Disease Curing Flash Games

If you’re like me, then you really enjoy the board game Pandemic. It is a blast to play, even when losing. The board game does suffer from one major deficiency, which is also a strength. You need other people in order to play the game.

What are you to do if nobody else is available to play? If you are near a computer you can play a handful of flash games that pit you vs disease…or you may be the disease trying to wipe out the world.

Dark Realm Studios makes great flash games. They also make great disease themed flash games. Their most popular title is Pandemic II (not related to the board game. The Pandemic franchise, still not related to the board game, includes four flash games that you just might enjoy.

You can play all of these games on a variety of flash game websites. My favorite, for these games, is Kongregate.

The original of the Pandemic flash franchise. This game was released January 1997. You play are a disease attempting to infect, and eradicate, mankind across the globe. Infecting people earns points, which can be inserted into categories to adjust the disease’s lethality or transmission. You win when you kill off humanity.

Pandemic: Extinction of Man
This spin-off shows the beginnings of what would become Pandemic 2. Gamers who played Pandemic would easily adapt to Extinction of Man. The goal remains the same. Points are still allocated to adjust lethality and transmission. Those points are still earned by infecting people. You still win when humanity become extinct.

Pandemic 2
The sequel to the original hit. It is more challenging game, which includes many more options for infecting and killing mankind. The map is reminiscent of Pandemic moreso than Extinction of Man. This is a very good, but difficult, game to play.

Pandemic: American Swine Flu
This game picks up on the hype from Swine Flu. An added twist swaps the player’s role from previous games. The player must eradicate the Swine Flu in order to win the game. You can “spin” the media, research a vaccine, deploy national guard, or even nuke populations to destroy the disease. Many options, but not too many, allow the player a range of abilities. This is my new favorite from the series.

War at Sea Contest Ends THURSDAY Midnight EST

The article title says everything you need to know. Our War at Sea contest, with the largest prize basket we’ve ever offered, ends THIS THURSDAY!

Please get your submissions in by Midnight EST on 3/31/11.

You can read the full contest guidelines by visiting War at Sea Contest.

If no less than five people participate in the contest we will add the following to the prize basket:

1 War at Sea Booster
1 set of Litko Aerosystems War at Sea tokens

These two additions will increase the value of the prize basket by almost $40. That will bring the total value of the prize basket to around $100 (over when you include postage etc).

All you need to do is submit and get your friends to submit. Remember, if at least 5 people participate in the contest we will include those items and, in the process, will increase the prize value to $100.

Pay Where You Play? Backstory

Pay Where You Play? will always exist vibrantly in my mind. It prompted a lot of firsts including one of the highest comment totals on a post and the first time I had to edit/remove a user’s comment. Because of the history the article has made on this blog and because I always intended to, I am revealing the back story to the article.

Let me get the first bombshell out of the way. Pay Where You Play? does not accurately represent my views, the views of this blog, nor the views of the podcast.

My friend, Drew, wrote a brilliant article eloquently citing important reasons to support your local gaming community and local game store. I thought he was on to something. So, I came up with the idea to write my own article on the issue.

The purpose of the article would be twofold. First, it needed to provoke readers to post comments on the blog. Second, it needed to awaken gamers as to the importance of supporting their local gaming community and local game store.

The blog is read by over 4,000 visitors per month. Despite that loyal readership there is a paltry quantity of feedback. The easiest way to provide feedback is to comment on blog articles. For a very long time, years in fact, I have been begging and pleading readers (and podcast listeners) to get in touch. We want your constructive criticism, your happy thoughts, and your desires for new content. Writing about a topic as divisive, and as important, as “pay where you play” fell into my lap. It seemed like the perfect topic to prompt readers to post comments!

