Wargaming Recon #84: Wargaming on the Cheap

Wargaming on the Cheap. Not everyone can afford to buy the latest rulebook, the next expansion, or the newest miniatures. Not everyone wants to do that either. It is not only possible but exciting to wargame on the cheap. In this episode Jonathan shares some great ways that you can… Read More»

Wargaming Recon #83: Holiday Gift Guide 2012

Holiday Gift Guide 2012. December is here and that means it is time for another installment of the annual holiday gift guide. Don’t worry, Jonathan mistakenly says “Holiday Gift Guide 2013” in the episode but he really means 2012. This year there are a couple of changes. The price categories… Read More»

Wargaming Recon #82: 6 Must Read Magazines for Historical Gamers

6 Must Read Magazines for Historical Gamers. These are magazines that any historical gamer, or wargamer, will find useful. They contain articles, photographs, reviews, and imagery that, together, provide the full picture on any historical era of interest. Archaeology magazine Wargames Illustrated magazine Military History magazine Naval History magazine Battlegames… Read More»

Wargaming Recon #80: Civ IV Colonization

Civ IV: Colonization. Also discussed: New Logo by Jeremy Kostiew Mailbag: Responses to Ep 79: 5 Reasons You SHOULD Shop at Your FLGS “Buy” episodes, for free, on Wargame Vault