The Gate Stormers Blog Goes Live

Previously we announced The Gate Stormers podcast and now we’re happy to say their blog is live. It experienced a few hiccups at first resulting in downtime of roughly a day. But, it is now fully operational.

They’re using a great theme by The Cloisters, who are sadly going out of business, which is very easy to navigate. A couple posts appear on their front page. One discusses a Magic: The Gathering prerelease at Battleground Games & Hobbies, while the other addresses the blog’s downtime.

Drew, the head honcho at The Gate Stormers, assures me that new content is on the way. He is planning a post discussing his gaming philosophy and a second to cover the oft spoke “pay where you play.”

Feel free to send your comments and feedback to Drew via e-mail. Contact information will appear on his blog.

Don’t forget that Drew will be the featured guest on a future episode of Monty and the Fox’s Wargaming Show to coincide with his podcast’s debut.

CWF Game Cast Episode 47: 12-7-Games and War at Sea With Bill Dettmers

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart explains Tom Barbalet’s absence for this episode. He introduces Bill Dettmers, CEO and Owner of, for this special episode of the podcast. As owner of, Bill is the one who orchestrated the sponsorship of the CWF Game Cast and Monty and the Fox’s Wargaming Show.

Jonathan and Bill discuss all aspects of 12-7-Games. Bill discusses his love for War at Sea leading Jonathan into a chat on War at Sea highlights. Bill mentions a recent WAS game where he fielded a ton of Georges. Jonathan references the Invasion of the Bahamas scenario he played with the historical gaming group from Battleground Games and Hobbies. The video is at the bottom of this post. Bill mentions the Axis & Allies ForuMINI and gives his stance on the controversial topic of reissuing WAS units for new players.

Bill provides contact information for 12-7-Games but incorrectly cites their phone number. Jonathan provides the correct phone number at the start of the show. It is toll free at 877-787-9366. Bill shares his wish for a way for young players to get some of the older units they need without having to pay for them with money.

Jonathan runs with that idea to create the next CWF Game Cast contest. Listeners, and blog visitors, are asked to submit your ideas for how young players can get the older (and out of print) War at Sea units they need/want without needing to spend money. Bill mentioned the need for “sweat equity” and posited that the young people could do research or other work (converting models etc) to compensate for the models they need.

Please submit all of your ideas. We will pick the one we like best as the winner. If more than one person submits a great idea then there may be multiple winners. The prize basket so far consists of a Monty and the Fox’s Wargaming Show t-shirt, a War at Sea booster (courtesy of, and prizes not yet decided on. The other prizes most likely will include some previously mentioned prizes along with PDF game downloads.

As always we conclude with a message from our sponsor,, and contact information (find us on Facebook and Twitter).

We hope you enjoy this episode of the CWF Game Cast and are eager for your feedback (both positive remarks and constructive criticism). Send it all to cwfgamecast at wargamingforums dot com. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Xbox Live with gamertag cwfgamecast.

The intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at


Wiccat Debuts

Tom creates the newest installment of our video reviews. Check out Wiccat’s debut!


Wanted: New England Gaming Events

Attention Game Store Owners, Convention Organizers, and Gamers. We want to promote the businesses you love, the games you play, and the cons you attend. Please share information on New England gaming events with us.

In particular we’d love to know about tournaments, pre-releases, and weekly game sessions open to new players. Previously we have promoted Warmachine/Hordes tournaments at Battleground Games & Hobbies and The Whiz. We’ve also promoted Warhammer 40k, and Magic: The Gathering events. Plus, we’re currently promoting TotalCon.

Please e-mail us the event information or tell us how to find that information online. We will include all pertinent information, time constraints allowing, in our podcast and other applicable formats.

Our podcast is recorded every Tuesday and releases the following week (usually late Monday/early Tuesday). Keep that in mind when telling us about an event. In effect, we will need at least 2 weeks notice prior to an event for us to include it in a show.