The Move

The move is complete. Last Friday my wife and I moved into our condo. Aside from the movers being an hour late it went well. Numerous trips bringing boxes between the old and new locations completed the move.

The condo is bigger than our old apartment, of a good size for our needs, but only one bedroom. That means I will still podcast near our rabbits. They will, from time to time, be heard on the show. For animals that don’t create many vocal noises than can still be loud.

There are a few gaming world benefits to the new condo as well. It cuts my commute in half, is much closer to The Whiz (in their new location opening on September 1st) with a reasonable commute to Battleground Games in Plainville, and space exists for my very own painting table.

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Copyrighted Materials & Blogging

Earlier this week a Facebook status existed on the issue of bloggers using copyrighted material without permission of the copyright holder. In the case of that status the copyright holder had a bit of trouble with a blogger who used maps on their blog without asking permission.

This prompted some thoughtful internal discussion on my end. Some information was missing such as who the blogger is, how did they use the maps, did they try to get permission (was it denied), are they making money from the maps, etc etc.

Digging into the topic revealed some answers, which led to discussion between myself and another blogger. We spent most of our conversation feeling out where we stand on the issue. The blogger I spoke with said their first thought would not have been to contact the copyright holder. They would credit the maps, provide links to the content, and leave it as such.

This is a tricky subject, which I do not claim to have any legal training, expertise, or formal experience with. I don’t have the answers here. But, I do know what I do.

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Address Changes Gamers Overlook

Anyone who has ever moved knows the ins and outs involved. The paring down of things. The packing of memories. The physical exertion of moving out of one home and into another.

Part of moving to a new home is submitting notification of your new address. The internet has lists of common places needing your new address. The bank, your job, the DMV. For a gamer there are some other places to consider.

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Boston Trained Bands to Run Black Powder At Battleground Games in Abington

UPDATED 8/23/11

The Boston Trained Bands wargaming club, based in The Hobby Bunker in Malden, will be running the Battle of Chelsea Creek using Warlord Games’ Black Powder rules at 1pm on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at the Abington Battleground Games & Hobbies location.

Participants are asked to register for this FREE game. Please e-mail Chase Laquidara at OR you can register via the Facebook Event: The Battle of Chelsea Creek by the Boston Trained Bands.

Please bring your own dice (d6 only, no others needed) and tape measure. All other gaming materials are provided by the Boston Trained Bands and by Battleground Games & Hobbies.

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CWF Game Cast Episode 62: The Battle of Abington

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart releases a short show. The episode begins, unusually, with Dispatches from HQ. This is the LAST episode before Jonathan’s move. New episodes will officially commence on September 1st, but might appear sooner if possible. After the move the show will have one other change. It will now be a bi-weekly hour long show.

No Badger No Gnome, Drew McCarthy’s revitalized gaming podcast, will hit this RSS feed after the move. Jonathan will be a co-host along with Slandy Cherflis.

The bulk of this episode is devoted to the Battle of Abington. This was a custom scenario created by Adrian Benson for Cort, Jonathan, and he to play with Warlord Games’ Black Powder rules. The trio met at Battleground Games & Hobbies in Abington to play using the models they have finished painting.

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