Civilization Revolution for iPad

Recently, I purchased two things that make the iPad more desirable than ever. The first is the Apple wireless keyboard, which is how I am typing this blog. The second is Civilization Revolution for the iPad. Civilization Revolution has a free version, which gives a nice taste where gamers play… Read More»

Social Vibe: Help Support American Red Cross for FREE

I am taking a break from blogging about gaming to discuss a very serious topic. I want to talk to you about the American Red Cross. When the BP Oil spill started, the American Red Cross was there to help the millions of people who lost their livelihoods. When Katrina… Read More»

Editor’s Choice: 12-7-Games Review 96%

12-7-Games is an online retailer selling a handful of historical games and gaming supplies.  It is the second most popular vendor amongst Axis & Allies ForuMINI members. 12-7-Games both sponsors that community and provides special discounts to its members. I was looking for an affordable vendor to purchase three singles… Read More»

Miniature Market Review 82%

Miniature Market is an online retailer selling a variety of games and gaming supplies.  A lot of the Axis & Allies ForuMINI members are huge fans and as a result of the increased business Miniature Market has graced forum members with exclusive coupons. One such coupon took $5 off when… Read More»

War at Sea: Flank Speed Opened First Case & Singles

I am pleased to share the results of opening my first case of Flank Speed with all of you. I am only missing 4 ships.  You may recall this is where I stood after purchasing 4+ cases of the previous set, Task Force, so this clearly is an improvement of… Read More»