The Great Wargaming Survey – Wargaming Recon #123

The Great Wargaming Survey Karwansaray Publishers and their magazine Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy launched The Great Wargaming Survey in July 2014. Almost 7,800 wargamers responded to the survey. Jasper Oorthuys, Managing Editor Publications of Karwansaray Publishers, discusses the survey in this episode. In this episode Jasper: Explains why the survey… Read More»

Steven MacLauchlan and Flames of War – Wargaming Recon #122

Steven MacLauchlan and Flames of War Steven MacLauchlan is the former Digital Content Manager for Battlefront Miniatures (maker of Flames of War) and is also the head honcho at the WWPD: News From the Front podcast. Steven returns to the show to discuss Flames of War and his life after… Read More»

Hobby Bunker Game Day 2014 – Wargaming Recon #121

Hobby Bunker Game Day 2014 Boston Trained Bands hosts a successful annual game day at the Hobby Bunker in Malden. Jonathan attended their fifth annual game day in 2014. Listen to this episode to learn what games were played, what games wowed the gamers, and 5 reasons why game days… Read More»

Wargaming With Kids – Wargaming Recon #120

Wargaming With Kids Jonathan shares tips for adults hoping to get kids into wargaming. These are also useful for wargaming parents looking to find a wargaming event at which their child can play. Simplify the rules Fun is the goal Durability is important BONUS: Whenever you see the name Mike… Read More»

Henry Hyde Wargaming Author FIXED – Wargaming Recon #119

THIS IS THE FIXED VERSION. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS VERSION OF EPISODE 119 AND NOT THE OTHER. WE REGRET THE ERROR. Henry Hyde Wargaming Author Henry Hyde comes back on the show for his third appearance. Henry talks about his book the Wargaming Compendium, wargaming, and what he’s been up to.… Read More»