CWF Game Cast Episode 61: Bailey Records Music to Game By

Host Jonathan J. Reinhart and guest host Drew McCarthy begin with the usual week in gaming. Drew mentions dropping from a weekly RPG he was participating in. Jonathan announces dropping from the the monthly Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition he played with Drew McCarthy and his friends. Additionally, he discussed… Read More»

Battlegames Magazine #26 Quick Picks

Title: Battlegames Magazine Cost: 9 GBP or approx $14.73 USD (outside of Europe) We scoured the latest issue of Battlegames Magazine and have chosen 5 Quick Picks for your perusal. If you hate reading the entire mag, have a short attention span, or just want the best here’s 5 sections… Read More»

Inside Battlegames Magazine #26

Title: Battlegames Magazine Cost: 9 GBP or approx $14.73 USD (outside of Europe) Wondering if the new Battlegames is worth purchasing? The table of contents below tells you what issue #26 covers. There’s plenty of thought-provoking content on generalship and DBA. This month has 56 pages of Battlegames goodness to… Read More»

AWI Decisions and Contest Prizes

Recently, I wrote a post discussing the American Revolution (or American War of Independence as it is called in historical wargaming). In that article I cited Henry Hyde and his multi-decade running campaign The Wars of the Faltenian Succession. Henry has expanded his campaign with a series of articles on… Read More»

Disease Curing Flash Games

If you’re like me, then you really enjoy the board game Pandemic. It is a blast to play, even when losing. The board game does suffer from one major deficiency, which is also a strength. You need other people in order to play the game. What are you to do… Read More»