general and he will ride the horse I dipped in Army Painter Quick Shade.

He was basecoated as such:

Citadel Khemri Brown – hunting shirt, stirrups

Citadel Knarloc Green – Pants, sash/belt

Citadel Tallarn Flesh – Skin

Citadel Boltgun Metal – Sword

Citadel Dark Flesh – Hair

Citadel Chaos Black – Boots and hat

After everything was covered with the appropriate color the model sat while the paint dried.  As soon as it was dry I opened the can of Quick Shade, again with a regular screwdriver, inverted the model and dipped.  All of these models are affixed to a piece of cork for easy painting.  That gave me something to hang onto while dipping.  If you don’t have anything like this then please use pliers as suggested on the can.

Several strong shakes removed most of the excess.  A few passes with my Ultrabrush took care of the rest.  Below are pictures taken after drybrushing and immediately after dipping.  More pictures will be taken tomorrow at 20 hours after dipping.