Total Con 25 Game Designers Panel

Brimming with anticipation I attended my first gaming convention on Friday night. Total Confusion celebrates its silver anniversary, which portented a good time. Despite the rain and the snow I arrived at the convention in Mansfield, Massachusetts. The venue is expansive and constructed with a good flow for people to… Read More»

TotalCon 25 Releases Events Listing

TotalCon has released the events listing for TotalCon 25. You can find the complete list of events, by game type (RPG, Board Game, Minis, CCGs, Workshops, etc) on their website. Below you will find the highlights. If you weren’t planning on going to TotalCon 25 before, then hopefully these events… Read More»

Sneak Peek Side Quest 2 Goblins in the Streets

Imperium Star Games is following up their initial hit, Temple of Stone, with Side Quest 002 Goblins in the Streets, which releases on 1/11/11 (tomorrow) from for just $2.50. Goblins is their second D&D 4e adventure from their Side Quest line. It does officially release TODAY but Adam McLaughlin,… Read More»

Merry Christmas, Mr. Reinhart

Referencing a classic Mr. Bean episode in this article title is my way of leading into a, hopefully, brief writing on my first Christmas as a married person. Like the famous television episode my Christmas had its turkey stuck firmly on head, surprise gift, and Christmas cracker. My wife and… Read More»

Rename Our Podcast

We want you to help rename our podcast. The “CWF GameCast” no longer fits who we are or what we do, so we want to re-brand. All readers, listeners, fans, and friends are asked to submit your suggestions for a new name for the podcast. We will take all submissions… Read More»