Goodbye Dumpster Fire 2020 -Wargaming Recon #265

The year 2020 has been a gigantic dumpster fire.  One positive thing that’s happened this year is a focusing on improving our mental health.  We began the year discussing that.  This episode caps the year by discussing how painting Dwarven Forge terrain can help to improve one’s mental health.

We also shed light on the Kickstarter for our 2021 podcast season.  That launches in January 2021.  Look to our social media for more information as we get closer to its launch.

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Holiday Gift Guide 2020 -Wargaming Recon #264

No matter whether you exchange grudges for Festivus, light the Kinara, or celebrate Saturnalia, we have gift ideas for you.  Face it buying presents for tabletop gamers can be tough.  There’s only so many dice you can buy.

Fear not!  We’re here to help.  A variety of individuals join us for this holiday tradition by sharing their suggestions with you.

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Beneath the Med review

Title: Beneath the Med: Regia Marina at Sea 1940-1943

Author: Gregory M. Smith

Publisher: GMT Games

MSRP: $52.00 USD

Period/Setting: World War 2 Italian submarine commander.

Player count: Solo game. There are rules for playing with a second person or in a tournament setting.

Printed Playing time: 2-3 Hours

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