Gamers as a group are told, such as by Mr. Steve Jackson of Steve Jackson Games, how important it is to support their local game stores. This message comes at us from store owners, from industry personnel, and from other gamers. This information overload uses similar phrasing. I deduced that, by now, a lot of this becomes white noise. How could I break free from producing white noise and still get my point across? I decided to use “reverse psychology.” Instead of saying that I believe it is important to support the local game store I would say to buy online. This would prompt readers to post comments while also, hopefully, causing them to realize all the benefits of buying locally. Perhaps readers would become enraged. Perhaps they would make some purchases online. But, perhaps something would unlock in their heads and they’d think twice before ignoring the friendly local game store.

In writing the article I used inflammatory language of my own to prod responses and reactions. I wrote the article with a position contrary to my own. What I did worked! In fact, it worked too well. So well that it blew up in my face.

Readers, falsely, believed the position in the article was my own. Some were incredibly angry with me. Some hurled insults. Some made remarks on Facebook and elsewhere.

The article was used by some as support for why they should shop outside of their FLGS instead of checking with their FLGS first. I failed to convey the true purpose of the article. That purpose was so deeply buried as to be nonexistent.

I must deeply, and sincerely, apologize to everyone for the confusion, the harm, and the drama I caused with that article. It was never my intent to cause any of those things but cause them I did.

For the record I do believe in “Pay Where You Play” with some minor adjustments, which I won’t enumerate here. I hope it suffices to say that I know how important it is to support, fiscally and otherwise, your local gaming community and local game store. I don’t want mine to go away, or dwindle, and I’m sure gamers elsewhere feel the same.

Often the local game store is the heart of the local gaming community. Store owners provide many services, often with no direct monetary profit and sometimes with a financial loss, because they love gaming and they want to support the gaming community. Many bend over backwards to stock products their customers want, track down special orders of just the right gaming item, and create and promote events their local gamers want to participate in.

In New England we are lucky to have a vibrant gaming community spread amongst strong game stores. Each nourishes the community and in so doing each forms friendships. Almost all of my friends are my friends as a direct result of gaming at the local game store. I am honored to include store owners, manager(s), and staff on that list.

All I can do now is apologize and make up for the problems my article caused. Maybe there is a reason why the same words and phrasing are used time and time again when it comes to “pay where you play”. Maybe they are constantly used because they work. If something isn’t broke, then it doesn’t need to be fixed. If only I came to that conclusion prior to writing the article the entire situation could have been avoided.

Don’t forget what Steve Jackson once said, “Remember, gang: support your local retailer or he’ll close his doors. (November 28, 2000)”

Pandemic Stop Action Video

We’ve…well, I’ve been pretty obsessed with Pandemic since my friend Kurt recommended the game. Listeners to the podcast will note updates corresponding with the latest attempt to beat the game.

It may be difficult to picture how the game as played. The below stop action video not only is interesting to watch but serves as a good overview for how the game is played. The video won’t replace a good tutorial or read through of the rules. But, it shows events unfurling.

If you like the video be sure to check out the original discussion thread on BoardGameGeek.

Sponsor 12-7-Games Temporarily Closes, Reopening April 1st (It is no joke)

Our Sponsor, 12-7-Games.com, recently announced that they are temporarily closing shop. Bill Dettmers, owner and CEO of 12-7-Games, has long expressed unhappiness with the Vendio platform for a web store. He’s had techmarines hard at work crafting a new e-commerce platform. In order to implement the new platform he has closed shop with April 1st, 2011 as the grand re-opening.

In an e-mail Bill said:

It came to my attention that I failed to contact you, my customers, of our temporary closing. I left messages on the various forums, but with everything going on I forgot to email you of our status. We will reopen on 1 April. We are switching to a new e-commerce platform which will give us more options to service your needs.

I want to thank you very much for your business and ask that you take a look at us on 1 April. When we reopen we will offer a 5% discount off all items in our store for 1 week.

Thanks again for your business and please come back to take a look on 1 April.


You will continue to see links to 12-7-Games on this blog and references to them on our podcast. We hope you will continue to support them when they re-open so they can continue to support the work we do on this blog and on our podcast.